Frequency Forecast for May!

The Frequency Forecast for May is here! When I first tune in to the energy frequency that will be coming up in May 2021 (this is April 25th), my first internal response was, “whoa, this is going to go pretty deep this month”! A structural break down of the old patterns of behavior, belief systems, and the old rules you have lived by, may no longer fit with the current paradigm shift we are experiencing on the earth at this time.

Remember, the frequency forecast for April was a high level of frequency coming in the form of an upgrade, an update, like you would do on your cell phone when new technology is available.
Just like the update to your phone, you may never recognize what is different, you just know your phone works faster, better and more efficient (hopefully). Our human energy field is the same way. We must rise and adapt with the times, stay current with what is new in the world, and let go of stuck ways of thinking that no longer fit within the social culture we as a world are cultivating.

In April, there was a lot of body changes from this top-down upgrade which impacted most of us as pressure around the head, neck and shoulders. This pressure was from your higher self infusing more into your body. This month of May is a total flip, which is dramatic if you think about it. One month is activating the crown chakra that in turn, slowly activates all the other chakras from top to bottom. The next month, a power shift to below the feet, deep in the earth, shaking up our body, activating the root chakra, and all the other chakras from bottom to top. What!?!, seriously from a clairvoyant perspective seeing this, how are our human bodies handling all of it? This is why you hear me talk about just how dynamic our human energy field is, and from a nurse’s perspective, I think about just how incredible our physical bodies are that can take this energy shifts with such resilience.

What IS the frequency forecasted for the month of May?

May 1st – May 18th: These first few weeks of May will be about shaking up the foundations that we stand on, grown to rely on, in some ways believe will always be there. This is a root chakra up shake up, breaking apart your old survival structures so that when your root chakra moves to a higher frequency of survival, your lower chakras will be ready for the change.

May 19th – May 27th: Expect some strangely weird time warp sorts of experiences. Yes, we are multidimensional beings, and those other dimensions are shifting, which in turn kind of bends time a bit. You may loose or gain time and other times it might feel as if TIME is literally moving backwards.

May 28th – into June: A speeding up, as if time suddenly is thrust into forward motion again. I am told by spirit that this slowing down, moving backwards, then rapid forward motion again, will be a cyclic time warp that messes with our head kind of experience we can expect over the entire year.

Living in the Pacific Northwest, we can be prone to earthquakes that shake rattle and roll. Constant state of movement from the tectonic plates deep in the earth. This is the example that I want to use of just how this shake up may touch each person in different ways. These frequency changes deep in the earth may be felt by some of you and for the rest of us, we may feel nothing! I had a friend that flew in from Florida for a visit. We had unloaded her bags from the trunk, walking up the pathway to my home. When I arrived at the front door, I noticed my friend was missing. It was almost dark, so I looked back to see my friend grabbing for a tree trunk to steady herself while also touching the ground. She was kind of freaking out as she explained to me that the earth was moving under her and the motion was so strong, she could not stand up. For me personally, I felt nothing. I energetically sent my grounding cord deep into the earth to check the tectonic plates and from my assessment, those plates seemed to be moving rather smoothly. I realized at that point; I had grown used to living here in earthquake country. My friend on the other hand was used to living in Florida, a land at or below sea level with swamps. It took her a few days to adjust and before long she did not really notice the constant state of motion in the land. This range of sensation may feel like nothing to some of you and rather dramatic for others.

Deep Shake ups

May 1 to May 18th will take you deep in your divine purpose, in the ways your soul wants to move you.
We can prepare as much as we can, but ultimately it is our spirit that surges us in the direction we are intended or in other words “called” to go. Every single divine expansion we go through is strategically calculated by your own soul. Many aspects are truly out of your hands, yet, we still have our life lessons to experience. In these larger frequency shifts such as this deep one here in the month of May, each of you will have to make the shift, but how it unfolds in your life will be very uniquely different in your experience. Take for example in 2020 when the spirit world was so excited about the big shift in consciousness that was coming soon!!! Little did we know that the fall out of that would be a global pandemic. Taking one month at a time, will create the step-by-step instructions to help you adapt to the year 2021.

How deep is your grounding?

The spirit world has its own language of communicating and that language is symbolic, metaphoric, and in some ways can seem like a riddle. You might ask spirit a question and spirit comes back with a symbolic riddle that answers your question with another question. So, when I asked spirit to deepen my understanding of what we can expect to experience with these deep earth changes that affect our survival chakra, the answer came back in a symbolic, metaphoric way. Earthquakes can range from small to large and from shallow to deep. Living where I do, the seismographs can measure daily earthquakes with different focal points. Most of the time, no one living here feels them. In fact, just like the story I shared of my friend visiting, we here, are a bit desensitized to them. However, I have lived through 2 rather major earthquakes here and both were very different in how they impacted our community. A large shallow earthquake is very destructive and can cause catastrophic damage. It can sound like an explosion, sudden, fast and life changing in an instant. The other earthquake I experienced here, was also exceptionally large, but its epicenter was very deep, miles into the earth deep. The impact was much different to our community. The shock waves were filtered and buffered by the depth of earth so that by the time it reached the surface the waves of energy just rolled like large gentle waves of the ocean. The earth appeared almost liquid, as the deep-rooted trees moved back and forth in motion before resettling in their rooted places. This is how your experience in this month of May my differ from others in the same household.

