Frequency Forecast for July

The frequency Forecast for July on the one hand is bulging with potent expansion and on the other hand, it is a gentle rising like riding an escalator up to the next floor (gentle and easy). So get ready for an exhilarating journey into the depths of your being as we dive into the July Frequency Forecast. This month holds immense power, offering opportunities for personal growth, transformation, and the revelation of long-held secrets. In this blog post, we’ll explore the captivating energies of July, from the awakening of your light body to the mystical allure of mermaid-like energy. Neptune has a strong influence on our creativity this month. So, grab a cup of your favorite drink and join me as we embark on a voyage of self-discovery and empowerment!

Unveiling Secrets and Dissolving Stickiness:

Ever wondered about the secrets that lurk in the depths of your consciousness? Secrets can hold us back, creating sticky energy that restricts our growth. The July Frequency Forecast encourages us to release the grip of secrecy, allowing for the expansion of our light bodies. By raising the frequency of these hidden truths, we can experience freedom and flexibility. Let go of the pressure and join others as we explore the significance of secrets and their impact on our lives. The range of keeping your thoughts about things hidden, buried and secret is wide and deep. We whisper under our breath our beliefs that we hold secret for fear that someone else will ridicule us for. Regardless of whether the secrets are hidden truths such as believing in mermaids, psychics, spirits or astrology all the way to secrets from abuse are still surrounded by the same sticky energy that blocks your energetic flow. It is time to unleash all the trapped radiance to brighten our light body even more. Here is my blog about the high frequency of whales.

Powerful Healing and Insignificant Revelations

Secrets come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes what we perceive as significant may turn out to be inconsequential. Allow me to share a story of individual burdened by their secrets and the immense power that surfaces when these secrets are revealed. Discover how even the most seemingly insignificant secrets can hold immense energy, consuming your thoughts and affecting your well-being. Through the process of releasing sticky energy, you can experience both powerful healing and a renewed sense of freedom. Imagine your energy field in its optimal healthy state a radiant kaleidoscope of colors. Now imagine a pocket of energy that holds secrets, surrounded by a sticky entanglement that keeps you tied up in knots. This sticky bundle of secrets pulls at your auric energy field, twisting and distorting your optimal flow of life-giving chi. This month of July shares a frequency that easily pulls, pushes, and dissolves old outdated secrets similar to pulling a thorn out of the bottom of your foot.

It is easy to make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to being reluctant or afraid to let go of old secrets. When we think of secrets we often think of really dark, nasty secrets that could cause harm if ever revealed.  As humans, we can place so many things in the secret category that are just not that big of a deal when looking at it from the outside, but for some, the angst that is felt on the inside is real. Let me give you an example. As a Hospice Case Manager (RN) I was in charge of coordinating the ongoing care for people and their families in various stages of the dying process. As the case manager, I was in charge of coordinating the team that would support the person’s care and comfort needs along the way. One elderly woman was struggling to find inner peace. She confessed to me that she had such a horrible secret that when she died it would be a horrible experience as she was certain she was going to hell.  I could not get her to share it with me, nor could her children convince her to unburden her soul and share it with them.  She was certain that they would judge her so severely that they would stop loving her. We have chaplains as part of her care team, so I arranged for a chaplain to come in and be a witness to her troubled heart and soul. After the Chaplain returned to the office she shared with me that she was able to help the patient find peace and mediated a conversation with her family to reveal the secret that had her tied up in knots.

She had interpreted this secret to be so terrible that she was certain she would NOT be going to heaven. The secret was, she was adopted after being abandoned by her birth mother.  She was so filled with shame that it weighed heavily on her throughout her entire life. So filled with immense shame that she never shared this truth with her family. Yet the level of guilt she expressed left us certain she had murdered someone when actually she was simply adopted. I share this story with you as you begin to “Let go” of your own secrets. Spirit reminds me that everything is pure energy, whether it is love, hate or secrets. Raising the frequency heals that old stuck sticky energy that surrounds the multiple secrets we hold inside of us. Yes, there are certainly big secrets that contain a lot of energy that can impact your entire family in a shocking way. Once the secret is released the vibrant energy filled with life-giving vitality is then available to you in every way.

