Your Awakening Mind under Stress

Your awakening mind under stress can appear as gaps in memory, activated memories as visions, triggered trauma memories, and trouble finding words. Any one of those listed symptoms can certainly indicate serious health issue but more often stress can be the cause. An awakening mind could also be related to a jump in high vibrational frequencies as we shift into the 5th dimensional realm. Then let’s just imagine adding the solar flares, increases in the Schumann Resonance and celestial star surges of photonic light codes and who really knows what is happening to our awakening brains?

Are you being rewired during this ascension into higher consciousness, to handle energy upgrades and higher levels of wisdom and knowledge? This just might be the most import question to be exploring right now along with how you can improve your ability to easily integrate these spiritual upgrades. Even if this conversation offers valuable tips for dealing with an ascension mind, these tips will certainly help with creating healthier mind habits along the way. Did you know that your brain uses 20% of the bodies entire energy to process information and communicate that information to the rest of your body? Yep, the brain and nervous system take up the least amount of physical space in the body but more of the energy to process. Did you know that the myth, “humans only use about 10% of their brain” is false? In fact, you use your entire brain to perform all the functions you need.

As a clairvoyant psychic you have read my blogs and watched my videos where I explore the topics of intuition and psychic abilities. I do not just talk about this but teach you and others in our larger community how to develop high precision in your own intuition and have done so for 25 + years now. The “Intuitive Mind” means, that your entire body and human energy field has the high capacity to take in large amounts of data from your environment and the universe. In our courses, we focus a lot on your awakening intuitive mind while guiding our students to navigate healing, dissolving, and let go of old energy blocks so that they can receive higher states of new spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Dealing with an awakening mind is a great deal of the learning process in our courses as you learn to expand your mind beyond the limitations of your own thought patterns. I only mention this because during this time of great change, I have been noticing that the students who use the techniques regularly seem to handle day to day stress in manageable ways.

Your brain is made up of several areas called lobes that have their own unique function working together to maximize your entire bodies abilities. You use this high speed brain technology to think, ride a bike, type on a computer, plan your future, and overall communicates with your entire human system to receive and send data, including intuition to where it is needed. Your brain takes in information, interprets that information, and makes rapid fire decisions that defy understanding and now as an awakening mind the rapid speed as moved up a few levels. Such as catching an egg before it falls of the counter. So many neurons travel to your mind, judging the rate the egg is rolling, how fast it will fall off the edge and how far it will drop before it hits the floor. How often do you stop to imagine just how incredible that is?

Human sight can only see physical matter at a slower frequency rate, even though the brain can actually perceive a frequency of an image before the participant actually sees it with their eyes. Read this study put out by MIT, called in the blink of an eye. Light, known as units of illumination, (LUX) are bombarding our brains in amounts of light not previously experienced before. First, let us imagine what it might have been like 500 years ago before electricity existed. You would go to bed earlier in the evening when it was too dark to work. The moon light is .1-.3 LUX and might illuminate enough to make your way across a room without tripping over something. Candlelight is 1 LUX (unit of illumination), which could illuminate a small radius of about 6 feet in circumference. Bringing greater light of your spirit through to the pineal can be read in my blog.

So, 500 years ago you would have likely lived by the cycle of the sun and moon. When the electrical bulb came into the world it literally changed everything. Remember the moon is .1 of light units, a candle is 1.0 units of light, but the one electrical bulb is 300 LUX, units of light and in our modern era of computers and cell phones, you will experience about 40 units of light from each device. The bottom line is, 500 years ago, we followed more of the rhythm of nature verses today, we rarely escape the units of illumination since we can light our day 24/7. Read this article on how light affects stress, mood and mental health.

Units of illumination bath us in light so much more than it did when the ancients existed. Now add our shift in consciousness that opens our brains to photonic light from the cosmos. Then add light codes that seem to be flooding our atmosphere from somewhere, bringing more of our own DNA into higher frequencies, to activate dormant DNA just waiting for this time that we live in. Imagine most 5-year old’s do not have the mental capacity to calculate complex math. Yet, as that child grows, so does the brain and our ability to study challenging math sequences. This is an example of our own consciousness growing as we grow in our ability to integrate new knowledge. This awakening brain of yours in not just for the extra gifted people, this awakening mind is happening for everyone. I believe this is why we are all feeling so stressed and challenged right now. Our minds are shifting rapidly which can cause memory gaps, slow recall, and trouble locating memories or words to describe those memories. Yet, I also believe it will get better over time.

Sound is another frequency that is impacting our memory recall. The human ear can only hear at 20 kHz (kilohertz). We know that animals such as dogs can pick up sound between 40-60 kHz, which is double what we hear at the human level. Higher frequencies are causing our brains to respond even if we cannot literally hear it. In fact, our brain finds high levels of sound called high frequency components (HFC), very calming and soothing which in turn allows our brains to attune to Alpha Waves which are alert states of calmness, even though at the human level we can not even hear it. As the higher states of consciousness transforms our own capacity to hear, we often know it as ringing in the ears, our brain is taking in this high frequency sound components and deciphering it even when you personal do not hear one thing at all! This is a great article to read about sound, although my brain was a bit stretched by it, but found it valuable.

