December Frequency Forecast 2021

The Quantum Frequency shifts over the past 3 months have been like a racecar banking the racetrack that catapults us all into a faster pace around each turn. Just like a manual transmission you have found yourself continually shifting into the next gear wondering if you will be able to continue to manage your car built for speed at those higher RPM’s. Driving a manual stick shift car requires you to be able to listen to the engine and listen for the high-pitched sound of the rpm’s being maxed out, only calming when you make the choice to shift into that next gear. Fear can cause us to want to hold back and overwork our own engine by not allowing the engine to be supported by shifting into a more functional gear. Procrastination is somewhat like that too. Your spirit sends signals to your mind and body to take action, but you tell yourself you will do it tomorrow, next week, next year or not at all. You feel drained as if you have no energy when in fact, the next level of energy only comes when you take that action that will shift you into the next gear. When your spirit is providing opportunities for your body to awaken, to rise in frequency, to respond quickly to change, most times it does not feel very good. Headaches, nausea, low energy, anxieties, depression and stress can be so frustrating when you just want to get to the feel good part of spiritually awakening. Read my blog posts on this topic of how can we awaken when it does not feel very good.

Then in November when the blue light surge penetrated the pyramid and earth’s crust it was almost like the engine of our car added nitroglycerin power boosters and we were now in a state of defying gravity. Time appeared to shift and our reference points in our life began to shift, where one of life’s instruction manuals disappeared and we are not handed another one. Driving a car can become so natural that you hardly have to think about it. However, this time we are in is like driving a boat, without the option of breaks. You must calculate the speed you are going based on the current and chop of the water. When you turn you must take into account the waves, current and wind that will assist your turn or resist your turn. If your speed is going too fast in a boat as you head towards the dock you will not be able to rely on brakes to stop your boat. You must turn back and strategically calculate your speed so that your boat slows at just the right pace to gently kiss the dock before tying it to the side. This blue surge, blue wave raised the frequency of the entire planet and maybe even the universe. Many of you just went about your life as if it is any normal day and yet others found this quantum leap a bit hard to stomach. Just like being on a boat, some people get seasick and others do not. There is nothing wrong with you at all, however I have found meditation can help tremendously.

Click here to listen to this free audio guided tree meditation.

Everything in your life is in play right now and just thinking about yourself and where you want to be is just not going to give you the same results as it did before. Just like the boat analogy, you might not feel ready to take your boat out that day and prefer to garden or read a book, but suddenly the sun, the sky, the wind, the currents are all in your favor and you must (at the last minute) stand up and take advantage of life’s opportunities. When the conditions are right to make a change or take advantage of momentum then December is the time to practice making those pivots, shifts and adaptations a different direction. In 1998, I traveled with a group of 30 other wanna be healers to work with the Aboriginal Shamans in the outback. This plan had been in the works for over a year. To coordinate flights, buses and hotels for such a trip was tedious and detailed. We had plans to meet a large group of traditional healers in Alice Springs Australia and had catered the event with an abundance of food and hired musicians for music. The indigenous people never showed up. Not even the next day. Their response was that the energy was not right and their intuitive ancestral guidance directed them not to come. I know you can relate to this story if you think about how many times your intuition tells you NOT to do something but your override it out of a sense of obligation and then it turns out you should have listened. I have had the blessings of working with many indigenous tribes around the world as indigenous healing is my passion. There are many stories just like this where they trust beyond a doubt their guidance over obligations. We can learn from this too! It can work the other way as well. When your guidance tells you to move in a certain direction, then trust it, even if you are not sure why. This month of December is going to show you many doors of opportunity opening for you. It might not feel ideal as it is the Holiday season but spirit is sharing with me that there will be potential events coming your way this month that will set you up for your 2022 trajectory.

