The Energetics of Anger/Rage

Our world is on fire with RAGE right now and my intuition is telling me that it is not going to calm down anytime soon! Rage, hatred, hopeless is also a global pandemic and is making us sick to our stomach!

The stress in my community is starting to really increase in its ability to tip our mental health over the edge. Just last week, here at the Intuitive Mind Office, we fielded several crises calls that expressed concern for serious inability to cope. You may be coping just fine, but many others are not so this is the time to start REALLY checking in on our neighbors, friends and families.

Add the racism, COVID restrictions rolling back, the high unemployment rate, economy and political unrest leads to a powder keg of anger. In our society we are not sure how to cope with such a level of volcanic rage. We end up wanting to break something, blame someone, and take it out on our loved ones. Social media is overrun with videos of people losing their rational mind, and behaving in ways that even surprises them.

We just had Mars enter the sign of Aries and this alignment will remain in place for 6 months. Mars is the planet of war combined with Aries a fire sign and clearly the last 6 months of 2020 is not done with big changes ahead. Mars is also the planet of passion, and we can see humanity is very passionate about their fight for change!

Your dynamic human energy field is built to work with powerful emotions. Learning how to manage the wild stallion of rage as it kicks, bucks, bites and runs, is possible. In our Psychic Mastery Program we spend an entire month sharing meditation techniques that enhance your skill to take your anger and turn it into a healing, rather than hurting. We are taught as a society to turn the other cheek, step back, and be afraid of anger. We also have been taught that throwing anger around splattering others is appropriate if you have a good reason. We have accepted rage and anger as NOT manageable, yet it is manageable. When you are learning how to manage your anger can be very challenging in the beginning, but over time you can learn.

You can even learn to love your anger because it can clear out your energy field cleaner and faster than almost anything else. The emotion of anger can flush out old abuse, old violence, and stuck memories with ease. Again, if you are not used to working with the emotion of anger and you are used to suppressing it, then opening to it could take some of you several years. Rome was not built in a day and if you have been suppressing anger for 50 years, there is a lot of stuck energy that has to be cleared, as well as old patterns.

The energy of rage can damage your aura

Some of you may use anger a lot and love working with anger. You just might love walking into a room and “unloading” your anger on everyone, feeling the power of the discharge. You may use anger to set boundaries with others and now have a well established pattern that will require it to be dismantled.

Chronic depression can trigger rage and anger since anger is an emotional red energy that helps dissolve the depression when you feel overwhelmed. Learning to use the red energy before you become triggered can help you get ahead of the pattern to change it. When anger is healthy, it feels good to you and to those around you. If it is not healthy than it does not feel good to you or others. Yes, Anger can feel good and can be very healing.

The rush of anger, up and out the top of your head can be very healing.

Your second chakra is the spiritual library for your emotions, creativity, sexual energy and Male/Female Energy. You are in a human body and your human body and you are meant to be emotionally expressive. There are thousands of emotions that can run through your energy field, but your mind just might filter it down to one or two. Using the red emotion to clear your mind can open you up to be very expressive emotionally.

When we feel anger or someone is spewing anger towards us a natural energetic response is to close down your heart chakra. Then your gut feels tight, you might even feel nauseated, you may even throw up. Open your heart chakra and it will allow the energy to flow right up through the body. In my video, I will teach you a technique to clear your emotional channel and allow the red energy to flow up your body and out the top of your head.

Join me in changing the perspective we have around anger. It really is a beautiful healing energy.


2 responses to “The Energetics of Anger/Rage”

  1. Barbara A.J. Roidl Avatar
    Barbara A.J. Roidl

    So very helpful, Nancy! Thank you!

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Barbara. This particular subject really touched many people. A good reminder of the beauty of anger as well. Nancy

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