Exploring Justice and Galactic Secrets

July holds a cosmic influence, with elements of justice and the revelation of galactic secrets. Let’s explore the connection between enhanced justice and truth surfacing, both in our personal lives and on a larger scale. Sit back and be ready to witness the unveiling of hidden truths over the next months and years, from UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters to long-concealed mysteries. The energy of justice stirs the pot, allowing those who must be held accountable to rise to the surface. The government as a whole is being challenged to explain the injustices of why the information was held as secret from us and an even better question is why the government still keeps those secrets hidden. As we eagerly await justice to prevail, we must also reflect during this month of July on our own choices (ancestors’ choices) and accountability for those choices. The great galactic core is filled with high-level knowledge of pure truth. Secrecy and lies can not be sustained when we are in the presence of the galactic core’s influences. In this month of July and beyond, secrecy, illusions, lies, and injustices will continue to be brought into the illuminating light of truth. Although I mention the mermaid energy much more in my YouTube talk, it is an energy we have been experiencing all year long. It can feel light, sparkly, wise, adventureous, curious, and optimistic in a no-nonsense way.

Unlocking the Light Body for Greater Expansion

A key focus of July is the exploration of the light body and its profound benefits. Each month we will deepen our journey of how to illuminate the concept of a light body and how it can positively impact your life. This frequency of July has us delving into the warm expansion occurring within the foundational chakras, preparing them to embrace a higher level of light from your own spirit. Your 3rd chakra specifically is the star of the show this month. Your 3rd chakra is your spiritual library filled with information about how to work with and manage your powerful energy. This chakra is also about maturing your ability to recognize when your boundaries have been crossed or you have crossed your own or someone elses boundaries. This incredible chakra when healthy illuminates confidence and high self esteem yet when unhealthy it can dampen under the weight of insecurity and low self esteem. However, the 3rd chakras largest super power is drawing the light of your own soul down into your body while assisting you to infuse your spiritual light into all aspects of your entire life. While the journey to a light body requires letting go of old patterns, beliefs, and illusions, it presents an extraordinary opportunity for growth and transformation. Are you ready to challenge everything you’ve ever known and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead?

Embracing the Unknown and Unveiling Personal Truths

As the frequencies continue to infuse the Earth and our consciousness, we find ourselves at a crossroads. The integration of new knowledge and the expansion of our awareness can be both exciting and challenging. Let’s begin to explore the profound role of our own intuitive and psychic ability in cutting through mental pondering and inspiring scientific study. By embracing the unknown and unifying different realms of knowledge, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and opportunities for growth. Twenty five years ago, amongst the spiritual buzz of the time, we knew a great time of awakening change was coming. Most thought it would happen in the year 2012 which was the end of the Mayan calendar. Yet now we know that they Mayan Calendar stopped in 2012 NOT because the world was going to end but because there was no further information about the changes we could expect to experience past the year 2012. Greg Braden’s work contained in 5 New York Times Best Seller list is remarkable in the way he takes you on a journey of ancient world knowledge and integrates it into our modern understanding of how the world works. Here is his website, but he also has his own YouTube channel that captivates your imagination about what we might expect in our future.


The energies of July extend beyond the confines of a single month, weaving long wave threads that will unfold over the next four months. As we navigate the power of secrets, justice, and the expansion of our light bodies, we’re invited to cultivate resilience and embrace the unknown with optimism. Remember that while we are on a climb to high levels of consciousness spirit reminds us of that image of the upward escalator. This month of July is not a steep climb through slippery rocky shale stones. It is more of a step on the moving sidewalk, escalator and ride the waves in a peaceful way. Allow the mermaid-like energy of mysticism and the courage to reveal personal truths to guide you on this


4 responses to “Frequency Forecast for July”

  1. Thank you, this is an illuminating blog post. For me it is not so much secrets but the choices I made in my life years ago. I did alot of work to get through the guilt and sadness yet it still rears it’s ugly head to be dealt with again.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Self forgiveness….if thought about in the form of pure quantum energy as a frequency really helps. Imagine a large ball of cosmic energy in the form of a color that represents a forgiveness frequency. Then use that forgiveness frequency to infuse into your aura and body. The first time I did this….I was so surprised at how much of the old things I did, dissolved down my grounding. I do not mean to sound too instructive or giving advice that was not asked for but if you wish to try it…..I would love to hear your experience. Nancy

  2. Yvonne Avatar

    Love this blog, Nancy, succinctly written-shedding light on subjects and our month ahead that can be challenging to sythesize into our reality. Forward creating language indeed. Gratitude. Von

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Yvonne, I appreciate you taking the time to read them. Nancy

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