Your June Galactic Frequency Forecast

This June Galactic Frequency Forecast just seemed to sneak up on me as if one minute it was not there and the next minute it is just around the corner. It seems like it was literally just yesterday that we had just completed the Group Reading and guided meditation for the Spring/Fall Equinox depending on where in the world you reside in. The Spring Equinox frequency moved through us with a great force of expanded freedom as we were holding tight to the old ways as if it is a comfortable blanket soothing us during uncomfortable times. My own past nature was to remain in situations much longer than I ever should have. I found that remaining too long left me with years of cleaning up the consequences of holding on unhealthy patterns. I move on much quicker now but still find room for more improvement.

June Frequency Forecast – The Galactic Core, artist rendition

This June Frequency Forecast is hella potent! When it comes to breaking down no longer needed structures in our lives to prepare the ground for new expansive ways of growing ourselves up. I can hear the song, “You came in like a wrecking ball” by Miley Cyrus. What are some of the situations that may crumble this month and months to come? Mostly, spirit tells me, is personal behavior patterns that keep you tied to the past. Relationship behavior patterns that keep you and your partner acting out old systems that no longer are life giving. Work and play productivity that is out of balance. Then patterns that hold you back from exploring the life you really wish to be living. Smash, smash, smash, as the old energy falls apart, dissolves, and drains away. You have then created space within your auric field to fill, infuse, and enlighten those areas with new and improved patterns of behavior. This June Solstice is a focal point of many frequencies assisting us to get where our spirit wants us to be, but not necessarily where our human self-wishes to be.

This June frequency is heavily influenced by the sign of Sagittarius, illuminated by the full moon on June 4th. As well as the astrology sign of Gemini that inspires new innovative ways of thinking to spark new ideas. And yes, our planet and humanity are ripe and ready for new ways of being and thinking because sound waves, plasma type flow as wave forms, and light codes, are definitely influencing us so you might want to stay tuned in to how you are being influenced as well as how you are influencing others. Pay close conscious attention to this point because we are all learning that none of us really have an original thought. As you learn to come from the core of your being you will also truly know your most authentic expression void of those influences.

Wave particles have different strengths and weight that also shift consciousness in big ways and in small ways. Choosing which waves, you wish to ride will be so important on a minute-by-minute basis. Choosing with ease over complexity is a great place to start and easy to grasp in its concept. With each thought this June frequency you will have many choice points throughout the entire month. If I choose this way, then the path may take 22 different steps to get to the end result I want. Or if I choose this other way, I may find the result after only 3 steps. Spirit tells me you will have many opportunities to practice.

There is good news here! All of these changes will and are happening organically. No one can stop these changes from happening, its just not possible. However, you can make it easier on your self by understanding and going with the flow of it all. Yet, there are many that will also make it so much harder than it needs to be but spirit reminds me that there is divine order in this as well. When you are speeding down a steep hill and your breaks go out, someone needs to be able to slow us down just a bit. You also can not speed up this process, although there are many spiritual opportunities to try. Your physical body must integrate the changes before the next influx of frequencies. Just like you need to digest your food before taking another bite. The purpose of this blog posts is information only, to be one voice of many, one opinion of similar opinions, on what my sense is about the changes we are expecting at this time.

June has a very galactic feel to it. In my almost 30 years of this work, having a “galactic feel” are not words I have ever said inside or outside of my head. Being curious as to why I was feeling this way I did a deep dig and asked spirit to guide me towards the answer that I seek. That same afternoon, a student/client/friend wrote me to ask if she could talk to me about this new crazy information coming through about this thing called the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor. Well, I did not know what either of those terms meant but it felt important. I also did know this was the answer to the question I asked the universe for now but I was going to take it as a sign. Now, I had some impression as to why this June Frequency Forecast has a high galactic feel to it.

