The Year Of Community | January 2020

The year 2019 was the year of the Blue Light Movement.  The peak energy of the Blue Light Event was on November 19, 2019.  The Blue light meditations were guided to draw upon the blue frequency of earth and celestial cosmic energy to dissolve illusion and reveal truth.  Even last January, the voice of one of my guides came through, and said 2019 would be the year of what is hidden will be revealed.  I remember watching the news on television and each month being stunned over and over again at just how much had been hidden and how much was being revealed.  Most of us could not have predicted what was coming into view on the horizon. 

As the frequency of blue light infused my own energy field, the thickness of illusion that peeled away surprised me.  I have meditated for 25 years now and adding the blue light to my own meditations uncovered and revealed just how many of my own illusions I had allowed to filter my world.  If you are new to my story on the Blue Light you can visit my blog on our website to read about it from the beginning.  We also have a free download, a guided Blue Light Meditation, under the products button on our website. 

The last push through the end of the year was a big one as we climbed over each planetary shift in Scorpio that demanded that we dig deep, really deep, into the darkest aspects of ourselves or deal with the darkest aspects of those around us.  We made it onto the other side and lived to tell the stories but staying in the story is not where we want to be perpetually.  Staying in the story keeps us in the vibration and frequency that the story was created in; we have moved into a new frequency and now it is time to create new stories for ourselves. 

Last year was the year of what has been hidden will be revealed, so what is this year about?  This year is all about community.  Where our focus is to be this year comes down to a choice in everything that we do.  The word community is defined as a group of people who share a location, such as a town, city, state, or country.  It can also be a group of people who share a common culture such as an Asian Community, Spiritual community, Animal lover’s community, Vegan community, Facebook community and many others.  These communities describe a group of people who are a part of a larger group of people who share a common interest, however, it does not mean there is an actual connection, a human connection, with those within that community. 

According to Fabian Pfortmuller, who wrote about communities, he challenges us to begin the conversation on how to redefine communities.  In his blog he redefines community as:  A group of people that care about each other and feel they belong together.  He then goes further to break down the segments of the definition into:

  1. A group of peoplea group of people, at the end of the day consist of a group of humans.  We are talking about real humans, with real lives, real stories, real hopes and real dreams. 
  2. That Care About Each OtherThis, in his opinion is at the absolute core of a community.  The individuals in a group are not just random strangers, they actually have a relationship with each other.  They actually give a s*%t about each other.  They care more about the people in this group than about the average person they meet on the street.  This is where the magic of a community happens.  When people care about each other, they develop trust.  He goes on to say; Trust unlocks collaboration, sharing, support, hope, safety and much more.  While most organizations in the world optimize their performance towards external goals, communities optimize for trust. 
  3. Feel They Belongcommunities address one of the most fundamental human needs:  we want to be loved, we don’t want to be lonely and we want to know that we belong somewhere.  Real communities give us this sense of home, this sense of family, this sense of these are my peers.  This is my tribe; this is where I belong.  In this group, I am being accepted for who I really am. 
  4. TogetherA community gives people a sense of shared identity.  We are together.  The sum is bigger than the individual parts.  It turns strangers into trusted peers, even though I do not know you, I trust you more than the average person because we are part of the same shared community.  Communities become a part of our identity. 

Are you a community maker or a community breaker?

We can outgrow a community.  Just like we can outgrow a relationship, a friendship, a job or simply a way of being in life.  It’s natural to grow, it’s natural to change.  You cannot be a spiritual being without change being a part of everyday life.  Your relationships, friendships, jobs, communities or way of being does not have to be broken to make a change. 

So as you move into January 2020 and beyond, ask yourself where in your community do you feel that you can grow and thrive?  Where do you feel you can contribute to the entire group growing and thriving?  Invest some attention and care about the communities and the other human relationships you have within your community.  Allow your communities to be a place where you feel that you belong and a place that you can build that sense of trust and together you can make a difference in each other’s lives. 

As the year of Community, let us redefine community, as

A Group of People who Care about each other and feel like they belong together!

Energy tips

In this newsletter, community mindedness is where we are going, as a caring place of belonging.  When you have been a part of a group and no longer feel that it is a place for you to grow and thrive you can find yourself placing blame on the community/group for no longer being that place of belonging for you anymore.  When actually, you have grown, and it is simply time to move on. 

We all know that feeling when a relationship has changed and it no longer suits us, yet we stay, becoming bitter and resentful.  This is what I mean by the question: are you a community maker or a community breaker?  Do not feel as if you must break the community you are in before you can leave it. 

In this Energy Tips segment for January 2020;

  1.  Make a list of groups or communities that you are a part of and divide them into two groups.
  2. One group or community list is for those whom you care about and feel as if you belong there, there other group or community list is for those whom you do not care for and no longer feel as if you belong.  
  3. Ground yourself to the center of the earth to stabilize your energy field and create a way to release the old energies. 
  4. Connect with mother earth and the cosmos, infusing your energy field with those higher supportive energies. 
  5. Go through the list of groups/communities you feel it is time to let go of.  Telepathically, send out a message to the higher soul level of the community, in gratitude for all that you learned from being in that group.  Then release that group to its highest good.  Pull your energy out of the group by just intending it be so. 
  6. Connect in meditation with the groups/communities you do care about and feel as if you belong and again, telepathically, send out gratitude to this group at the higher soul level.  Allow yourself to experience the strength in the group, the caring, the support and that sense of belonging.  Infuse your own soul being with the essence of your community.  Let go, down your grounding, anything that comes up for you that would interfere with your sense of belonging. 
  7. If you are not a part of any group.  Make a list of communities that you would like to be a part of and meditate on those potential groups. 
  8. Make notes in your journal about what you noticed in your mediation. 

This is the year of communities.  Let’s work together to create healthy ones!


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