Heaven and Earth | December 2018

The voice that I have come to know as the Supreme Creator came through in one of my meditations and said to me, “To understand heaven, you must know earth.  To understand earth, you must know heaven.”   This is just how it is when communicating with consciousness that is of the highest order.  Nothing is clear cut, literal, black and white, and directive.  The communication comes through almost in the form of a riddle, a question within a question, that ends up leaving you with more questions. 

In the November newsletter I wrote about the galactic cycle and the theory that we are currently in the dark ages where one of the symptoms is the gravitational pull towards the minds need to know the answers to everything.  This in turn leads to us, as humans, trying to find an outside source, and outside savior to fill that mental hunger that drives the machine of our mind into further questions of complexity. 

What does that mean to understand heaven you must know earth?  Good question and yet it just might not have an answer.  At least not an answer that can satisfy the minds unending appetite.  So I sat there in meditation and sat in the silence of that statement.  Then I sat longer, not trying to wrap my mind around it, not trying to understand it,simply being curious about it.  Then I communicated with my own spirit and said, okay, you have my attention, show me more!  I opened myself to the potential of knowing and yet not expecting to know. 

I felt this deep drop into myself and then another drop that inspired relaxation, and then another drop into peace and then another drop into the vibration and frequency of the earth. I was feeling the earth almost for the first time as extremely alive with consciousness.  This earth frequency began to communicate consciousness in its own way, in a divine way, in a heavenly way of beauty and love for me.  A deeply palpable expression of gratitude for my existence on the earth. When you are in meditation, and quiet stillness the trick is to not try and define your experience.  Simply be open to being the experience.  On a human level, my mind tells me that we treat the earth horribly and yet in that moment earth was expressing gratitude. 

Then I heard the voice again say, “To understand heaven, you must know earth.  To understand earth,you must know heaven.”  This was another divine invitation to allow myself to be taught, be the student, listen to the lesson that is not taught in words, outlines, structure, or outcomes.  My mind so wanted to grab a hold of the strand of light, to understand the God head from the limitations of my humanness.  Yet, I knew from years of meditation that I must let go, I must allow the communication of consciousness to teach me in its own way, in its divine way. 

I felt an expansiveness that bordered on frightening as my own inner light began to expand beyond the boundaries of my physical body.  My mind so wanted to control this experience that went against logic.  The expansiveness of my soul built up and out in frequency and just when I felt that I would lose who I knew myself to be, a wave of light like a tsunami spilled upon the earth blending the two, heaven and earth, into one.  One single form of divine intelligence that awakened my senses to another level where understanding was no longer important. 

Earthly consciousness is waking up heavenly consciousness and heavenly consciousness is waking up earthly consciousness.  The cycle of yin and yang, ebb and flow,light and dark, awake and asleep.  All are a part of the unity consciousness of our existence. 

You need those inner experiences of your spiritual landscape to remember who you are.  Who you are as a relational being.  You are in relationship with other humans, trees, stones, plants, animals, waters,mountains, elements, stars, planets, earth and the heavens.  Loneliness can not exist when you are in relationship with the inner light of your soul. 

We invite you to open your inner curiosity and go in search for your own illuminated truth.  This next new year is just around the corner. How will you unite heaven and earth in your own soul’s journey?

Energy Health Tips

How do you begin to unite Heaven and Earth in your own soul’s journey?  The first place to star tis by embracing that you are a soul first and foremost who just happens to have chosen a physical human body to anchor you to this earthly plane.  As we near the cycle of the Golden age, we awaken to seeing the world through both sets of eyes. 

  1.  Create a quiet place to sit with yourself. 
  2. Ask yourself if you believe you are a spirit having a human experience or if you believe you are only a human and doubt that you have a spirit.  Listen to those inner thought patterns that shape your daily experiences.  Sort through those inner thoughts to determine which ones you want to keep and others that you wish to discard?
  3. Explore like an adventurer what you think, feel and know Earth to be for you. 
  4. Explore like an adventurer what you think, fee land know Heaven to be? 
  5. Then ask that inner question of where you deeply believe your own place within Heaven and Earth exist?
  6. Write your answers down in your own journal.  Allow yourself to be neutral in how you view your answers.  Let go of the inner critic, the inner judge.  Can you allow yourself to simply “BE” with your answers?  Let curiosity be your tour guide of your inner landscape. 
  7. Who is driving your car?  Is your mind, human ego, in the front sea twith your hands on the steering wheel? Is your spirit riding along in the back seat?  Close your eyes and play in the imaginary world to envision a car with you in it. Again ask, who is driving my car, my mind or my spirit? 
  8. If it is your mind driving your car, set your intention that your mind, your human open the driver door and step out of the car.  Then imagine opening the back door and inviting your spirit to step into the front driver’s side and slide in behind the steering wheel.  Then invite your mind to climb into the back seat and close the door. 
  9. Explore this feeling of your spirit being in charge of your life instead of your mind with its limited thinking patterns. 
  10. With your spirit in the front seat, ask to experience the awakened divinity of the earth. 
  11. With your spirit in the front seat, ask to experience the awakened divinity of heaven. 


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