Sexual Energy, a Primordial Force for Healing.

Sexual energy is a pure primordial force, leading it to be the most powerful healing energy we have inside our own body! Yes, you read that correctly! Sexual energy is a potent force for healing every cell of your body.

Sexual energy is a survival energy to preserve all living beings ability, to procreate for the survival of their species. Sexual energy drives us through arousal, and yet in our western culture, we have societal taboos around sexual energy that cause us to suppress it.

Sexual energy, when suppressed for long periods of time, moves to find an outlet. I often tell my students, if you suppress your sexual energy, it WILL eventually come out backwards. Meaning, if you do not create healthy expressions of sexual energy, it will express in unhealthy ways. You can tell just how unhealthy our society is based on abuses of this prized healing energy. Human Sex trafficking, child abuse, secretive fetishes, and pornography are leaders in search engines of the internet, as millions of people in the dark of their own home, try and find an outlet.

Celibacy is a spiritual practice by many religious and spiritual communities. However, choosing to restrain sexual desire and arousal for the sake of developing inner mastery over the body often leads to sexual behaviors that are the extreme opposite of what the spiritual individual is attempting to manage. We have heard many news stories of spiritual leaders taking sexual advantage of their religious community members. Your mind may desire to be celibate, but the body can still send out signals of desire and arousal like a guided missile, looking for a target.

Is there such thing as healthy celibacy? Can spiritual masters practice restraining from sexual interaction and not be abusive? Absolutely, as long as the individual is still working with their own sexual energy channels, to flow throughout the body several times a month. Meditating with sexual energy provides the outlet of flow that your body desires, therefore does not need to find a “back door outlet.”

Are there spiritual practices, that use sexual energy to enhance awakening and enlightenment? Yes, there are, yet, again, this requires a healthy mutual engagement of two people engaged in sacred sex for the purpose of enlightenment. There are multiple sources through the internet and books to expand your consciousness in this regard.

However, in this blog, my focus as a psychic healer is on the powerful topic of; Sexual energy, the primordial force for healing. This powerful force for healing does not require a sexual partner, in fact, it does not require sexual intimacy at all. In can include self arousal and self pleasure, but it does not have to.

Where does this powerful sexual healing energy come from and reside? The base, the reservoir of sexual energy originates in the root chakra, the survival chakra. Remember, human existence relies on procreation for the survival of humanity. Therefore, its root source is the 1st chakra. When your parents were aroused to orgasm it triggers love and compassion. Your father’s sperm cells and your mothers egg cells are bathed in sexual energy. This sexual energy, in turn, bathes you, as the fertilized egg, in this potent sexual energy elixir to assist the cell to explode in rapid division. Sexual energy is needed to inspire healthy rapid cell division. You are made up of 50,000 trillion cells that are constantly dividing to release the old outdated cell energy, opening to new healthy cell energy.


This is a primordial force, contained in your body, determines how much you are able to receive from this universal power. This primordial universal power of light infuses your soul and your spirit. The power of the sexual energy your fertilized egg was bathed in, from your parents, can be “A” determination of just how much power you come into life with.

As a psychic healer, I can use my clairvoyant sight to determine if your body is lacking in sexual energy flow. If you are low on sexual energy, the outer coating of your cells become dry, lack resilience, and create a thicker outer coating of stubborn resistance. One single, simple orgasm releasing a surge of sexual energy, can bath your cells, softening the stiff outer layer, creating more flexible pliable cells. This “pliability” enhances cell splitting healing, by expressing ease in cell division. However, personality wise, you also will find that you are less stubbornly resistant and more pliable when working with yourself, your family and with co-workers.

Oxytocin and Dopamine are two hormone chemicals that are released when you have an orgasm. Pleasure hormones, that also inspire motivation is not only healing, melting away resistance, but all of life suddenly becomes more enjoyable. Colors or more vibrant, musical subtle tones easier to identify, smells more exotic, and taste buds explode with enhanced flavors.

Can you achieve the benefits of your own sexual energy if you do not have a sexual partner? Again, absolutely! You have the choice of self pleasure, and there are many online stores where you can shop with discretion, to try new things. As you experience your own arousal build, notice where in your body the sexual energy is flowing to. Arousal, moves the sexual energy through the channels. You can consciously guide the sexual energy up and out the top of your head. As a healing energy for the organs of the body, guide the sexual energy to bathe the liver, bathe, the kidneys, bathe, the brain, etc. Remember, Sexual energy, is a primordial force for healing as it dissolves the stubborn resistant casing around the cells, allowing the cells of each organ to heal.

However, you can also benefit from working with Sexual energy is a meditative tool. In your meditation practice, ground your sexual energy channel to the center of the earth to stabilize and not feel so overpowered by its energy. Ground yourself to the center of the earth. Move your consciousness to the center of your head the place of your pineal. I invite you to read my blog about the pineal gland.

We can have misconceptions around our own sexual energy and desires. Stuck Energy can block our own sexual energy channels, such as, past sexual partners energy, secrecy, shame, religious programming, mental energy, mother or father energy, sexual abuse, and past life energy, just to name a few. Your sexual energy can become stunted at a childhood age, so reminding yourself of your current adult age is vital to bring your adult awareness to your sexual energy. Create a grounding cord to the center of the earth provides the stability to your energy field as well as a drain to release those old energy patterns that I mentioned above.

Is Sexual Energy the fountain of Youth? My own teacher made this statement in my own class on the subject and as a nurse, my eyes grew wide as I tried to conceptualize it. How could sexual energy take years off of your appearance? As you meditate, allow the sexual energy to flow up the main core of your body, guiding it up and out the top of your head. Then like a fountain of water, invite the sexual energy to flow through your entire aura, 360 degrees all around. Then go back and infuse your entire body, front, back, shoulders, legs, arms to include the organs in your body. Remember, sexual energy dissolves the stiffness of the cells. The cells soften, easily divide and restore themselves while bathed in sexual energy. This in turn softens the cells of your skin, your face, and just like the afterglow of intimacy, you can carry this glow with you all the time.

As a psychic healer, I can assist you to release old outdated energy from your sexual energy channels. Often clients who have had many sexual partners report afterwards feeling so “clean and clear” in their pelvic area. Other clients have shared stories of sexual abuse as a child. The psychic healing assists to clear out the old abuse, allowing you to have a fresh new relationship with your own sexual energy. Women, who struggle to conceive and have been trying for years, will see me to help clear what blocks them from getting pregnant. I delight in hearing that phone call when my client becomes pregnant afterwards. It does not happen often, but it does happen. Clients also see me with issues around sexual addiction, or sexual impedance, an inability to achieve arousal. Helping my clients with their sexual energy channels is one of my passions because healthy sexual energy contributes greatly to our spiritual conscious awakening.

According to Eric Francis, with Planet Waves astrology in his weekly podcast has been stating that astrologically we are in a sexual revolution. If you just go back 20 years ago, Ellen DeGeneres’s show was shut down and she could not find work as a comedian for many years afterwards. Now twenty years later, we have many same sex relationships on shows, in commercials, and transgender in the military and winning political races. So, yes, acceptance of sexual expression has come out of the closet and has changed dramatically in what we consider normal now. Sexual Energy is a very healing healthy energy to revitalize how alive you feel. Take full advantage of this incredible primordial force and enjoy thriving again.

Sexual energy has been a part of our bodies and our lives since the beginning of time. It is time to work with this potent primordial force to heal ourselves during this great time of change on the earth. Nancy Rebecca


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