The Galactic Core is a large area of over 8,000 galaxies that contains very high multidimensional levels of knowledge that reaches far beyond humanities ability to grasp it. According to Phillip Sedgewick, you can meditate on the galactic core and swim in a conscious way in the material available but would not be able to bring that consciousness to the human 3D realm. The frequency level of the knowledge is simply far too high. Then the Great Attractor is aligned with the sign of Sagittarius of which we experience a Sagittarian full moon on June 4th which illuminates the great attractor even more. Phillip Sedgewick describes the Great Attractor as a strong gravitational pull on our solar system, which can cause time to bend, causing warps that cause us to lose track of time. Have you been experiencing any losses or gaining of time? Like feeling as if the Spring Equinox was yesterday and yet we are entering the frequency of the Summer Solstice Event?

We are opening to the consciousness of more than our small little universe that spins around you, your home, your work, friends, family. Meaning, humanity will open this month to knowing there is a much larger world out there. Suddenly as humans who have felt so big, pushing their weight around has felt all powerful, now begins to shrink under the vastness of the larger universe. Potentially feeling small in a massive solar system but even more than that we can begin to feel incredibly small compared to mass galaxies. Never, in a million years would I have ever guessed myself talking like this. This is the influence of Sagittarius the adventurist tapped into the greater cosmic purposes. Will we continue to feel this way beyond this month’s frequency forecast? Only time will tell and it might be bent time from the great attractor so we just might need to buckle up for the ride of our life.

This Galactic Cosmic Frequency is influencing us as humans on earth. So, what might you expect to experience while remembering we are venturing into new unknown territory? An enormous cosmic force of light has opened up, as if there is a higher electrical surge pulsing through to you. Your pineal is starting to be activated as we speak but by the summer solstice it will be full on. Click here to read more about the pineal gland in my blog post. There is a light pouring over our feminine divine channels, and massively healing historical female traumas of the past and current. Justice is starting to finally have its time on the world stage and in the court room. We are really starting to see this play out in the news. But this bright LED type light is surging through the female channels dismantling and disintegrating ancestral historical traumas in both women and men.

All living beings have both male and female energy channels. All male and females have been impacted by the historical trauma that has affected our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, Aunties, and cousins. Enabling a greater flow of the feminine divine and aspects of yin energy welcomes in a lighter finer mist of a frequency. Do not confuse the light mist of the feminine divine energy with weakness. Light fine frequency can cut through those harsher energies of corruption, violence and oppression with ease.
Psychic Intuitive abilities are going crazy right now as everyone is rapidly opening to their intuition and psychic skill. Are you noticing your own intuition becoming more accurate? Have you noticed the children being born are highly attuned to multidimensional levels of conscious understanding far beyond their years? Hard core critics, doubters and skeptics will start to lose steam as they have experiences that challenge what they previously believed. I was told by spirit 30 years ago that we would be going through enormous changes on the earth and 30 years ago I did not believe for a moment that it was true. But just in case, I would at least start heading this direction, lol.

June Frequency Forecast – The Great Attractor

In fact, all belief systems are being challenged right now as Pluto moves back into Capricorn. This movement back out of Aquarian Freedom and back into structure is assisting us to come back through with a broom to sweep out the remnants of rules, regulations, rulers, etc. You might have read me write this before, but this back and forth in and out of Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius is almost like a birthing process of contraction and relaxation, back into a contraction. Then in 2024, Pluto will move permanently back into Aquarius and remain there for the next 20+ years. When the Blue Beings of Celestial Beings came through back in 2017, they said what has been hidden will be revealed. We certainly have experienced a whole lot of revealing going on here in the United States and we are not done quite yet.

In conclusion, according of the June Frequency Forecast we are in for a galactic trip to the stars on the higher levels of our consciousness while attempting to bring some of that knowledge back to our own human perspective and perception. Millions of sparks of new ideas have great potential to lead us into the future where we live more harmoniously together in our strength and resilience. As Phillip Sedgewick mentioned in an interview, the Wright Brothers had a spark of an idea to build a plane to fly. They never dreamed it would lead to airplanes carrying hundreds of people or thousands of flights a day stopping in multiple cities around the world. They started with one single spark of an idea. Watch for yourself to be sparked into creative ideas because you never know where it will lead us into the future of our world.
The summer solstice group guided psychic reading and healing event will be a big one, shifting us as a group into that galactic alignment that is infusing our planet.

Register now for the Big Solstice Event by clicking this link.


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