Mystical, Magical Earth

Mystical Magical Earth is a multidimensional frequency filled with incredible wisdom and sound that come from deep in the earth and radiates to the surface. When it comes to spiritual development I have noticed with my clients and students that some people are earth people and some people are cosmic star people. Earthy people think others should get their head out of the stars and live in a more earthly way here on our planet. Cosmic Star people might think that earthy people need to lighten up a bit. We must always remember that you personally are here to learn how to manage your own energy field and that includes the energies inside and outside of your aura. Everyone is unique in the ways they are learning. Some people have spent lifetimes in very human earthly ways and have come to work with more cosmic celestial star qualities. Maybe you spent lifetimes not being very grounded and, in this lifetime, came to work with more earth energy. Keep your judgement in check as these are highly judgmental times as we shift from a Capricorn dominant energy to an Aquarian dominant influence. For those astrology buffs click this link for more information about this transition from Capricorn to Aquarius.

Mystical, Magical earth

The earth is awakening in consciousness just like we are. Just as we are becoming more alive to our most authentic true self, the earth is also showing its truest self. This in turn inspires us to want to form a relationship with nature in ways we have never done before. Did you know that nature communicates telepathically? Just stand near a tree and with your mind express a hello and sense if you get a message back from that tree to your mind. Just like humans, a tree, plant, even grass can be talkative, or quiet and the only way to know is to communicate mind to mind. The many trees in my yard all have completely different personalities. You might think that the larger the tree the more dominant the personality is. However, in my yard, it is one of the smaller trees that directs the movement of energy around the other trees. Be playful and willing to feel a bit silly when telepathically talking to nature. No one will know and in fact even you might say it is just your imagination. Try it anyway because honestly what can it hurt? Who really knows what will result from nature and the earth will be as its consciousness expands.

We as a society are currently experiencing a rapid fire ascension expansiveness that can feel like we are floating above our body. As I mentioned in my last blog, with each level of awakening consciousness our energy system puts down more roots before we shoot up in growth. Earth energy stabilizes your physical, emotional and mental health, allowing you to gently move from one frequency to another. As a nurse with psychic abilities, I pay attention to the health at a global level. So many people are having real physical health issues requiring medical attention. The emotional state of society is fragile then strong then back to fragile again. Then mental health is in the daily news as being the second pandemic challenging us to find ways to cope on our own as therapist become harder to get appointments with. Earth energy is an energy that is provided by the divine for the purpose of easing our human path. Often an earthly gift we may not know how to take advantage of. Spiritual Earth link here.

Somewhere along the way there is a main religious theme that tells us God/goddess is out there somewhere. We dream of angels, ascended masters, the unseen world as well as those higher frequencies of emotions such as love, joy, elation. We think we must strive to reach higher states of consciousness. We often look up when we pray so that the prayers will go up to higher dimensional frequencies and enhance the chances of having our prayers answered. While we can forget that there is an earth under our feet. Living on earth is an honorable gift given to us as human beings to assist us as we walk the path of learning. Often I find when working with students/clients that they associate living on earth as a punishment, a place of pain, a place of being stuck in pain. How many of you wish to spread your wings and be free to fly everywhere you wish to be, other than here?

We can tend to live like 3 different people. Head in the stars, stuck in the mud, or somewhere in the middle where we are just human and cannot find our way out to happiness. 3 compartments of who we are that can be held separate from each other and now with unity consciousness those 3 aspects of our connections are coming together. This blend can feel like a daunting task to accomplish yet when you do the blend is incredibly beautiful.

Earth energy is a blend of frequencies that assist you to have your consciousness in the stars, your body and of the earth all at the same time. Earth energy is this magical mystical elixir that pulls the toxins, dramas and crises while at the same time calming your body and in turn calms your life. Who wouldn’t love to experience a calming peace every day? This is the mystical aspect of earth energy. It can suddenly appear like magic when you find yourself quickly shifting into that state of calm connection to all that is. My non-profit, Soul Seeds, has a mission statement that is simple; Healing with Humanity. Teaching a meditative style that uses intuition as a guide. When sharing the Intuitive Meditation at the Unhoused Youth Center each week, I am finding this mystical magical earth energy as a quick release when it comes to the youth letting go of ‘high level stressors”. The youth feel like something magical has just happened like a miracle cure. They sat down in a world of worries and all of a sudden afterwards they feel like hope is on the horizon. Divine Earth energy is meant to provide this level of stability for everyone.

Pulling the light of the stars, the light of your soul, into every cell of your humanness invites each cell to be more receptive to change. Earth energy helps coax you deeper into your body. The more light of you that illuminates into the earth the more those mystical magical earth qualities in the earth become illuminated. Do you know that the earth is a planet? Of course you do. Do you know that the earth is one planet in a galaxy of stars, moons, and suns? You might say, of course, that is a no brainer. However, we often forget that our earth is made of star dust, combined and compressed to create our planet earth. When you ground deeply into the earth and draw upon the earth energy, you are tapped into the great expansiveness of everything.

Mystical Magical Earth

Earth Energy, the mystical magical earth is a living breathing frequency that breathes through you. I remember when I began my own journey, I had programmed thoughts from childhood that told me that evil lived below and higher consciousness lived above. That same teaching leads to be extra good throughout our entire lives so we can get back to that above place. I was afraid to go down into gullies because it took me closer to the evil in the earth. I know this sounds a bit crazy thinking but as an energy teacher, I still run across students who share these same fears. The more grounded earth energy you embrace as a root system, the higher spiritual knowledge can come through to you. You might want to sit with that thought a minute.

However the real fact about evil/negative energy is that it can only reside when you are NOT connected to heaven and earth. You do not have the illuminated connection to your soul, nor do you have the support of the mysticism of the earth. Those completely disconnected are a free agent influenced by the chaos and crises in the pool of the world. When Yvonne works with an individual, she has often shared with me that the very first thing she guides the client do is reconnect themselves to the cosmos and the earth. Surprisingly, there are many who dread their connection to the cosmos, because the light can be harsh without the soft comfort of the earth energy. Finding that the early connection is their source of comfort is the magical journey of finding yourself. Not out there but in there.

Mystical Magical Earth breaths, inhales and exhales, expands and rests. The magical mystical earth breathes through you in a calm rhythmic flow of energy. A supernatural ability to influence the events in your life with ease and effortlessness. As you make peace with the deep mysticism of earth and who you are …all they ways you desire to influence your life or be influenced falls away, to reveal what is really important to you. Illuminating that the mystical magical aspects are inside of you waiting like a fairy tale waiting to be awakened. As the earth awakens, the ancient ancestors awaken again, allowing us access to the earths deep wisdom. Read my blog posts about awakening ancestors here.

Once you experience the deeply held comfort of who you really are, the desire to reach up and out becomes less and less important. When you are bonded with nature, there is less need for words because you feel complete. When you create a relationship with nature, you have no desire to leave this planet. The adventurous seeker of the mysteries of earth becomes more of who you are and want to be. The desire to explore this big beautiful earth grows inside of you as you search to travel alone or find others who will take the journey with you.


One response to “Mystical, Magical Earth”

  1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
    Nancy Rebecca

    Again thank you. I was feeling today that I might not write this week and then I read this and you inspired me to keep going. I appreciate it. Nancy

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