Money has a Frequency?

Exploring Money as a Frequency of pure energy is really needed right now. Why? Because how we define Money and its meaning in our life is undergoing a lot of changes. You just might want to view your own money issues, concepts from this more expanded spiritual perspective. Money is a loaded topic that can trigger the most even keeled person. The frequency of money is pure, clean, clear and wants to be in the flow. However, when you have layers of programming around money it creates layers upon layers of filters to flow through that can clog the receiving pipes. We all know the saying, money is the root of all evil, money is dirty, money does not buy happiness, and if you are spiritual money should not be important to you. When I first began offering Psychic Readings it was more than common place to have people literally say to me, you must not be that spiritual if you charge money for your services.

What kinds of money filters impact your ability to manifest a flow of money? To know this you will want to view your money issues, from the lens of how your mother and father viewed money. You will also want to view your money frequency flow, from the lens of your paternal and maternal grandparents’ views of money. Now, look at your views of money flow through your spouses’ views on money. When going through school, did you receive any ideas and programming about money? Past lives, Ancestral patterns? How about all of those programs that teach you about how to manifest abundance and create flow? May I suggest that you start a list right now from the suggested ideas? You just might find you have a mountain of programming around money. We all do!

Programming means you heard a statement, suggestion, rule or system to live by and believed whole heartedly in what you were told. Your grandparents may have saved for a rainy day, but when the stock market crashed they lost their retirement. When it came to my own fathers programming around money, everything had a dollar amount tied to it. Money doesn’t grow on trees was a comment that was stated many times over the course of my growing up years. Then this spilled over into free time like taking a vacation or an afternoon off to go to the movies. Not only was I spending money that does not grow on trees (hard earned) but if I was doing something fun instead of working, every day was measured by a loss of income because I am not in the office. Plus there was multilevel programming about putting all money into a savings or retirement account, while saving all your play time until you retire. How many stories have you heard where the person worked hard all of their life and had a major illness or died before they could benefit from their retirement funds. What I learned from my mother was that money will always be provided. Which could leave someone to think, if I just sit here, money will arrive at my doorstep. As a kid, I did not know that my mother had to work for that money to arrive or create a strategy for securing financial stablity. Now, I will say, I have always been provided for no matter the situation, but the stress of not knowing where the money may come from took its toll. All of these create layers of filters around money. Therefore, no matter how much you meditate on abundance of money, it simply can not break through those layers of money beliefs to help get you back into the flow.

Now lets do a deeper money block dive and look at the layers of programming you have received from credit card companies? Banks, retirement accounts, and house loans. Do you remember signing pages upon pages of documents that lay out all the rules, regulations and laws about what you can and can’t do with your own money? How about student loans that have held so many student’s hostage year after year, because the student loan companies are able to dictate, the standards that you must abide by? When spirit reminded me of this little money glitch, I was shocked at how I bought into all of those money rules someone else placed around my bank accounts. Just recently, I took a look at the popular “Shift Network” to see what is the financial obligation to list one of my courses with them. The contract was long, but the jest of it all was at a baseline, I would financially receive about 20% of the income earned from others signing up for my workshops. Again, another level of layering, about your own personal value vs. paying others to value you.

Can you feel yourself getting triggered by all of this? If yes, then this means you have some money blocks and filters to release so that you can become super clear when it comes to money issues. Lets not even get started about taxes, state and federal, the government that changes the tax laws on a regular basis. It has only been recently that I realized the Tax Table, that dictates how much tax you pay is changed every time we have a new president. Yet, here we are just taking classes on how to manifest more abundance and financial flow in our life, while piles of your hard earned money is flowing into many others hands. Here is another great article about the frequency of money.

When we first began our website, it was pretty straight forward with no hidden fees or cost. As the world wide web consumed more of our time by filling our needs there were plenty of tech companies that learned how to capitalize on charging for even the smallest service. Our webmaster is always calling us saying you are going to need to purchase another ‘plug in’ at $20.00 – $200.00 here and there. I remember Yvonne purchasing a bike but had to pay extra if she wanted a kick stand. So you can see that it is easy to build up the energy layers of money rules, regulations and programming about what can be done with your hard earned income.

Look at what you are learning from the frequency of money? What is it teaching you? Why is it that some have, and others have not. Did you ever realize that those who have money have learned how to strategize for short term and long term planning around financial security. If you grew up in poverty then your energy blocks will be around ‘living paycheck to paycheck’. No matter how much money you have earned as an adult, when you grow up in financial poverty you tend to look around at what is going to require money right now, but not necessarily for the future. Energetically, this is not a being money smart issue, this is a layers of energy blocks to your flow of money issue. Yet, knowing all of this when filtered down it comes to its core, a frequency. So learning to let go of all the frequencies that are slowing it down is the key.

Layers upon layers of thick sticky slow-moving energy builds up with each layer of programming around money and the flow of money. How does this look in your auric energy field? Your inner light is bursting to create financial abundance, yet it has to crawl through a boot camp of obstacles to signal to the universe your financial dreams, abundances and desires for future income. Now lets say, that your spark of financial light makes it through the 6 feet of thick sticky programming layers. When the financial abundance coming towards your aura needs to now find a tiny crack in that same 6 foot thick layer to make its way back towards your bank account. So the ultimate energetic frequency of truth is, you must clear the layer upon layer of energy blocks in between those two frequency fields to have money dreams, money manifesting and money receiving have a seamless effortless flow.

Spirit wanted me to talk about Money, yet I was reluctant to make any anticipated predictions. The money structure was created 100’s of years ago (Maybe thousands?) to funnel the flow of money into the hands of a few. With the intention to provide services to all, yet greed got in the way. Now the shifts of frequency around money are dissolving the old structures, and the frequency of greed will no longer cause us to contract and twist into being immobile around money. What is changing around the frequency of money? Absolutely nothing because the frequency of money has always been this beautiful vibration of movement. What is changing is changing is our old programming, rules and regulations around money…..everything….. We cannot change the world around money right now, but you can change you. Old rigid structures are dissolving more rapidly than ever before but how it is going to look moving forward is anyone’s guess. Make sure you watch the YouTube video on money that is included here in this blog post so that you can also follow the short meditation and start clearing your money blocks today. Another great blog post using your imagination to brighten your frequency around money.

But there is good news too! All the old structures of banking, stock market, retirements, credit cards and student loans are changing too. We are already beginning to see greater transparency in corrupt practices in the past. We are also already seeing greater creative visions for the future so that more of us can move out of simply surviving and jump for joy at our ability to thrive. We can do this and in fact we are doing this. We just may not know the outcome of our ability to let go of money blocks yet, but its coming, hang in there.


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