6th Chakra, I Can See Clearly Now!

I can see clearly now the rain is gone! I can see all obstacles in my way…. Gone are those dark clouds that pass me by. It’s going to be a bright, bright, sunshiny day!

This song’s lyrics are very fitting for the subject of the 6th Chakra, the clear seeing (clairvoyant) chakra. In this time of a Coronavirus Global Pandemic you have two sets of eyes. One set of eyes is your human eyes, that can only see what is happening on the human level, the level of physical matter. We often hear others say, I only believe what I can see, what can be measured, what can be studied. Maybe you have said this very thing, I will believe it when I see it! We have been programmed by society, our parents, and teachers to only validate what is reality, what can be seen. We have been taught to take things at face value. Meaning, if someone is smiling, then they are happy. That is face value.

The other site we have is our spiritual eyes. Your spiritual eyes have the ability to cut through physical matter and see what is truth. Your 6th energy center draws your spiritual energy from your higher soul self into the pineal area, then illuminates the truth of what is before you. To use the same example of looking at someone who is smiling, you can make the assumption that they are happy. Yet with spiritual eyes, you can see red lightning bolts, or black clouds that would provide you with another level of site that tells you, this person is really angry, or having a hard time but are trying to put on a brave face by smiling. That is a much more authentic well rounded picture isn’t it?

The 6th Chakra is your spiritual library of information about crystal clear clarity and crystal clear ideas and opinions that only belong to you and not influenced by others. I have noticed with my clients over the past few weeks of this global pandemic, that the clients 6th chakra is WIDE OPEN to 100%. Why do you imagine that is? Remember in the other chakras, the more open it is the more you are gathering as much information as you can. Or using the analogy of the library, your arms of full of books you are checking out to determine and “SEE” if you are at risk of getting the coronavirus? Or will I be able to pay my bills, keep my house, or afford to buy food for my family? Your 6th chakra may be wide open to “SEE” if you can see the future.

Acupuncture points and meridians, to show just how many
small chakras support the 6th Chakra with healthy light!

When your 6th chakra is open too far, you can end up feeling mentally overwhelmed and overstimulated. You find that you have to stop watching the news reports because the visuals seem to stack up and block your ability to gain access to your own clarity and truth. The opinions of the experts can cloud your 6th chakra like a fog, interfering with your own ability to see and know your own truth about what is going on in the world. We have been taught to leave it to the experts and yet now we are “seeing” that what has been hidden is being revealed. Leaving us into more confusion about who to believe anymore? Yet, cultivating your spiritual eyes can help you to see the light around a subject, providing you with another level of discernment about the truth, the real truth!

Your pineal is located in the 6th chakra. I wrote a segment on the pineal and invite you to read it. https://www.intuitivemind.org/2020/02/pineal-activation-is-it-safe/

The pineal takes in the light of your own soul and then illuminates what is before you. Like a flood light in the dark of night, it shines your spiritual light onto your path so that you know the direction needed for the next part of your journey. Your 6th chakra is significantly different than the other chakras because it has a spiritual system of chakras, energy channels, that go all the way around your head as well as through your brain. https://www.healthline.com/health/how-much-of-our-brain-do-we-use

You are born with the built in capacity to use all of your brain as well as all of your spiritual capacity as well. It simply requires you to have a curiosity, an interest, and drive to challenge yourself to cultivate and integrate knowledge. As a clairvoyant what I spiritually “see” in my clients is a blocked 6th chakra. These blocks come in 4 main general categories.

  1. Mental energy, over thinking, over analysis, worry, fret, anxiety and control issues, pretty much fill up the 6th chakra to maximum capacity. We have been taught to value our minds intelligence above everything else. I call this the “talking head syndrome”. Energetically, the 6th chakra can look like a black bowling ball or a maze of mental energy.
  2. Other people’s energy can fill up your 6th chakra and suppress your own ability to see the truth, or have opinions for yourself. If you have had controlling parents or spouse that override you constantly then you find yourself just giving up and stepping into the background of your own life. This does seem like the easiest route to keep the peace but eventually it stops working so well.
  3. Self installed blinders that cover your entire head, or energetic covers over your eyes. I will see this often when you have had spiritual experiences seeing spirits, guides, animals and it frightened you. So you decide you do not want to see anything, therefore place energy blinders on.
  4. Past life energy blocks. Many healers, and seers in past lives died because of their abilities. You may have been hung, burned at the stake, or cast out of your community in other lives for fear you were a witch. You can carry those painful past lives into this lifetime. This can lead you to not want to step into your abilities for fear that you will be killed again for your beliefs and gifts. We are in the year 2020 and we are protected by freedom of speech, but we still live in communities that will cast you out, or shun you for your abilities. In some parts of the world, witches are stilled stoned to death.

Now would you like venture a guess as to which is the one block of energy that dominates over the others? You might think it would be mental energy since we are a country of head cases, brilliant head cases and brilliant entrepreneurs but still head cases. The correct answer is: Other people’s energy! Can you believe it?