In May, the deep changes impacting our root chakra, will manifest in a way to enhance learning. The deeper we embody ourselves, rooted, deeply rooted in our life, will show results of gentle rolling changes. For those, who have shallow roots, shallow relationships, jobs, community connections may experience explosive changes in life. The residual can result in us feeling like we are in shock, as we let go of our shallow old ways of coping, for deeper ways of living. Everyone is going through this same change, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. As humans we are incredible, adaptable and survivors. Spirit moves us towards the places that best suit our spirit growth, even if we can not recognize it in that way.

In May, dreams will change towards a more prophetic type of quality.
Prophecy of things to come, changes to notice, choices to make, assisting us to accept this kind of new world order. My mother, daughter and son all have the gift of prophetic dreaming. Most recently, my mother phoned to say she had a dream and, in that dream, I phoned her to say there is an earthquake coming. She could hear my voice as she heard the earthquake rumbling in the background. She said to me in the dream, I do not feel anything, there is not an earthquake where I live. I then said, wait for it, it is heading your way and then she felt the earth moving dramatically in her dream and woke up. Dreams can be symbolic or literally prophetic, often very difficult to know the difference. When it is literal, it means a real earthquake is coming and we need to prepare for it. However, it felt more symbolic to us both, which told us, big changes were coming. Recently, an old family wound was revealed so that it could be healed. This was a deep wound, and because we are deeply rooted, the healing can happen in rolling waves, verses, jarring destruction. My mother had a prophetic dream, yet we would not know just how revealing it would be until a month later.

The month of May is more structural around how we stand grounded to the earth. So those physical places you might notice are in the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Spirit then stressed the left hip and back more specifically as a place that will contract and then release. When I asked for clarification as to why the left hip and back, I was told that the left is about receiving, and expanding in intuitive ability. As we grow in our spiritual consciousness, our intuitive abilities will become more valuable to us in life. Emotionally, you may find yourself tapping into some deep wounds that your entire survival structure was built on. For you to elevate your ability to survive and thrive, those old survival wounds must collapse! So, for some of you this could be a real emotional time of releasing. Allow yourself to cry and cry hard as tears wash away the pain. Mentally, you can expect to see some real come to Jesus talks with yourself. This month of May will reveal to you some serious places where you need to take responsibility for your part in things. Not in a way that is judgmental, just simply, getting real with yourself. Spiritually, as you shake up the old, you make room for more of your spirit. You will find the spiritual perspective on how you view life will become easier for you.

What can you expect to see in the news at a global level? A collapse of old beliefs, patterns, social culture, rules and laws rapidly collapsing. You may feel left wondering how such a belief was able to hold such power over you for so long. Spirit explained that any person, family, group or community that has functioned in a short sighted, shallow place will begin to lose their footing. Churches, businesses, political systems, financial institutions that have no depth, shallow roots, have potential to collapse. Short sighted, shallow thinking, that leads a business to only think of how to line their own pockets with money and do not think in the long term of how to be in greater service to humanity or to their employees, my find their business model no longer repairable. Moving forward, those business who do set goals for the future, do think about how they can be in service to the greater good and include their employees or products as a way to be in service will grow and thrive!

This month of May is a H U G E wake up call! Meaning, we must come together, collectively in creative ways to restructure, implement new ideas, to go along with our new way of being in the world. Just like when the pandemic forced businesses to get creative on how they would offer their services, the changes in the world demands, will challenge us all to think outside the box.

Relationships can go through a “testy” irritable time this month as each one of you are collapsing and restructuring.
The way you found each other relatable in the past may no longer fit and this will require those conversations to encourage growth, rather than discourage growth. However, with this rocky shift in relationships whose foundations may be built on shallow ground, with shallow roots, may not have the depth to keep going. Again, these shifts feel sudden, quick, collapsing, in preparation to restructure. So know if your relationship has everything it needs to ride these waves of change or cut it loose!

Time Warps

TIME is going to have quite different quality for the entire month of May, but especially wonky towards the end of May. Just like passing other cars on the highway can give the optical illusion of moving backwards, time for you will feel at times as if it IS moving backwards. You may experience losing time, gaining time, or for some it may feel as if time literally stopped all together. A car full of us attended a KRYON channeled talk about 10 years ago and the drive took us 1 ½ hours to get there. After the even was over, we were flying high from the vibes, chattering away at all the new levels of conscious wisdom we had experienced. When I pulled into the driveway at home, we looked at the time and only 20 minutes had passed. We had experienced an enormous time warp! We literally had jumped the space time continuum. You, in May, have the potential to experience the time shifts that can come with these higher frequency changes.

Get out in nature!
Get ready to let go and let God!!!


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