We have entered the “Great Race”, where we are given intuitive clues, but other than that, we are challenged to trust our instincts on how to get to the next clue. This month of December has challenge gifts for you to practice dry runs before the actual race. These dry runs will be teaching you about your intuitive instincts, synchronistic opportunities and bold, in your face, spiritual messages from outside people, that you will want to pay attention to. Look up and say, I heard that, I am listening, I am taking it under advisement, and then add your own intuition and discernment before deciding a plan of action. Ask your intuitive self questions throughout the day. Practice in ways that just does not matter that much if you get it wrong. Practice in all the small ways to play with getting the hang of what do you feel, hear, see, or know about each situation. Even if it is asking your intuition what you should have for breakfast. Start creating the habit now because this will be the way we make decisions in the coming years and you can be ahead of the curve.

December’s Frequency Forecast promises to throw fun curve ball after fun curve ball at you as you learn to pay attention, listen, and make decisions as you practice for the 2022 year. December illuminates our ability to manage our human energy field at the new frequency of our spiritual light. You have been riding that same horse for years now and you have graduated to the next level of skill. Some will wish to remain in the comfort zone, competing in the same class of competition that guarantees winning those ribbons each time. Yet spirit is saying in this December Frequency Forecast when you make the decision to open up to new levels of skill no matter what you are already good at, you will be empowered with new levels of success. Only you can determine what your next level is going to be.

December 1st – 3rd, is a great time to intend what it is you wish for yourself, your family, your work and your life for the year 2022. Why because a strong Solar Eclipse will burst a beam of light to emboss your dreams, visions and wishes, with an explanation point of energy that shows the universe you are more than ready to begin. Spend the first part of December making a dream list of what you wish for yourself for 2022. Click to see Oprah’s article on making your own vision board.

December 4th is a Solar Eclipse, that will be short (only a couple of minutes) but deeply driven in its ability to drive your dreams deep into your consciousness for manifesting in 2022. The momentum created during the Celestial Blue Light Surge on 11-19-2021 will experience a second surge with the solar eclipse, like a pool stick tip hitting the pool ball you name right into the pocket on the table that you are predicting. It has the potential to be just that accurate.

December 4th – 10th is a highly creative manifesting time that will continue to ride the wave set into motion with the solar eclipse event on the 4th. Yes, we know you have Christmas, or Holiday shopping to get done, but remember, this sets you up for the entire year of 2022 as a healing and manifesting year, so make some time to focus (even a simple 1-hour block of time). You will be manifesting your life whether your write out your dreams or not. However, the life you manifest just might benefit others more than yourself if you do not place your dreams first. You do not need to make a huge artistic vision board. You can write your dreams on a paper napkin, but write them down because writing makes a huge difference. Read this Harvard Study on the power of writing down your goals.

December 11th – 22nd, are two high master number days. This means that two numbers that are the same, such as 11 or 22, can not be broken down in numerology. This frequency is high, and this is a strong indicator of a new frequency coming into your life in the forms of relationships. Old distant relationships coming back around in new ways. Current relationships going different ways, and brand-new relationships appearing in your life in the craziest of circumstances. Spirit shows this period of time as the spiritual hands of the universe moving individuals in and out of your life to align frequency potentials for new gatherings of tribes and communities.

Register for the Winter Solstice Event on December 19th, 3pm.

December 21st, 2021
, is the Winter Solstice where we snuggle deeply into ourselves to begin to embody our clearest truth. This Solstice Event it like we have been digging deep, while our spirit holds us by our ankles so we do not slip too deep into those dark holes. Then on this day, the light begins to infuse the new light of 2022 into us, pulling us out of the hole, while we are holding onto a treasure that is you, to bring to the surface of your life. Register for the Winter Solstice Group Reading.

December 23rd – 30th opens the sacred doors for us to walk through carrying your jeweled box into the higher realms of spiritual understanding. Leaving you staring inwards at yourself as you accept that fact that you are kind of cool just the way you are. Yes, there is a lot going on in the world that falling apart necessarily but the overriding common theme is identifying just who you truly are and how that will be expressed in the year 2022.

This month of December is about learning to manage your new frequency of light into the 3rd dimensional earthly world and setting those goals for your 2022 year. Then practicing those intuitive skills in small ways every day to build your trust in your own instincts. You can do it, I know you can! We were made for this time on earth. Join me in focusing on a better peace filled life for us all!


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