Energy Tips to Break through Isolation!

Social isolation is considered one of the healthiest coping mechanisms that you can use to remove yourself from situations that you might find hurtful or harmful. When you isolate you create a pause between what is causing you discomfort, so that discomfort does not attach itself to other events, social situations or relationships. Basically you are isolating the incident, that requires you to personally isolate so you can begin healing. Isolation as a coping mechanism is the most favorable because often someone else is not harmed by fighting, controlling, running, freezing, shutting out, projecting onto others your pain. This time of isolation provides a pause in stress, overwhelm, overstimulation in life, allowing time to begin healing. Then when your sense of balance, harmony and healing returns, you naturally have a desire to begin socializing again. Click to read more from Wikipedia about the psychological perspective of isolation as a coping strategy. However, there are extreme types of isolation that can be caused by agoraphobia (fear of going outside), that takes not socializing to another level. We have heard the term being a hermit, or he just likes keeping to himself, or I prefer my own company which could be an energetic imbalance. This is the type of isolation I am referring to in this blog post. The type of energetic response that once corrected, the individual finds that they like socializing again. This requires a higher understanding of the human energy field, and using meditation, energy healing, to help you to manage the shape and size of your aura and chakras.

Isolation is a good thing….until it is not. Often we isolate to heal, but we can also use it to avoid or
protect ourselves into not being able to function in all the healthy fun ways you would like to.

Strengthening your intuitive instincts will continue to serve you well, very well in fact, for the years coming up in the future. This entire month’s energy shifts have been about breaking down old patterns used in the past to help you cope with life. I wrote about the coping mechanisms of fight, flight and freeze, then the coping of controlling your environment or others controlling you and this writing is about isolation, hiding, as a way of coping. Breaking through those old patterns to shift more into the lighter spiritual perspectives of life is where we all as a global society are heading. When you ground, meditate, walk in nature, journal, eat, sleep and build in selfcare pacing those breakdowns and breakthroughs can be more seamless and less stressful to you.

Isolation is a coping mechanism that often is passed down through from our parents, from our ancestors through DNA, from trauma experiences or influenced by environmental circumstances. Just in our area alone, we have been required to remain indoors because of severe air quality from out-of-control wildfires, increases in protests, crime, homelessness and of course a long-drawn-out global pandemic. The over stimulation that is happening in the world, causes our energy field to pull way back, pull inside of our body, to include moving our consciousness from the outer world to a deeper place in our inner world. What feels like forced isolation can open the door to our subconsciousness so that we can heal. Again, this can be healthy responses. When isolation goes on for too long then it can feel challenging to get back out into the world. Meditation and energetic healing can assist with this.

Spirit showed me an image of what is happening between the 3 D world and the 5 D world. I was shown an image of the lava lamps that were popular in the 60’s. The lava lamp when turned off, is a cooler liquid, with the blobs of color (usually red) sitting, INERT, in the bottom of the glass of liquid oil. This is what isolation can feel like. Low, damp, flat, cooled down, hiding at the bottom of ourselves, inert, unable to move out of our feelings of being stuck in life. Then spirit showed when we connect with our spirit, it is like turning on the light of the lava lamp. Our spirit sparks the light of our soul, our life force begins to flow through our body, bringing light, warms and support. As we begin to warm to ourselves again, the red liquid blobs of the lava lamp begin to move, slowly moving towards the top of the warm liquid in the lamp. Soon, all the different red blobs, begin dancing in a graceful movement, maintaining their individuality while allowing each segment of red blobs to have their own shape and personality of movement as well. Spirit shared this 5th dimensional illumination, uplifts us all from our cold inert state.

Isolation energy can be seen by a clairvoyant, as the aura being pulled far inside the body. The client might describe feeling overly sensitive, or heightened body pain, depressed, feeling in a contracted state, wanting to hide, agoraphobic (fear of going outside of the house), or not wanting to be seen by others. Pulling the aura inside of the body can be a coping pattern from childhood to remain under the radar of a chaotic household or highly reactive parents or siblings. This same pulling in of the aura can happen in adulthood if a housemate, partner, or spouse is mentally struggling and you have a caring desire, or protective desire to not emotionally trigger them. You may also pull your aura in when you do not want to attract unwanted attention. The COVID virus scare can also cause a response to pull the aura in as an unconscious response to NOT wanting to get infected by the virus.

Your aura can be over full, over stimulated, causing you to isolate.