An awakening mind specifically expands to handle the additional light and sound is for the purpose of understanding in greater depth. Our mind/brain is processing a tremendous amount of light/sound data around the clock which feels just like we are in a systems overload. Why? Because our system is truly overloaded. This light, this sound is not just from our human world, it is also from our celestial world. With this data overload comes stress, when stressed the frontal lobe of our brain shuts down which in turn inhibits our ability to access memories. So lets take a look at some awakening symptoms of the mind that many people are experiencing at this time.

Grid Mind series. Background composition of human head and fractal colors to complement your layouts
on the subject of mind, dreams, thinking, consciousness and imagination

What are Awakening Symptoms of the Mind?

  • Challenges to the rhythms of our body. Everything seems off.
  • Trouble holding a concentrated focus.
  • Struggle to monitor your own behaviors and emotions.
  • Can not seem to get organized and prioritize even simple tasks.
  • Your speech may be rudimentary, basic to meet needs, yet have delayed ability to achieve a more expressive conversation.
  • Muted awareness of limits and abilities. Apathetic, life is “meh”.
  • No longer very sure of who you are anymore. Did I ever know myself?
  • Limited mental flexibility. No energy to think outside the box.
  • Lose ability to inhibit your behaviors, regulate emotional expression.
  • Memory loss, memory recall, gaps in memory, words elude you.
  • Perception of events are off, causing misinterpretation.
  • Insomnia, headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea, deep fatigue.
  • World War 2 pilots, were excellent in the cockpit when in training but some pilots when placed in a high stress situation in combat, shut down, froze, could not even remember how to read the gauges in front of them while in flight. Other pilots in the same situation did just fine so this inspired a study to find out just why this was happening. The study showed something pretty remarkable that we can implement right away in our own lives. The results came down to determining how each pilot was wired to cope with high levels of stress. For the pilots that froze, it was high levels of stress and cortisol that flooded the frontal cortex, causing the pilot to lose the ability to inhibit overwhelming emotions, lost abilities to concentrate, self-monitor behaviors, plan, strategize, and problem solve quickly. Again, this is all in the frontal lobe of the brain. The pilots that did very well under the same pressure went into a frame of mind of, “no problem, I’ve got this, we are going to hit our target easily, whether their thinking was real or imagined. These cool calm headed pilots could also monitor their emotional behaviors, maintain mental flexibility, focused concentration, could plan, strategize, and continued to problem solve quickly. Their stress never got out of control, all coming down to mind set and ability to make themselves believe they were going to be okay.

  • When researching what can help to expand a healthy brain, especially the frontal lobe, it was determined that playing games, doing puzzles and word games is a fun place to start. However, what the study found that is even more incredible was just how important curiosity is to overall expansion of the frontal lobe of the brain. Today you can be curious and enthusiastic about learning something new, like a musical instrument, or like a language, learning to play golf, or taking dance lessons. The key factor here for greater brain health was taking on a new talent that “really” stretches you beyond your limits of what you previously thought you could do. Using your imagination seemed to really light up the brain with excitement! I am inspired by this because Intuitive Mind courses have imagination as the foundation for learning intuition/psychic abilities.

  • Studies found that one of the best ways to help your brain cope with stress and not shut down is by imagining outcomes. You are strong, or imagining yourself as courageous, calm, focused, crossing the finish line, speaking in front of hundreds of people, or acing a test. Medical students are encouraged to imagine themselves easily passing their medical boards before the actual day to prep their minds for success. Fear, stress and trauma can cause your brain to shut down in its ability to function. Fight, flight and freeze in place until the danger passes, does not serve you if you are a fighter pilot needing to think fast.

  • Fearful experiences are stored differently than normal memories which is something I found fascinating. My interpretation is fear-based memories are stored in the black and white file cabinet, while more pleasant memories are stored in the colorful file cabinet. The black and white file can be harder to recall and can become deeply hidden but you can still react to life from those fearful memories. This is the great thing about fearful memories though. They are not placed into the black and white file cabinet right away. Therefore, if you can talk about the experience, journal about it, get a healing treatment or process it with a therapist soon after the event (such as a car accident) then the memory is filed in the color file cabinet, easier to access later. The harder to access, fear-based memories that are stored, can challenge our memory recall later. As the frequency of light and sound increase with expanding consciousness you begin to transform your memories and release the stuck energy around them. In our program we teach a specific technique to de-energize stuck memories but there are other techniques such as “tapping” that can help shift fearful memories as well. Here is a great article from the National Institute of Health regarding stress and the frontal lobe of the brain.

  • In conclusion, during this time of dealing with an ascension mind there are some keyways to work with your mind as it expands in consciousness.

  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Keep stress to a minimum.
  • Avoid discordant sounds.
  • Sleep in total darkness, turn down lights, 4 hours before sleep.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Play challenging games, do a puzzle.
  • Learn a new skill that challenges your mind.
  • Balance work, creativity and play.
  • Imagine yourself as successful, strong, capable.


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