September Frequency Forecast 2021!

In this September Frequency Forecast has us searching high and low for the meaning of life. You were born to survive and now it is time to step on up and thrive! This is what the September Frequency Forecast is all about this month. I remember when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Did you know the very first thought I had inside of my head was, “I do not even know how to respond to this? How am I supposed to respond to this? How do other people respond to this?” Honestly, I was deeply disturbed by my own internal response because it showed me that I wanted a script to follow to tell me how to respond. Let me put it another way that might make more sense. When you watch a movie where someone dies, or you grow up watching other adults respond to a death in the family, or read about it in a book, then you have some idea of how a normal person responds to the death of a loved one. Yet, when someone you love dies, you respond how you respond, and you cannot make yourself respond any differently. You might say, I think I am supposed to cry, or I am supposed to feel sad, but as a Hospice nurse I know that each person is so different and responds to death very differently. Yet here I was being told that I literally have cancer and I was wildly searching my brain for some file, some script to tell me how I was supposed to feel, act, respond, and even more so…how to move forward!

The month of September is going to be enormously challenging for all of us this month because, WE DO NOT HAVE A SCRIPT FOR WHAT IS SPIRITUALLY AND ENERGETICALLY HAPPENING TO US!
Actually, the next few months are about rewriting everything we thought we ever knew about ourselves. Can you imagine living 50 years of your life and suddenly nothing about yourself makes sense anymore? One question I have heard the most over the past couple of weeks of August is, what is happening here? I can not seem to get out of this rut! All the things I have done that helped before, like running, yoga, meditation, writing and talking it out in therapy is not helping me!
As a psychic healer, I could always tell how well a client was doing by how long they could sustain the healing they had just received before they started going down what ever rabbit hole was their crises pattern. A healthy well balanced and harmonized person could hold that balance for 3-6 months before needing another healing. I could also tell just how severe someone was in crises by how quickly the healing they had just fell apart. In one session, the client had come in feeling as if darkness was over taking him. After the healing he was lying on the healing table, so happy, lighthearted, light minded, cheerful and eternally grateful and relieved as you can imagine. In literally 5 minutes, he was yelling, screaming out in crises that the darkness was swallowing him again. At that point, knowing he could only hold the healing for 5 minutes told me that he needed therapy and to be evaluated right away for potential medication.

How long can you currently sustain a sense of balance and harmony before the next wave of crises overtakes you? This is going to be a great measuring tool to let you know if you are thriving more than simply surviving. I do not share this with you to scare you. I am just letting you know that the old you is shedding so darn quickly that it can feel like a crises. Yet you are simply letting go of old coping mechanisms, survival patterns, false belief systems, false happiness, extreme protective energy patterns, and your parents programmed ways of living life. If you are not quite sure what that really means, I can tell you the short answer is, THIS IS INCREDIBLY AWESOME! The old energy of you is being shaken off the tree of your life, again, so your tree can grow deeper roots, a stronger bark, an unwavering stability that can bend but does not break, and incredible majestic branches that reach for the stars in the heavens all the while blossoming new growth of leaves, and abundant, bountiful fruit. What is going to literally be our saving grace is to have some GRACE, and focus on the blossoming you, not the part of you that is falling apart.

When in deep meditation asking about the September Frequency Forecast, I was shown a symbol that represents this entire month of September. The cotton plant came through strong front and center. Have you ever personally seen a cotton plant? First of all, it is one of the hardiest plants because it can grow in the harshest conditions. The cotton plant has a strong stiff root system, with a thick stiff pod that grows holding the soft cotton inside. In the harsh hot sun, the pod begins to dry, curl back on itself, with pointed very sharp edges that can cut the fingers to shreds. The hard hot wind blows against it and its determined stem will not budge. Not matter how harsh the conditions, the cotton plant is designed to weather any storm. Inside the hard protective resilient outer pod, is this incredible soft white fluffy resilient ball of a light gentle product that is strong enough to weave into clothing that can last forever. The cotton plant is spiritually known to bring the message of incredible fertile abundance to your life. It represents manifesting your dreams and desires and that good things are coming your way. It is a plant that KNOWS how to survive, and it is also a plant that also KNOWS, how to thrive abundantly! This cotton plants medicine is coming to us from spirit today to help us remember, like that hardy outer pod, we are born to survive, and like that inner resilient cotton, we were also born to thrive.