When the aura has been pulled inside for a long period of time and in some cases, years, the individual may struggle to expand the aura again. The aura gets stuck inside and no matter how much the individual tries to expand outside their comfort zone, the aura just snaps back into the contracted state as a way of feeling safe again. Remember this is a physiological response of the bodies nervous system that is impacted by the patterns of the energy field. If this is a life long pattern, where the root cause is based in an old trauma response, you may want to find a therapist or healer who can assist you to heal those old traumas before beginning to correct the energy patterns. You know you are doing everything you can, but the anxiety of socializing again just feels too much. This is why spirit wishes for you to have a better understanding of the energetics so you can also include shifting your energy responses.

Another reason why you or others might find isolation easier than socializing is because the root chakra and second chakra are open too much. The root chakra is the survival chakra therefore when it is open too wide, the fight flight or freeze coping becomes triggered, causing underlying messages coming through that tell you it is not safe in the world. Everything feels frightening. The second chakra is the emotional chakra, and when opened too wide, you are no longer simply feeling your emotions, but you can feel everyone else’s emotions too. I see this wide-open 2nd chakra pattern the most when someone suffers from agoraphobia (fear of stepping outside into the world of people). When the patterns are healed in the 2 chakras (1 & 2), the individual that suffers with agoraphobia usually experiences a dramatic shift in how they feel and are often delighted to be able to go outside. This is a great example of how the person can be on medication, seeing a good therapist, but years later still struggle. Shifting the chakra to close it down can feel like a miracle. We can all benefit from our medical team, therapist and healers working together. However, most of you can develop a meditative practice that allows you to be able to heal those patterns on your own too. This all depends on the underlying reasons why these coping patterns developed in the first place.

There are many ways you can isolate and do healthy things to heal and restore while removing yourself from the company of others. There are energy tips you can do as well, and meditation is at the top of that tips list.

Breaking down the energy blocks so that you can break through the isolation patterns can be fairly simple to resolve at the energy levels. Again, this is true for more than 80 % of individuals who meditate and address the issue energetically. There are 20 % of others that require a bit more support than what you can do on your own so please try not to allow self-criticism to pull you down further. Even I can not heal everything myself and reach out for support with a therapist and energy worker when I feel particularly stuck. However, I do have my tried-and-true energy techniques that I personally implement for myself on a very regular basis.

As a Clairvoyant Psychic, spirit communicates to me through images, pictures, symbols, and videos. Although I have cultivated all the other intuitive styles, such as clairsentience, clairaudience, and Clair cognizance. For 25 years clairvoyance has been my strongest predominant style of gaining spiritual wisdom and insight. If you wish to have a greater understanding of your own intuitive style, you can CLICK HERE, to sign up for our Intuitive Style Questionnaire to learn what you type is. Remember this is the year (2021) where you are shifting your awareness from getting your answers from social media, news, friends, books, and experts to adding the benefit of intuitive wisdom you gain from your own spirit. Spirit presented an image that represents the energy of isolation as well as what happens when you begin to come out of your isolation shell. Read further on to know that the image is.

Healing Tips to reverse energetic isolation patterns –

  • Fluffing Your Aura –

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.  Imagine your aura is like a parachute, that thin, light fabric, that is strong enough to support you, but is flexible.  Imagine it fluffing out around your body.  You may find it stuck to your body or your chakras but just keep rinsing those sticky parts with golden healing energy while fluffing it at the same time.  Continue until it is billowing all around your body. 

  • Cleansing Your Aura

Create a large ball of cosmic golden essence above your aura.  Intend and imagine the golden light is flowing through your entire aura, cleansing, healing, repairing, and restoring it.  Your aura can become overfilled with energy debris or other peoples energy. Sometimes, I imagine a golden thick energy like honey, especially if my aura has old thick black stuck energy.  The honey thick gold can easily peel away stuck energy. 

  • Closing down your Root chakra.

Set your intention to know how open (what percentage) your root chakra is.  When it is open more than 40% this can tend to activate the adrenal glands, cortisol and fight or flight mode.  Imagine like the lens of a camera, you can turn down, tune into focus a smaller percentage.  Suggest 20% or less.  Click Here to read about the root chakra.

  • Closing down your second chakra –

Set your intention to know how open (what percentage) your second chakra is.  When open more than 40%, you might find yourself picking up on the emotions of others around you.   Imagine like the lens of a camera, you can turn down, tune into focus a smaller percentage.  Suggest 20% or less so that you are only tuned into your own emotions.

Click here to read my blog post about the 2nd chakra.

We are living in a time where quantum energetic leaps are happening several times per day as consciousness is expanding, awakening you to new ways of being and thinking.  Your own spirit is making sure that you have all the lessons you need to make these quantum shifts.  Be playful, imaginative, grounded and centered.  Attend group meditations and support your growth with great self-care.  You can do this, we can do this, we are born to do this.  I am happy to be in the river of life with you!


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