Dabbling in Dimensions! | May 2018

Clearly, I am aware that when I write a newsletter the group who reads them are usually women ages 50-80’s, who are still of the generation who like to read something they can print and hold. I am one of those as well, so I get it!

However, I also blog because those in their 30-40’s prefers to read blogs. I can even feel that I write differently depending on whether it is a newsletter or blog. Then the even younger generation in their teens and twenties prefer YouTube. Yes, we have also a YouTube channel called “Intuitive Mind with Nancy Rebecca.” Visiting a friend, who has also completed the Psychic Mastery Program, we dropped into a conversation about how her boys are doing.

Well they are not boys anymore, but 29 year old men and they in their own ways, are really into spiritual information. They may not choose to express their spirituality the way their mother does but definitely these young men have access to a large base of knowledge in ways that those of us in the older generation did not have. Internet and chat rooms did not even come to the family home until I was in my 30’s and being from Microsoft country, we may have even been a bit ahead in the potential of computers. These days, our children have access from the time they come out of the birth canal. This has created a very different world.

So, I was sharing with my friend that we have been experiencing a high level of young teens and young adults reaching out to us, asking for help. I was explaining that my newsletters are usually only read by the older generations and the blogs mid-range generations, so I was and am, a bit perplexed about how to address this level of young dabblers who are “playing” in the spiritual realm.

Yes, I dabbled, when I was in my early 30’s by reading a book on meditation and then spontaneously had an out of body experience. These days the dabbling in the spirit world takes on an entirely different meaning! There are so many detailed, high level, advanced spiritual teachings online now, that it is blowing these young ones out of their body! Most of this information used to only be available in small stages with a teacher to guide access and progression. People would meditate for years, and we have read stories of them; those who lived isolated in caves to develop their skill before gaining access to higher knowledge. Life was slower and there was more time to cultivate spiritual maturity.

Not these days! If you want to know about how to have an out of body experience you simply go to You Tube and watch a video on how to do it. You can also listen to a full hour of sound frequency in YouTube video format to have even more success on popping out of your body and traveling into other dimensions. These other dimensions do truly exist and each of these dimensions have different spiritual beings that can return with you and that is where the problems can begin.

Interested in Alien abductions? Simply search this topic and you can read all kinds of experiences as well as videos of real abductions, or how to communicate with Aliens. Now this may sound kind of edgy and fun to most people, but this is serious business. Yes, there are really aliens and not just one kind either. Yes, there are star beings that want to help us, but there are also alien beings that want to have power over you. Even with friendly aliens, their vibrational frequency is quite high and this can create challenges for you to stay in your body after you have had an encounter with one or more of them.

Are you interested in communicating as a medium with spirits on the other side? Yes, I get this too! We have a loved one who has died and we want to develop our own skill level so that we can talk with our loved ones. I am sure there is an enormous amount of information out on the World Wide Web and all the “tricks of the trade” to help you to get started.

However, there is this problem; you are opening yourself up to not just your loved ones, but other spirits that want to be seen and heard as well. These spirits can be very loving and encouraging and for you it can be very exciting. Once the spirit knows that you can communicate with them, they tell their spirit friends who tell their spirit friends who tells their spirit friends and before you know it, you have a bedroom full of spirits and do not know how to get them to leave!

Then there are the darker, denser spirits from lower dimensions. Here, in this instance, you have innocently created a portal, an opening into other dimensions. You watched a video on how to open one but maybe not how to close it, or maybe you were taught to close it, but were not taught to make sure that any spirit that came through has crossed back over into their realm before you closed the portal. Now you have a real problem on your hands with a very nasty malevolent spirit stuck in your house with no way to get out and is wreaking havoc with your life!

Dabbling in Dimensions may seem innocent but can have some very serious consequences. These are the calls we are getting on a weekly basis. One young man from New York writes; um, I think I really messed up! I am now a bit in over my head! I just wanted to see if I could talk to spirits and now I have this really aggressive spirit that refuses to leave my house and I do not know what to do, HELP! This young man is such a beautiful soul but he just had no idea. The video did not come with a warning label. On average we are seeing 5-10 young people a month, clearing spirits out of their energy field that they picked up after reading a book, website, or watching a video. Each of the family’s involved with this experience has had their perspective changed forever.

Yes, we teach people how to do all of these things. However, our students will tell you that the first thing they must master is energetic self-care. They know what to do if a spirit comes in that is not honoring boundaries. They know how to call out in prayer to ascended masters and angels to assist them to create a healthy energy environment before reaching out to a loved one in the spirit world. Our Psychic Mastery Students also know how to help others who get in way over their head and then teach them energetic tools to better protect themselves.

Please do not interpret this newsletter to say do not do intuitive psychic development because you will be vulnerable to low level beings. This is not the case 90% of the time. The spirit world is beautiful as well as an experience of great joy and inspiration. However what we are saying listen to our experience. Learn how to take good care of yourself energetically before exploring other dimensions and realms. Encourage anyone who you know watches a lot of video teachings to ground themselves and strengthen boundaries around the room they are in.

Even watching a scary movie can attract unwanted attention so before you watch the movie say a little blessing to surround the house first then a prayer to clear any natural fear that built up in the room so that fear does not attract fear consuming spirits. There are many, many wonderful things about unlimited knowledge on the internet. We are just emphasizing the need to be discerning in what you choose to explore and encouraging you to be well prepared. You would not try and climb a mountain after watching one video. You would build your strength, have warm protective gear and plenty of food to sustain you. Spirit work is not any different when it comes to preparing yourself! Be careful by using good self-care tools and allow yourself to learn and have great fun!

Energy tips

Here are some great energy tips to do before spiritually exploring!
1. Your number one best protection for your personal energy field is to be very well grounded.
2. For the sake of simplicity, just imagine yourself as a strong ancient oak tree, with a root system that is 3 times deeper below the surface of the earth than what you can see above the earth. Meaning, imagine those roots super deep.
3. Fantastic grounding thickens your aura so that it is more resilient and less permeable. Some have such weak auras it can be like damp tissue paper and can easily tear.
4. Then ask for the presence of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, or the Archangels to energetically provide extra protection in the room where you are doing your research.
5. Do you research, learning, exploring.
6. Afterwards say a little cleansing prayer. Such as, if there was any unwanted energy that came into my room while I was researching a spiritual topic, I do not give permission for you to stay here and you must leave now! I ask for the divine presence of ______________ to cleanse any energy that is not for my highest good! It can be that simple, but there are many stronger prayers for protection and clearing that you can find in the internet. You can also create your own that feels aligned with your own heart.
7. Again, remember it can be a lot of fun learning all the new information that is available to us that has never been available before.
8. Be prudent and discerning. Many blessings!


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