The Dark and Light of the Spirit Realm

There are spirits who are light beings and there are spirits that prefer to work in the realms of the dark energies. In some cultures, like in Nepal, the practice of Tantrism believe both the light and dark are considered as having a beautiful divine purpose for learning lessons within the dichotomy of being a human. There are other cultures that describe the light and the dark as two sides of an intense battle fighting to the bitter end to see who is going to win. We are definitely living in times that illuminate these two extremes but not too many opportunities to have the neutral conversation about it. It is time to allow ourselves to have conversations as we shift towards the 5th dimensional realms. It is time to call forth the conscious understanding, so we are no longer naïve to the truth of the existence of many different types of spiritual beings, light and dark.

Darker realms loved old abandoned houses

My 10-year-old cousin talked about how much he loves to watch scary movies. He went further to explain that he likes the idea of being scared as long as he can anticipate what is going to happen. So, if it is a scary movie about ghost, aliens, hauntings, or doors opening and closing on their own, he can anticipate it because it is a movie, and it is a controlled outcome. When I shared that I have had real encounters with ghost and hauntings he said he did not want to hear about anything real because that would scare him too much, be too real. This is the category that most people are in. It can be fun to be scared by a predictable movie outcome or hear a ghost story around a campfire. Most people do not really believe or want to believe these frightening things can really exist. This is why it has been a topic I do not talk about often. However, we live in times when it is essential that we open ourselves to a greater understanding. Remember, knowledge is power!

Dark spirits thrive on fear and do participate in the play between the spirit world and the physical world to trigger fear so they can get energized. We are living in a time where we must be more discerning of what frequency we keep in our environment. We must be knowledgeable of the doorways to other dimensions we open with our naïve thoughts. When you have a greater level of knowledge then your ability to respond in a grounded neural way to those things that go bump in the night maintains calm. I used to love watching scary movies, ghost hunters, and the haunted house series. The more attuned I became to the spirit world, the more I realized that that just by tuning in to those shows, the more I opened myself up to those experiences. The less I watched those shows, the more I was able to manage a stability of energy in my own home. However, now that I have a greater level of experience, those shows often are not respectful enough of the spirit world for my taste no matter how frightening they might be. Most darker spirits can be negotiated with. Often, they do not understand they are scaring you. However, just like humans can range in personalities from loving to hateful, the spirit world can have the same range.

Spirits can attach themselves to the physical world by connecting to items, land, people, and events.
Physical items such as furniture, pictures, statues, jewelry, and vehicles are just some of the items that a spirit can remain connected to. Psychometry is the ability to touch an object and can tell the history of that object based on the vibrational frequency of that item. If the item was in an environment where abuse and trauma took place, the item can absorb that energy. Then spirits that strongly associate with the old trauma will be drawn like a magnet to that item and attach to it because of the shared trauma experience with the energy of the item or the person. To clear the person or the item, you must clear the shared energy and then the spirit releases, most times easily.

Items such as Ouija Boards are portal openers. You must intend protection and closing of the portal after you have communicated with the spiritual realm by using this tool.

I had purchased a drum in South Africa that was about 100 years old and was told that it was originally from the Congo. I loved how it looked and could appreciate the ancient history it held. I imagined the hands that crafted the drum and all the people who had played that drum over the years. I was curious about just how this drum had come to be in the hands of the seller and now was mine. When I brought it home, I placed it on a shelf as an art piece. In the light of my own home, I could see a dark aura around it. I used my spiritual tools to cleanse the energy of the drum. I smudged the drum with sage and even built a fire and held it over the fire to burn off any negativity. The drum seemed to get darker by the month and the energy around the drum seemed to have a consciousness that did not seem very friendly. My mind was baffled as I wondered how an inanimate object would creep me out this way. We had this drum for several years and over that time used many different techniques to raise the frequency, but it only seemed to absorb darkness like a beacon, a vortex, or a portal. Eventually, we made the decision to burn the entire drum and release what we perceived as evil. Once the fire was lit and we called in many light beings to escort whatever spirits were attached to the drum back to whatever dimension they came from. Immediately, the sparks from the flames built higher and higher until the entire drum was nothing but ash. We then buried the ashes. The house brightened and there was a lightness that we had not felt in years. Let me just say, I am much more discerning about bringing old items home to my house now.

We have been called upon to heal many haunted houses and land. My clairvoyance has enabled me to witness (see) many different dark spiritual beings that are attracted to the land and house. If the house or land experienced abuse and trauma, that trauma rips the fabric between the earth and spiritual realms creating an opening for spirits to come through. The barrier between the worlds is wide open and all kinds of spirits can come through that do not belong here amongst humans. If a murder or suicide has taken place, this too, damages the energy field and spirits come through the opening where the abuse took place. Vehicle accidents that resulted in a death can cause the energy fabric (veil) to be torn and again, this can leave an opening between worlds. To close this opening the healer must first clear the trauma and trauma can be hundreds or thousands of years ago. Old battle fields is a primary example of this. Once the old trauma is cleared, then any of the dark spirits that came through must be gathered and sent back to the dimension they came from and then and only then, do you clear the opening and seal the doorway. Let’s just say it is a lot of work for the healer and often undervalued. This type of healing can take weeks and months of layered healing especially if the trauma took place over many decades.

Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or sexual addictions are classic portal openers.
Although the individual may feel a sense of relief that comes from their addiction, other spirits in the spirit realm who also suffered from those same addictions are drawn to the individual so they can continue their addictions on the other side. If someone has been struggling with addictions for many years, they can have many spirit attachments. The individual does struggle to get clean and sober because it is not just their cravings, they are dealing with but also battle with the spirits that keep telling them to do the drug, drink or other addictions to satisfy them all. This is why I feel that recovery must include energy healings to help clear the spirit attachments to enhance potential for a successful recovery. In fact, as a nurse, I feel strongly about this, but with such a taboo subject, it rarely gets addressed.

Spirits who reside in the darker, lower frequencies, have no boundaries and impose their agenda on humans. They can be pushy, manipulative, mischievous, and fear producing.
They tend to hang out in hospitals and airports, which are places where people are afraid and are anxious. The fear and anxiety is like a battery charger for the spirits, and they can become more active around areas of fear. This is why I have grown to avoid watching scary movies that inspire fear. I personally do not want to attract spirits that would be drawn to my fear like a magnet hungry to be fed. “Hungry ghost” is a term used often in the Asian communities, in the Buddhist, Tibetan and Tantric spiritual practices. Click to read more about the term Hungry Ghost. These teachings share this knowledge so that we as humans know how to avoid the hungry ghost interactions.

Angels know you are incredibly strong souls with powers beyond your own understanding. Therefore, they will not interfere with your free will. However, once called upon, they are present to you immediately. You only need to call for their help.

Spirits that reside in the upper realms of light, are ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Archangels, and many other light beings. Light beings have a high regard and respect for you as a human being. They also believe in your free will to make choices in life. They will not interfere at all unless they are called by you to do so. This beings of light never move into your auric energy field. If you call upon them, they remain at a distance, outside of your aura and provide healing, supportive light but again, you must ask for their help.

Light and dark spirits are a part of our natural world.
Our western culture does not leave us much room to have these conversations, yet it is important that we do so we can be proactive in protection. As the consciousness on the earth begins to grow and we open to our own intuitive psychic abilities we were born with, we must realize that the light and the dark are a part of this reality. My guides once told me, “Nancy, your inability to admit this existence of the darker realms does not serve you very well.” I have not ever forgotten this statement and made a promise to keep my eyes open to this knowledge.

Sage can clear old sticky energy around your home as well as unwanted spirit energy. It is important to set your intention of what you would like to the smoke to help you to do in your home or environment. Clear, cleanse, and bless.

How do you protect against the darker realms of spirits? 

  1. Call upon beings of the light, through prayer and meditation to surround you with light. 
  2. Meditate regularly, eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly.  Make time for nature. 
  3. Maintain high vibe thoughts, allow room for forgiveness, grace, and patience with others. 
  4. Keep your home in good repair, clean, tidy, and uncluttered. 
  5. Imagine a grounding cord grounding your home and property and then shower the entire house and property with golden light, weekly. 
  6. Invite the helper spirits of the angelic realm to clear out any imbalances of energy in and around your home. 
  7. Burn Sage, light the sage and walk through every room in your home releasing any congested energy, then say a blessing prayer.  It can be as simple as God bless this room.  Or this room is now blessed.  Do not make it complicated. 
  8. Salt, crystals, religious icons such as crosses around your home with the intention to be a protection.  Salt has strong ionizing properties, add prayers and spread all around the outside of your home.  Or add the salt to water and wash down your house.  Place protective crystals around your house and in the corners of the rooms.  Hang religious items that have meaning for you. 
  9. Talk to the spirit world and strongly state, I do not give permission for you to be here and command that you leave my house now!  
  10. Gratitude is a high frequency energy.  Start a daily gratitude practice of all the blessings in your life.  This will raise the frequency of you and your home, creating a barrier that can not be crossed by lower frequency spirits.

Let us continue to keep the doors open to these conversations. I imagine we will find great value in them as our future awakening unfolds our consciousness together.


2 responses to “The Dark and Light of the Spirit Realm”

  1. Hello Nancy, Happy to have stumbled on this words of wisdom. I recently moved to Somalia ?? a war tone 100% Muslim country. I’m a chef and all qbout eating healthy. But recently I’ve been craving for ash. What could be the cause?

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      In some areas and cultures of the world it is very common in ancient traditions to add ash to food or to eat ash to detox your digestion. However, if the ash has chemicals in it then it can add toxins to your system causing you to become ill. When I lived in South Africa, I was taught to eat a small dab (like a 1/2 teaspoon) of ash to connect with the land and ancestors there. So that I would feel at home there. It was also tradition for the medicine people to burn animal fat and bones to create an ash and then mix with water and drink it for health issues. Having said all of that….I am not recommending or not recommending eating ash. I am simply stating that I have heard of this before and in some cultures it is not unusual. Maybe you can find a local medicine person there who would know and provide greater insight. Thanks for the great question.

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