Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy

A Glimpse into Humanity’s Surges of Transformation

‘Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy’ is an inner intuitive dormant quality that seems to be awakening all of humanity. This writing hopes to ignite curiosity about what prophecy truly is and how would you recognize if you have had a prophetic moment. The Frequency Forecast predicts new frequencies are coming through that just may be activating this dormant ability. The gift of prophecy as defined by Wikipedia. We already know how rapidly intuitive/psychic abilities are awakening within humanity. This has inspired the term “intuitive intelligence” as a new highly sought-after skill that many companies are looking for in applicants. Having a prophetic skill of knowing can be a high-value ability for a business. Imagine, the company wanting to invest in a new business venture. On paper, the business investment could look great but an intuitive impression may say, do not do it. Yet you have nothing to show that would indicate holding back. Then a couple of months later the COVID Pandemic hits, which saved the company from a ‘close call’ by not making the investment. I actually heard stories similar to this but I also heard stories of someone’s instincts telling them not to but on paper it looked good, so they went ahead and did it, losing their entire business. In hindsight, the individual told me they had a ‘gut instinct’ that caused them to hesitate, but their rational mind made the leap.

Prophecy according to the dictionary states some common synonyms of prophecy are forecast, foretell, and predictions. While all these words mean “to tell beforehand,” prophecy inspires mystical knowledge of the future, especially as the fulfillment
of divine threats or promises. What does prophecy mean in 1 Corinthians 14 of the Bible? Prophecy is a gift of some sort of speech that comes from the Spirit and is to be desired (1 Corinthians 14:1, 39) Prophecy edifies the church and is for our strengthening, encouragement, and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:4).

What does prophecy mean to you?
When taking an informal poll, most people shared with me that they never really think about it much. They went further to say, they do not even talk to their friends about it. Then one individual said that they felt a prophet is someone chosen by God to bring messages to the people. This would be similar to Moses who had the prophecy to move his people and Noah had the prophecy to build the ark to prepare for the great flood. But are there lesser prophetic abilities that you might use every day?

Prophecy doesn’t always exclusively focus on foretelling the future; it can encompass broader insights into spiritual matters, human behavior, and the divine plan. Prophecies can inspire change, instill hope, and guide believers toward righteousness. Several other religions and cultures also mention individuals awakening to their ability to prophesy or receive divine insights:

Ancient Greek Oracles: In ancient Greece, oracles like the Oracle of Delphi were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods and offer prophetic guidance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythia
Islamic Tradition: In Islam, individuals known as “awliya” or saints are sometimes believed to possess special insights into the future or divine will.

Native American Spiritual Practices: Various indigenous cultures have shamans and spiritual leaders who receive visions and messages from the spirit world, guiding their communities. A vision quest may include fasting for days, to inspire visions of prophecy to guide their life moving forward. A practice that is still done today.

Ancient Egyptian Religion: The ancient Egyptians believed in prophecy and interpreted dreams and omens as messages from the gods. These ancient prophets were highly revered for assisting the Pharaohs in making important decisions.

Eastern Religions: In Hinduism and Buddhism, there are stories of seers and enlightened individuals who have gained insight into the nature of reality, which can include glimpses of future events.

In the August Frequency Forecast, I was told that the qualities of prophetic abilities may become a natural common aspect of intuitive/psychic abilities. In 1994, I personally struggled with out-of-body experiences which had me traveling to many dimensions, along with visions that appeared to show me things that were restrained within my conceptual mind that hung on to a sense of normalcy. I suffered in my capacity to define my own sanity while my own medical background did not support my experiences as sane. Turning to find a Psychic (as suggested by a friend) there were only 3 listed in the ‘Yellow Pages’ of the phone book (yes, I am that old). Now if you search for a Psychic you will find in the ‘Google’ search engine there will be a list of 282,000,000 MILLION. In just 30 years, this alone tells of the massive shift in consciousness of what we now consider normal. Prophecy is an aspect of intuition, and it is now time for us to begin having these conversations.

When someone has the gift of Prophecy should we blindly follow their gift of sight, of vision, of voiced messages? Well, let’s visit some of the ancient prophecies, such as Jesus’s birth, Noah’s Ark, or Mose’s crossing of the sea to save his people. Even then there were those who listened and those who did not. Now, consider the self-proclaimed prophets such as Jim Jones, (where his followers ‘drank the poison Kool aide’, or Heavens Gate group, where they also took a life-ending tincture, so they could ascend to catch a passing UFO. Then there are the current prophetic messages of the Apocalypse where Zombies will take over the world.

