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2023 Summer Solstice Group Reading and Healing on Zoom (Jun18)

June 18, 2023 @ 3:00 pm5:30 pm PDT


JUNE 18, 2023


3-5:30 pm Pacific/6-8:30pm Eastern

VIP Bonus Bundle Option available for the Summer Solstice Event



Are You Ready to
Restructure Your Chakras?
Move the Dial from Survive to Thrive?



Do you believe that you must have a breakdown to have a breakthrough?

Are You experiencing that fall down the emotional slippery slope, a seemingly bottomless hole of stress that leaves us without a coping ladder to pull ourselves back out again?

Did you know that your spirit throws you life rings over and over again long before the fall? Your spirit also throws you life rings after the fall too! Intuitive guidance sends signals but often those signals (and signs) become lost in the noise and chaos of your life.

Can you relate?

On March 23rd, just after the Spring Equinox, the planet ‘PLUTO’ moved out of the sign Capricorn and into the sign of Aquarius. Shifting the frequency from structure to freedom. This sounds lovely but most of humanity prefers to remain with the familiar, even if the familiar is uncomfortable! Like lying in bed, with a soft blanket when suddenly someone is pulling it from you while attempting to convince you that a more comfortable blanket is coming.

Many of the old crumbling structures in our lives are collapsing while we are also learning new innovative ways to rebuild and replace. Creative ways of support infuse us while we awaken to a new world order of caring kindness. Do you remember a time when frustration and irritation with life was at a breaking point? After a good cry, you suddenly felt so much better and could see those same frustrating issues in a positive light? We are in a cycle of creating and letting go. Group gatherings such as the Solstice Event empower you with the clarity needed to choose your life direction.

The Summer Solstice Event is pouring pure light into those stubborn stuck areas in your energy field, revealing strength and resilient adaptability. The Summer Solstice is the longest light day of the year and helps drive the light deep into your bones, resulting in expansive awakening. However, I am also aware that those living in the Southern Hemisphere are experiencing the ‘Winter Solstice,’ where it is the longest night of the year. Whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere, restructuring remains the theme of this Solstice Event.

What are you awakening to? Surges of creativity that are inspiring artists, writers, journalists, and innovators to share new knowledge with others. Many are already finding their inquisitive nature being sparked and are standing up and speaking out. ADAPTABLILTY to quick changes in frequency will be your superpower as you come out the other side of the Solstice.



“June will reveal a new energetic restructuring of your auric field that will certainly be an event to celebrate.”

– Nancy Rebecca



This change in frequency is tightening the root (1st) chakra and crown (7th) chakra as all the other chakras in between feel the build of pressure. Similar to a balloon tied at both ends.

Ascension Symptoms are when the frequency volume is being turned way up, that our physical body just wants to get off the ride, but it can’t.

1. Sleep issues, not enough or too much.

2. Crazy wonderful active dreams, or nightmares

3. Headaches, as the mind battles to let go and let God.

4. Nausea, as we attempt to digest changes.

5. Mental health issues, feeling like you are losing your mind, struggle to cope with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression.

6. Intense pressure to make changes in your life while you continue to negotiate just one more day of remaining the same.

As crazy as it might sound, these are really good signs!


All of these Ascension Symptoms are really GOOD SIGNS. I know they don’t feel very good but it means that your body is adjusting to change as quickly as it can. Your body is letting you know it wants you to take supportive measures, such as staying hydrated, exercising, good nutrition, more hours of sleep, getting out in nature and meditation.


This is where ‘The Group Reading’ comes in…

You are NOT LATE to this spiritual transformational party. In fact you are right where you are supposed to be. Even those who have been studying and practicing for this awakening for many years, are also struggling with the aches and pains of change.

SPIRIT on the other hand is doing back flips in the energy of enthusiasm, hope, joy, encouragement, and resilience because your spirit knows what you do not.

You can shift ahead of the curve of change!

Why Am I So Excited?

Because…this shift is all about Restructuring Your Energy Field to put you back into the Driver’s Seat of your Life.

Why is that important?

If you are not driving your life, then who is?

When I tuned into the light frequency of the  Solstice, I can see an expanding light body of joy, happiness, and hope for the days ahead.

This is where all the possibilities of the Solstice Group Reading

and Healing override the impossible.

Are you ready to shift from the impossible to possible?

Be Ready to shift your limiting structure to expansive freedom!

An auric energy field that is tied up in knots at the top and the bottom of the aura, indicates the theme of “I can do it myself”! Yet in these times we live in, we can no longer go it alone. In these new times of Unity consciousness and awakening expansion we are always ‘stronger together than we ever were apart”.