Your are born to Thrive!

This month of September is a total INSIDE JOB! We have some sharp edges to let go of first and no one is going to be able to do that for you. Not a drug, not a drink, not a relationship, not a therapist, not a healer, not a psychic, and certainly not anything outside of you. Now let me be clear…I am not saying do not go to the doctor, therapist, a healer, or a psychic and I am not saying you can have not have that beer or even smoke, but what I am saying is this work is deep and all on you. You are being asked, no, your spirit is demanding you rise now and take your rightful place in this world. This entire month, I will talk about different ways you can address those hard sharp cutting dried pods that make you bleed to the point that you want others to bleed too. For now, it is time to have that talk, that adult talk with yourself, because it is time for some adulting in this spiritually expansive world that needs some tough thriving leaders! I heard, Ouch, that hurt, when the sharp edge of the pod cuts the finger but then I heard, clean it up, but a band aide on it and keep moving forward. This is everything about the September Frequency Forecast.

Now, there are many of you who have had those hard talks with yourself. Those talks where you take responsibility for your own behaviors and shift, pivot, adapt, and let go, keep moving. For those of you who have done that hard inner work all these years, are going to find yourself sitting pretty well. You are going to finally get to see just exactly why you have been driving your inner work so hard for so long. The dramatic waves of growth and change this month are going to be a little easier for you personally but witnessing those you love to have to shift their old stuff out on the fly is going to be challenging. Yes, you can offer a healing, offer to listen, offer to go for a walk or share a hot meal but know this is their journey. Click here, to read about the survival chakra!

Every single soul on this planet has the same spiritual knowledge to get through the tough spots. Trust that they can do this. Show them by sharing your journey but let them know that your journey may not work for them, and maybe help guide them through an inner journey where they can gain in their own spiritual intuition. Now is the time, to tap into our own intuitive instincts. Just like choosing a cancer treatment. All cancers are different, all cancer cells grow at different paces, some cancer cells can heal on their own and others are super aggressive like a grass fire. So, choosing a treatment plan for cancer is very individual for each person. Making new choices in your life is also similar, in that it is individual and unique. Each of you bring to the table different circumstances that require different choices, different intuitive recipes, and involve different life stories and life experiences. We must trust given the opportunity people will choose what is right for them. They will not have to search around asking others how I am supposed to act, how am I supposed to respond, what am I supposed to choose because they will trust that between them and their own spirit they have all the answers they seek.

September 1st – 9th, you may find yourself still catching up with the highs and lows of the end of August. You may sense that another wave of ups and downs is just around the corner, and you are wishing you are better prepared next time. Journal, meditate, walk in nature, all the while tuning in deeply to what your inner soul is telling you to do. This will be a time of NOT reaching out for other opinions. It is a time to trust yourself. Follow your instincts.

September 10th – 15th, just might feel like the floor fell out from underneath you. Or as spirit showed me an image of standing on a mountain top and suddenly the mountain just drops below the surface of the earth, as we free fall. Spirit has shared with me that this fall is the fall of illusion. The fall of false happiness, a time to let go (I know…again) and grab ahold of that pure trust and faith that true happiness is there to greet you. Maybe not right away, but soon.

September 16th – 23rd, a smooth silky balm of energy will begin to flow through at this time and wow are we ever going to need it. Spirit has shared with me this silky-smooth soft energy is like that soft inner cotton, helping to seal the changes into place, so you can begin to manifest the visions you have been holding onto while everything else was shifting.

September 24th – 30th, a light bright fragrance of high frequency light begins to fill every open crack and crevice. That high fragrant energy is your own spirit infused with new life, new vibrancy, and new hope! Your new and improved light upgrades you to be able to handle life in those new ways.

You can do this, we can do this, we all are built to do this. We just need our spiritual connections to ourselves, our guides, our angels and our ancestors to move through this next part of our lives. As humans we are limited on how far we can go. As humans connected to our spiritual intuitive instincts and our relationship to the God of your Heart can go beyond the beyond! Even better, will be when we learn that our community relationships what brings the highest value. We are stronger together than we ever were apart! Let us continue to cheer each other forward!


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