August Frequency Forecast 2022

August frequency forecast for 2022 first shows up as an image of a large wave that rises straight up out of the water creating a big sudden movement. The under currents of humanities woundedness is most certainly there just under the surface, hidden from the light of day, but how we move through our wounds is changing. These sudden unpredictable “rogue waves” can be caused by high winds, undersea earthquakes, calving glaciers and landslides. However, another type of wave we are talking about here is the type that arises from underwater currents. This build up of strong currents can surge with enough power to cause the crest of the wave to rise high into the air and the trough of the wave root deep under the surface moving everything in its path out of the way.

August Frequency Forecast 2022 – Walk through the wall of change in peace

The 3D vs 5D lens perspective, August Frequency Forecast

The August Frequency shows an impressive moving wall of energy might be experienced as frightening or exhilarating depending which perspective lens you are looking at the world through.
What do you think spirit means by that? When looking at life through the 3rd dimensional lens is when an individual can only see life from a human perspective. Your human body is built to scan life for potential danger, protect your loved ones, and survive at all costs. No matter what is happening you may find yourself looking for the slightest amount of danger to overcome. Each day you are preparing for the worst-case scenario. I remember as an intensive care cardiac nurse, I would read my patients chart, assess my patient, and then evaluate what are this patients highest risk for death on my shift? Then I would set up the patients room with all the life saving equipment the team would need to save their life if the worst happened. This is a great example of viewing life from a 3D human perspective. Carrying with you the stone called Lapis Lazuli will smooth the August Frequency ride of expansion.

This August frequency forecast is also shining a light on the 5th dimensional view as an optional lens to see life through.
Spirit is very quick to remind us, how we see our world is our choice. The 5D lens is the way we see each moment from a spiritual perspective. Your spirit can see life from a birds eye view perched atop in the 7th chakra, illuminated the way for you to move forward through the chaos of life. Your spiritual light scans life to lead and guide you towards ease, effortlessness, joy, happiness, peace, calm, healing, and serenity. Yes, you can feel serene while a wall of water indicating change is heading towards you. Let’s take that scenario of being a nurse in the cardiac critical care unit. Seeing the medical unit and work shift from a 5D spiritual perspective lets you know if the unit is settled, calm and in the flow. The spiritual perspective illuminates, the patients healing path and lets you know when, where and how a healing crises event might happen. The 5D spiritual perspective shows you the angels, guides, and ascended masters that are in the unit assisting patients. This lens comforts you and the rest of the medical team in knowing you are not the only ones tending to the health and wellness of the patients.

Under Currents

The under currents of power imbalances, greed, violence, manipulation, inequities, oppression, human trafficking, and traumatic abuse are no longer lying on the ocean floor hidden secretly deep from the naïve public. This heavy current of hiding is losing its weight allowing it to rise to the surface. We are being reminded that these destructive currents make up a very small amount of energy compared to the enormity of the ocean of spiritual energy available to us. The forces of light are taking the power of destruction out of the toxic currents and forcing them to rejoin the spiritual flow of awakening consciousness. Who believes this? Do you believe this? Do you have the potential inside of you to look at this from a spiritual perspective. Expect quantum leaps in consciousness to begin in August, along with time line jumps, and rapid changes within you at a pace you have not experienced before.

Writing an Awakening Book in 2008

I remember when guided to write a book in 2008, while being told that the world will need to read it to prepare for the great awakening that I interpreted would be like a spiritual Disneyland. A good 100 pages into the writing, spirit then shared that during the great awakening, the most skeptical of skeptics had the potential to awaken rapidly and be the spiritual leaders of the world. Now, I must admit, this was a concept that just seemed downright crazy to me. Yet, I could feel and know the truth in my bones. However, I was so swept up in this information, I put the pen down and began to phone all of my “very spiritual friends” and teachers to hear their perspective on this prophecy. I trusted them and their opinions more than I trusted myself or spiritual guidance at that time.