How many times do you call other people to “talk out” a story to gain wisdom and insight before you make your own decision? How many books from experts have you read, and taken the advice of? How often do you watch Youtube videos and buy into their experts advice and take action based on that advice? Even as simple sitting in a restaurant and asking someone else; What do you think I should order, invites the other person’s energy into your 6th chakra to go through your energy file cabinets to see what you might like to eat.

The Third Eye, Your spiritual Eye. We are all born with physical eyes and spiritual eyes!

Are you the type of person that loves to give advice, direction, or just plain boss someone into doing what you think they should do? Your energy moves out of your head and right into their 6th chakra. It is my theory that this constant exchange of energies is what is at the root energetic cause that can lead to alzheimer’s. In fact, I had a client, who was quickly losing his ability to drive, read a book, tell time, and remember events. His neurologist tested him and validated that he had early onset, rapidly developing dementia. This client was a brilliant man, yet when it came to making decisions he would constantly defer to his wife on everything. He would often say, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter to me, just tell me what you think I should do and I will do it.

My client in his normal state would never ever consider coming to see someone like me, considering it too woo woo. Once given that diagnosis, he was placed on medication and then agreed to see me weekly. Each week, I helped him to clear layers of other energies out of his head area. Within a few months he was able to walk on his own, drive and read again. His neurologist retested him and said, I do not know what you are doing, but keep doing it because it is working.

As a nurse, I was inspired to think that we might have found a healing opportunity for dementia. However, if he even missed a week of healing, his progress would back slide. My client moved away, and did not resume his weekly sessions with another energy worker and his symptoms of forgetfulness came back. Learning to meditate, make your own decisions with the help of your soul self, thinking for yourself, just might strengthen your clarity of thoughts. This is one of my disappointments about this work. There has not been much interest to study these type of cases but I know one day we will. I refuse to give up!

The second common block I see is fear. Your 6th chakra does have the ability to see auras, chakras and spirits. Based on my 25 years experience, most people who come to see me have a high level of ability to be intuitive but are so frightened that the fear builds up and blocks your own spirit from illuminating the spirit world. It is a choice to open to higher level perception, not simply a gift to a few special people. Cultivating your intuitive abilities is very doable. For some opening this chakra to seeing is easy and for others it can feel like a stubborn process. Regardless, everyone has the ability if they choose to learn how.

Your 6th chakra has small chakras that go all the way around your skull. Those small tiny chakras can become clogged with energy as well. Your 3rd eye, is located in the 6th chakra. The eye of Horus is often referred to when learning about all the aspects of your 3rd eye, your spiritual eyes.

The Egyptian Mysteries of the all “seeing” eye.

Having a closed 6th chakra can minimize your ability to gain access to your intuitive wisdom. Often, when I see this pattern, it is usually connected to childhood experiences where the parent override what you as a child is seeing causing great confusion energy. As a child you are taught to not trust what you see. Other childhood experiences can come from witnessing painful experiences, therefore, block the 6th chakra making it easier to pretend that everything is fine when it is not. When my clients experience a closed 6th chakra, I assist them to clear some of the old energy and guide them to just open this chakra about 10%. There is a profound joy when my clients 6th chakra floods with a bright light and they realize they are actually seeing their own spirit. Often it will bring my client to tears. Even grown men, will suddenly, be filled with choked up emotion when they see their own spirit for the first time in a long time. It is a deep remembering.

Tending to your 6th chakra will bring you great benefit with very little attention. Many times, the experiences with the 6th Chakra can be enough to inspire you to instantly become a spiritual seeker for the rest of your life. For others, fear can override the drive to seek higher knowledge and then fear must be dealt with first before the seeker can progress on their own spiritual journey. Meditation, is the key to your inner journey. I have a blog on all the different types of meditation available to you. If one way does not work for you then there are many other types of meditations to choose from. https://www.intuitivemind.org/2020/01/meditation-luxury-or-necessity/

The type of meditation I teach is listed there towards the bottom of the blog. Using voice guided learning and meditation to enhance your own inner confidence to gain insight and intuitive wisdom from your OWN soul. We have a virtual online year long program with the link here. You work completely at your own pace in the comfort of your own home during the time that best suits your schedule. In addition, we support you in your learning. Read more about it on our website.


Your 6th chakra is the spiritual library that contains all the great ancient mysteries. Through meditation, you can open those doors at a pace that is comfortable for you. Choosing to open slowly and just check out one book at time or open it a bit more and peruse several books at a time. Only you and your spirit know what pace is right for you. However my own journey is the single most beautiful and sometimes painful openings of my life. Beautiful because I realized that I was a soul connected to all that is. Painful, when my own soul began to illuminate the truths in my life that might not match up with how I imagined it was. Where I am now, I would not change one step of the journey except; I would not fight myself so hard and just “let go and let god” happen more quickly.

Enjoy your own journey of your own soul seeking. Its worth and value will go beyond anything you could dream of.

Nancy do a video on the programmable gauge.


2 responses to “6th Chakra, I Can See Clearly Now!”

  1. This information is invaluable! It all makes so much sense. Thank you!

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you so much Carla! What a bright spark of light you are! Nancy

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