Making solid decisions about whether a prophecy is true for you or not, requires a strong inner sense of self! It is my opinion that a regular meditation practice as well as developing a strong trust in your intuitive instincts is essential when everyone feels they have prophetic abilities.

Prophecy Beyond Prediction means prophecy is not just about predicting the future, but also about spiritual insight, guidance, and the potential for positive change.
This is a key point to take note of. In general, prophetic ability should have some element of sharing a vision or message that points others in the direction of positive change. This leads me to wonder, if the prophetic vision comes from a state of fear or causes fear is it a true prophecy? Let’s take another example of what some herald as a positive thing but might inspire fear and that is a prophecy that in the year 2025, the Galactic Federation of Spaceships and Star Beings will visit Earth. This is a prophecy that many are talking about as something positive but inspires terror in others. So yes, this is ultimately a very complex subject that will become less complex as we awaken to greater levels of conscious knowledge to take in from a trusting state of strong inner faith.

Prophecy comes in various forms, each with its own characteristics and purposes. Here are some different types of prophecy:

Foretelling Prophecy: This is perhaps the most well-known type of prophecy. It involves predicting future events, often with a focus on significant occurrences that may impact individuals, communities, or even entire civilizations. Prophets who engage in foretelling prophecy offer insights into what is to come, sometimes providing specific details about the events, their timing, and their consequences.

Forthtelling Prophecy: Instead of predicting the future, forth telling prophecy focuses on conveying divine messages, guidance, or teachings to the present audience. This type of prophecy is more concerned with addressing current issues, moral dilemmas, and spiritual matters. It aims to inspire, correct behavior, and encourage adherence to principles of righteousness and ethical conduct.

Conditional Prophecy: Some prophecies come with conditions or contingencies. They predict a future outcome based on the responses or actions of individuals or communities. If certain conditions are met, the predicted event may occur, but if those conditions are not fulfilled, the outcome could change. Conditional prophecies emphasize the importance of human agency and the ability to shape the future through choices and behavior.

Symbolic Prophecy: Symbolic prophecies are often presented in a metaphorical or allegorical manner. Instead of providing straightforward predictions, prophets use symbols, visions, and imagery to convey deeper spiritual truths and insights. These prophecies require interpretation and often hold layers of meaning that can apply to various contexts. This type of prophecy also comes through the dream world.

Apocalyptic Prophecy: Apocalyptic prophecies focus on dramatic events that will mark the end of the current age or world order. These prophecies often describe catastrophic events, the arrival of a messianic figure, and the establishment of a new era or kingdom. Apocalyptic prophecies are common in eschatological teachings and can be found in various religious traditions.

Intercessory Prophecy: This type of prophecy involves individuals receiving divine guidance or insight on behalf of others. Intercessory prophets act as intermediaries, conveying messages or prayers from a higher power to specific individuals or groups. The purpose is often to offer encouragement, direction, or comfort during challenging times.

Confirmation Prophecy: Confirmation prophecies affirm or validate existing beliefs, decisions, or circumstances. They provide assurance and reinforcement, often helping individuals or communities stay steadfast in their faith, convictions, or paths.

Rebuke Prophecy: Rebuke prophecies address wrongdoing, moral decay, or spiritual decline. Prophets delivering these messages call for repentance, correction, and a return to righteousness. Their purpose is to warn against harmful behaviors and encourage course correction.

It’s important to note that these categories aren’t always strictly distinct, and a single prophecy can often encompass multiple aspects. The interpretation of prophecies can vary widely depending on cultural, religious, and individual perspectives.

Now let’s land this plane a little bit more.
Bill Gates (Microsoft), made a statement that within the next 20 years, there would be a computer in every single household in the world. Was that what might be considered a prophetic event, or just plain business sense? Steve Jobs (Apple) made a prediction that the world would have computers that you could learn in 5 minutes and would fit into your pocket. Now we have the iPhone, so now I ask again, is that prophetic or just good business knowing? So when you personally move through your daily life, making these predictions, assumptions, and best guesses that turn out to be true, what would you call it?

