Watch out for the Sneaker Waves | March 2018

The story begins with me on my first little birthday retreat at Happy Camp near Netarts Oregon. I was determined to get a good walk in before the tide comes in and covers the soft sand. I have a goal in mind and off I go! The morning is cold, damp and free of people. It is just me, walking on the fine sand, feeling playful in my rubber boots, wading through creeks as they make their way to the ocean and looking for treasures released by the sea. Off in the distance I could see something bright orange and as I moved closer I could see it was a man with a reflector orange jacket. He was of robust stature and I found myself wondering what might be on his mind as he walked along towards me. As our paths from opposite directions lead us toward each other he began to move towards me more so that our paths would eventually cross. I could feel his gentleness, like a big bear, a friendly sort of guy, these were my first impressions as he came closer so I was not threatened by his presence at all.

Within 6 feet of each other, I greeted him good morning, and he launched into a story, a long detailed story. I asked my higher self why have we met today and what is the purpose of this meeting? I was told to just listen, that he needed someone to listen to him so he could heal. Ron’s story began; “Yesterday,” he said,” I was right at this exact spot. I had my hip waders on and this exact sweatshirt over the top. You know this sweatshirt saved my life?” I just stood and waited. “I got this prevailing wage job just a few months back and at my age that kind of work doesn’t come along everyday and with my paycheck I thought, you know, you deserve to splurge on something for yourself.” He then asked if I ever splurged on something but before I could answer he picked right up with his story again. “Well,” he said,” I bought myself this beautiful ocean fishing pole, spent $500.00 on it and the reel was another $135.00. I have never had something that nice and I am a fisherman from way back.”

He continued on, “I am a Navy veteran too! I grew up on, around, and in the water. I was a diver for the Navy did I tell you that?” I continued to ground and just listen as guided. “So yesterday, I was out here in my waders and man, was I ever catching the fish! At one point I had two hooks and catching them two at a time, putting them in my bucket and then I would go back out again. I was catching so many fish that I had to let go of about 10 of them that were too small. I had just put the last fish in my bucket and told myself I better go home now but this other voice said……just one more time!”

He then dropped into the main point of the story: “I waded in, caught two more fish and turned to walk out and behind me was a “sneaker wave” that had come ashore to my right and swung around behind me. Then, I looked back towards the ocean and a huge wave was about to come up over the top of me. Behind me the “sneaker wave” rolling back from the shore carried a submerged log that caught me in the back of the knees and down I went. When I came back up I was 150 feet out in the ocean! Now normally wearing hip waders, I would be a goner just like that, but this sweatshirt blocked the water from filling the waders!”

He went on to say…”I let go of my pole and fish and just let go and relaxed. I was thrown back into a shallow area and just grabbed the sand with all of my weight and life, held my breath as another wave hit. When this wave receded I just crawled as fast as I could towards the beach.” He repeated this move of grabbing the sand, holding his breath, and crawling about three times before he made it out of danger. Then, he just stopped and I just stood there, both of us quiet. When he spoke again this time it was a life review. “You know, I was a diver for the navy. I grew up on and around the water. I knew, he went on, I knew I should have stopped but my mind got the best of me and I just had to get one more fish!”

Ron never said he almost died, I am not sure he could even go there. He repeated at least 5 times that he had gotten a bit cocky, complacent, self-assured and never thought this would happen to him. He forgot, he said, to never turn his back on the ocean! Ron in his over confidence, truly waded in further than what was safe and he lived to tell it! He wished me well, asked me to be careful about the waves and if I see his fishing pole to let him know.

I continued on my walk and pondered his story. How many times in my life have I thought, naw that will never happen, whether it is in work, relationships, or within family relationships? How many times have I been blindsided in life by “sneaker waves” of energy? Where are those places in my life that I have become complacent and have not paid attention? I invite you to visit the Energetic Health Tips to explore where in your life you may be at risk for those “sneaker waves”. Then maybe say a little prayer of gratitude for Ron Howard, the retired Navy diver that let the fish get away but not his life!

Energy Tips

To me “Sneaker Waves” is defined as those things I should have known but had become so comfortable in the circumstances that I forgot to look for or listen for the signs that something just might be wrong. In the case of Ron Howard his son had talked to him the week before about how concerned he was that his father was wading into the waves just a little too far. Ron laughed at his son’s concerns and assured him that he has been around water all of his life and was a diver in the Navy. Yet, was his son having some type of premonition that something like this might happen? Ron admits that his son’s concern was probably a sign that he should have heeded his advice. How often does someone share concerns about your life and you tell them, I’ve got this, don’t worry?

1. Create a sacred space, quiet, comfortable and light a candle if you choose to symbolically represent the divine light.
2. Have your journal close by, make yourself comfortable.
3. Right down four categories in your journal. Title them, Family, Friends, Work, Spiritual Life.
4. Ground yourself deeply to the center of the earth. Allow yourself to breathe a fresh breath of air in (inspired) and exhale out all old outdated energies that do not currently serve you.
5. Ask your higher self to show you what you may be missing in your family relationships that you are not paying attention to.
6. Allow yourself to simply free flow in the thoughts that come up. Let go of each thought as they come up and allow the next thought to come up. The one that seems to come up repeatedly is the one to pay the most attention to. Then ask your higher self to provide more information about the thought that is directing you to an area in your family relationships. Stop and make notes in your journal. There are times that more information will come through as you write.
7. Repeat for friends, work, and spiritual life.
8. Do not be surprised that in this quiet place your spirit will show you conversations or experiences that direct you to greater clarity.
9. Remember, your spirit loves it when you talk to it. Trust that what you are supposed to know will become clear. It may NOT be during this one session. Just asking the question starts the wheels in motion and more may be revealed over a few days or weeks. That is just how spirit works. It is different for everyone.

As much as I really dislike being what I call being blind-sided by those sneaker waves, when I really sit with each blind side, there were signs leading up to it that I missed or more like neglected to see for a variety of reasons. I would love to hear what was revealed to you.


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