The opinion from my most trusted friends was unanimous against this message being possible or true. Spirit went on to say, you can meditate for your entire life and your skeptical obnoxious neighbor could awaken and have higher knowledge than a highly trained monk. When I asked spirit what would happen for those who have been studying spiritual development for a long time? Spirit said that those of us who have achieved those levels of development would be faced with the energy of competition. Our own competitive nature had the potential in the future to “shut down” those awakening souls so we could continue to look important in our lifelong search for spiritual truth. So, after dropping into the deep well of doubt, I put the pen down for good and never wrote the book. Now, here we are in August 2022 and this possibility is more real than we were able to believe at that time.

August has the potential to feel like destructive times that rock our world. This sudden rise of waves out of nowhere are moving energies of rapid change. I know this is no surprise to you as spirit asks how quickly can we let go now? We have been practicing our “letting go” skills for several years and now we are taking this skill to another level in the game. Learning to take the elevator to the top will become a superpower worth placing in your spiritual box of life supporting tools. The means that when you are stressed and overwhelmed your spiritual light can live down in your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd body dominant chakras. It is your 6th and 7th chakras above that provide the spiritual perspective in a 5D world. Start to allow yourself to pretend that you can step into an elevator and go to the 6th floor will help you to calm yourself enough to see all possible choices available to you.

The first two weeks of August will show those toxic undercurrents for what they are as truth which is a fleeting way of moving through the world. The higher frequencies of August will continue to share with us the deep knowing nature of our soul that we truly have long lasting staying power to weather any storm. When humanity (you) shifts with the enormous movement of energy, you have the potential to be a very different person from one day to the next. Your body will certainly benefit from your support to help it integrate these quick rapid changes. When caught in the toxic currents, spirit is telling us to look around to find the “life ring” floating nearby. Spirit reminds us, there is ALWAYS a life ring, if we simply remain connected to our trust and faith that there is a divine supportive order.

August Frequency Forecast 2022, takes you beyond your limiting consciousness

We have every reason to be mentally losing it, but we aren’t, and this is because these August frequencies are the fabric of everything supportive to our life right now. In some ways it is like the same fabric of our being is taken apart and weaved together in a new way, providing greater resilience and strength. New fate and destiny will be electrifying your life in a highly activated way. Using the old resources, you have and applying them in new ways to your life decisions. My mother makes what she calls, “must go soup”, where she takes all the leftovers and throws them together creating a delicious meal. Our advanced graduate students are being encouraged to let go of the old way of working with their spiritual tools so that new ways of working with those same techniques can be used in new ways. Read here my blog post on Why Awaken when it doesn’t feel good?

The August Frequencies are weaving together strength with each fiber of the energy cloth being made up of:
Trust – Life will get better
Faith – we have all that we need to keep going
Calm– These world changes have an inner stream of comfort
Peace – No matter what it might look like outside, we all want peace.
Hope – A future of unity is already here.
Resilience– Get back up, we have work to do.
Inspiration– when taking inspired action, we are given more inspiration.

In conclusion for the August Frequency forecast:
Your fate and destiny are being activated and energized. Timelines of what you thought your plans were laid out on are suddenly leaping into quick explosive action. Such as thinking you might make a change in October and then the shift happens and everything starts falling into place for it to happen in September instead. Big cosmic energies are coming in (like that wall of water) to move you miles ahead of yourself. What is possible for you this month was not possible for you before. New revelations, new ideas, new solutions, come together for you in giant quantum leaps. So be ready for anything this month of August but more than that be ready to let go of thinking you ever had anything figured out.
This topic of shifting out of the wounded healer is right in alignment with the current astrology for August. Big influences with the planet Uranus w is pushing your fate and destiny to become highly activated. If your destiny this month is to start your own healing practice, or you are revitalizing your old practice you can expect this change to move rapidly in an accelerated and for some of you an explosive way of things falling into place. New cosmic energies are infusing the earth in August to help you make the changes you have dreamed of. In August you will find possibilities opening for you that were not possible to accomplish before. However, the biggest sense that I see here in August is using your old resources, gifts and abilities in brand new ways.


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