So here is my warning label based on working 30 years in reading thousands of clients (human energy fields). Those who have a weak sense of self are vulnerable to the opinions, predictions, and statements made in confidence (even if they are lies) from other people. As my clients built their inner confidence, trust, and faith in their own inner knowing they began to build what I call a very strong BS (bullshit) meter and were no longer easily influenced by the opinions of others. You can build your inner intuitive BS meter as well with a regular daily practice of intuitive meditation. Also, hesitate to ‘drink the Kool Aide’ until you have gone through your own personal discernment process from many angles.

My own prophetic abilities, seem to come as these sudden bright light moments that download rapidly, yet I often find I lack the ability to understand or make sense of them. For me, these messages come in symbolic ways that require spiritual interpretation. Spirit also communicates often in riddles, and it can feel like going on a treasure hunt through a variety of spiritual clues before discovering where ‘X’ marks the spot. James Van Praagh (Author and Psychic Medium) told me that my heightened level of integrity can at times be a hindrance because I tend to NOT share what I get unless I can prove it. Prophetic Vision can not be proven until it has happened right? The Blue Light Prophecy blog post by Nancy Rebecca, link here.

So ultimately this blog post has not answered any questions but has created more questions to ponder and be curious about. However, we ARE in a time when prophets are being born, predictions are being made, and expanded light is awakening us all to our inner divinity. Let us all walk with discerning confidence rather than hide our light under the covers. Our world needs your light, so I encourage you to join others whom you know are trustworthy while building your own inner faith.


11 responses to “Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy”

  1. Phyllis Avatar

    Thank you so much for this teaching. I have experienced cognitive dreams from childhood. The different types of prophecy’s you defined helped me realize that I use many of them and haven’t considered them prophecy. Thank you again.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      I found all of the descriptions interesting as well. Thank you for posting your comment.

  2. It is through your teachings that I have developed and strengthened, and really learned to trust my every day prophetic abilities. When people come to my new home and their jaw drops at the beauty and magnificence of nature all around and they say ‘how did you find this place?’ I’m not financially wealthy, relatively speaking. And my journey to this place was at times scary and in darkness. It was through daily intuition and subtle prophesying that I made my way here. So thank you Nancy! For providing life changing guidance ❤️

    PS. Check out the Baal Shem Tov mystic and founder of Hasidic Judaism. He practiced many kinds of prophecy on a daily basis.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Carla… I am very familiar with Baal Shem Tov when he appeared during a group reading in North Carolina. As it turned out, there was a large Jewish group in the crowd. I did a deep dive of studying him…. so I love that you have brought his work to the forefront again. I shall revisit it. Yes, we too were guided and knew that we needed to have the home we have now and it is a decision we could not have made with our mind. So happy to have you in the river of life with us. Nancy

  3. So interesting! I was unaware there were so many types of prophecies. I’ve found myself receiving a lot of information in the form of numbers lately. When I sit down to meditate, a flurry of numbers will start to appear. I try to write them down quickly and make sense of them later. I feel they may have some prophetic significance, but have yet to really figure out what. Do you have any personal experience with this? Thank you!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Isabell I have heard from several others who have mentioned having many of these abilities but never share them. I started a journal where I wrote them down and put specific dates in a calendar…..just for my own information. I was able to validate them as truth so often it helped me build my inner confidence in trusting my information more often. Nancy

    2. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Isabell I have heard from several others who have mentioned having many of these abilities but never share them. I started a journal where I wrote them down and put specific dates in a calendar…..just for my own information. I was able to validate them as truth so often it helped me build my inner confidence in trusting my information more often. Nancy

  4. Sandra Pickrell Baker Avatar
    Sandra Pickrell Baker

    Hi Nancy, thank you for this teaching. For many years I have received prophecies for personal insight. Usually in the form of visions or dreams. Now I seem to be getting visions or insights for other, however rarely do I share this because I’m always concerned my ego is behind the message. For myself it is easier to discern.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Sandra. I have heard from several others who have mentioned having many of these abilities but never share them. I started a journal where I wrote them down and put specific dates in a calendar…..just for my own information. I was able to validate them as truth so often it helped me build my inner confidence in trusting my information more often. Nancy

  5. I find all this information so fascinating! As I was reading I had an insight – sensing how open and ‘galactic’ we are becoming and your guidance on discernment has been on point!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Kam. Yes it is all fascinating and gives us new ways of seeing the world view from a place of curiosity. Nancy

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