Bones Divination Reading | March 2019

My intention in this Bones session is to bring through the spiritual messages for our global community that will assist us with clear vision, intuitive insights and the wisdom to be able to take the actions necessary, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual to move us more clearly onto the path that will awaken the world to a greater consciousness.  In turn that greater consciousness will assist us in creating a world of caring, kindness, compassion, truth, and justice for all.  I asked the ancestors to illuminate what we need to know for the month of March 2019. 

I started the session by lighting the imphepho. This is a South African Sage that is grown and burned for the purpose of communication with the guiding ancestral lights who support our daily lives here on earth. 

As the smoke drifted upwards, I gathered the bones in my hands and threw them onto the mat.  When I do this, a vision will come to me that shows the overall message of the reading.  The actual Bones lay out provides more detailed guidance and assignments to get more from the reading in terms of healing.  The vision was very similar to the February reading where I saw hundreds of thousands of light beings heading towards a path.  In the February reading the beings that represent us, were turning towards the light and wanted to ignore, or simply could not see our shadow side.  For March, we as souls are turning towards the dark lake instead of the light.  This is a huge difference.  As we swam through the lake of black oily muddy water, we pulled at ropes filled with old pain, trauma, karma, and past lives. We were clearing them all together as a team rather than just leaving it to a few suffering souls. 

What the ancestors then showed was our lack of gratitude to those in life that make the choice to suffer so that we do not have to.  The ancestors showed that those humans who suffer with or are affected by depression, anxiety, addiction, mental illness, commission of crimes, murders, homelessness and severe abuse are souls that have devoted their lives to turning the darkness into light.  It is dark work and not everyone is spiritually strong enough to do it.  We have forgotten to thank them for walking that heavier burdened path so we do not have to.

I was upstairs in my meditation room and completely alone except for my two dogs.  I had thrown the bones and my two dogs began barking wildly downstairs.  I thought if I just waited they would eventually calm but that did not happen.  I finally stopped the session to go down to look to see what they were barking at.  Outside on the street, a milk truck was parked in front of our house with its emergency lights flashing. In the storm of cold and rainy weather, the milkman, would load up his hand truck with milk and run from house to house delivering the milk.  I calmed my dogs and headed back upstairs to finish the bones reading.  When I sat down to focus again, the ancestors came through and said, you know, that milk truck scenario downstairs is a metaphor for this reading.  The milkman is the person in this example who braves the storm, so we can stay in the comfort of our own home.   The ancestors are here to remind us that all beings are here for a purpose and it is important to be grateful to the milkman weathering the storm so we do not have to…..yep that is it, that is the lesson here. 

The lay out of the bones reading:

The bone at the bottom of the mat is complexity.  Meaning at the beginning of March there may be something in our life that we view as a more complex issue than it actually is. The next set of bones were in a cluster. They are two ancestor bones (with white beads), near the family/community bone (bone turtle), the love bone (turquoise stone), action bone (red beaded bone) and the child bone (single knuckle bone).  The ancestors describe the growth we are going through as a group as a movement from immaturity to maturity.  There is an element of not wanting to take full responsibility for the problems in our own life and in the world, the good, the bad and the ugly.  We are wanting others to take care of it for us. 

The heart bone (the shell), is open in March, which shows that it has moved from the closed position in February.  Inside the shell, is a child bone, the insignificant bone (small bone) and fear bone (black crystal) to the right of the shell.  Again, old child hood pains and fear in the heart that can block us from growing up, putting on the big pants, and taking action to handle current issues in a more mature way. 

The next cluster that the ancestors illuminated, were the pain bones, flanked on either side by power and strength.  This is a really great image, as our pain is being over-powered by our own inner strength, which means we are growing as a society and stepping in strong.  The long bone is the path the bridge, moving forward and I was super excited to see the gifts (yellow beads) and the bear claw were together again. This represents very powerful medicine that is helping to push our gifts to the surface so we can express them in the world.  This combination was also seen in the February reading which tells of its significance. 

It is interesting that the star beings bone and the balance bone were both at the top of the mat again, waiting at the top of the mat, working to bring balance between heaven and earth.  The ancestors showed this spiritual presence was illuminating the path before us, waiting for our arrival and ready to step in and take us to the next level of embracing the medicine on earth.  Yet at the very top is the doubt and confusion bone (large brown seed).  This happens often, just when we are ready to move to another level in our personal and global maturing, a flood of doubt can come up and knock us right back into a fetal position, with our heads under the blankets.  The ancestors are clear to caution us here to not be held captive by our doubts, by confusing thoughts, and fears.  They are asking us to call out to our spiritual guides and ancestors and to have faith that they are really there with us, ready to walk beside us in our spiritually maturing process.  Doubt and fear of ego, closes doors, and opening our hearts to our own spirit opens the doors. 

Energy health tips

When I went through my Sangoma initiation in South Africa there was such a strong build up of spiritual energy that my own ego began to get pushed up ready to battle any potential changes.  Remember, that your spirit loves to experience changes, and your body loves the comfort of stability.  Your body ego is not your enemy, it simply is trying to keep you safe through routine and stability.  One of the Sangomas said, “If you are having problems in your life it is because you have taken your eyes (your focus) off of your spirit and your ancestors”.  Whatever you put your focus on grows.  So this month if there is a build up of chaos, just stop and turn your focus towards the spiritual realm asking for assistance with the chaos. 

  1. Create a place to meditate.
  2. Write a list of things happening in your life that seem to be complicated and hard to resolve. 
  3. Ground yourself strongly to the center of the earth.
  4. Set your intention to release all the places inside of you, those ego places that want to hang on for dear life to keep things the same even if it is not for your highest good.  Take a full minute or two to fill up those imaginary garbage bags filled with complexity and dump them down your grounding. 
  5. Now, ask your spirit guides to move in closer and fill those places with your own calming spirit and ask your spirit and your guides to help you see the best solutions to resolve your life’s problems with ease and effortlessness.
  6. Ask spirit to make clear, any insights and wisdom to what action steps that you personally must take to help resolve this month’s life issues so that you can move into a mature place of taking responsibility for your life. 
  7. Express gratitude for the spiritual help that has already began to do its work even if you do not see it yet.
  8. Write notes in your journal of new awareness and action steps, create a plan. 


3 responses to “Bones Divination Reading | March 2019”

  1. Amberdenise Avatar

    I was listening to an astrological forecast earlier this week. As I listened, the message of gratitude entered my mind. I will admit, I have found myself off the path and in a place of resistance~ The last few days when the Moon & Mars we’re conjunction we’re especially challenging; I was being sucked into the songs of the sirens coming from those unhealed places.

    Today is my Birthday, and I turned 54 which reduces to 9, and further reduces to 333 coresponding to the current portal we are experiencing so this reading feels like a special gift to me from them.

    1. Amber Denise Avatar
      Amber Denise

      Today is my birthday so it this reading seems especially significant.

      Thank you.

      1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
        Intuitive Mind

        Happy Belated Birthday Amber. I love it that you read my blogs.

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