The Summer Solstice is a time to come together in group consciousness to assist each other in this expansive healing shift of the energy field. So many individuals are finding these group readings so profound that we had over 200 in attendance at the Spring Equinox.

Register now… to take valuable steps to ride these waves of change on top of the curve, not under the water.

Because of the intense build up ahead of the reading I am offering a VIP Bonus Bundle in addition to the Group Reading and Healing for those who wish to “PLAY FULL ON” and take advantage of the frequencies of this time.

Your VIP Bonus Bundle includes;

1. The Summer Solstice Group Reading on 6/18/2023.

2. 16 days of daily audio recorded spiritual messages in the form of symbols provided by the divine, with guidance to shift your energy field. These daily messages will be sent to your email starting June 1st, 2023. So, register early for this VIP bonus. (Later registration participants for the bonus will still receive the 16 days of messages) to listen to at your convenience.

3. VIP Package – Private Zoom call on June 17th (Saturday) 10-11:30am Pacific Time, 1-2:30pm Eastern time. You will learn more about why this time we are living in is so significant and leave with a strategy to benefit you in the months ahead.

The Summer Solstice Group guided Reading and Healing

Is an Annual Event that has been spiritually shifting lives for 23 years now. Illuminating just how powerful it can be to bring a large group together, focused on 1 intention; To release what no longer serves, and refill, restore, and embody those energies that do serve your highest potential for a joy filled life.


Nancy Rebecca, clairvoyant, tunes into the high consciousness of the entire group who is in attendance, as well as includes those tuning in to the replay later.

You as an individual have an energy system of chakras and auras. When you enter into a group relationship, though each of you have a unique energy field, you also share a relationship within the energy system of the group who comes together with intention. This potentiates the healing for all. A family has individual energetic expressions but also share a family energy system. A town, city, state and country that you live in, also has its own energy system expressing patterns, beliefs, dreams and goals. Yet, you are still an individual within that system.

On THE afternoon of the group reading, Nancy will specifically “tune in” to the energetic system of chakras and the aura’s of the group that is in attendance. You see, each person who attends is called by their own spirit to be there. Collectively you all come together to experience this once in a lifetime(s) event. You will share an experience that will challenge you to find the words for, yet if you bring your awareness to your life before and after you will know the impact this healing has had for you.


Most asked questions…

  1. Do I need to have spiritual knowledge or experience with chakras and auras to be able to enjoy this experience?
    No is the short answer. Nancy voice guides you through the process. The group participates by imagining together with Nancy the images, impressions, and messages coming through to heal, balance and harmonize the groups energy.
  2. What if I have never meditated before?
    No previous experience with meditation required to experience great healing benefits. Nancy voice guides you through the meditation.
  3. What if I fall asleep and do not hear Nancy’s voice guidance?
    Great question. About 25% of attendees fall asleep. This is so that your spirit can move you out of consciousness so that you can receive a deeper healing experience. Plus, the event is recorded so you can replay to hear what you might have missed.
  4. How should I prepare for it?
    Your spirit knows your dreams and desires and will consider those when helping you to shift what energy you need to shift. However, you can also journal about your intentions for letting go of old structures in your life, and what new ways you wish to expand. Place list next to you during the group reading. You will want to have a quiet place, removing distractions. Optional: Candles, incense, crystals, stones, or other precious items you wish to be in the energy too.
  5. What if I cannot visualize?
    Then your other intuitive senses will kick in such as feeling, hearing and knowing. Be open to the possibility that can come from being in the group energy.

Who is Nancy Rebecca?

Nancy Rebecca, RN, Clairvoyant, had an out of body experience, that in a flash of a moment, opened up her psychic abilities. Nancy describes this moment 28 years ago as becoming… as suddenly sighted. Read her story here.

Nancy devotes her psychic healing skills to helping others understand their own intuitive/psychic abilities, through workshops, programs, Intuitive Mind with Nancy Rebecca YouTube channel and her weekly live Facebook events.

You only need to experience a “Group Reading” once to begin to see your world from a different perspective. An event, not to be missed.

This is a live “Zoom” Event in a virtual setting. Which means that you will receive a zoom link when you register. You will be sent a reminder link the day before the event, again with the zoom link. If you do not receive the zoom link (within an hour) of your payment, please check your spam folder. If you still do not receive it, please contact us.

[LIVE EVENT ON ZOOM] Sunday, June 18  2023 | USD$35


[RECORDING ONLY] Sunday, June 18  2023 | USD$25


[VIP BONUS BUNDLE] Sunday, June 17 & 18  2023

[VIP BONUS BUNDLE] Early Bird Price: USD$77

Starting June 12, 2023 [VIP BONUS BUNDLE] Price will be: USD$99.00 

Registration closes on June 15th, at Midnight. 



June 18, 2023
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm PDT
Event Category: