Does Kundalini Activate Awakening?

How does Kundalini activate your spiritual awakening? In this blog post, I will attempt to enlighten you about this hidden (not so hidden) gem of an energy life force as we unweave or in this case, uncoil, its dormant state of understanding. If you are like ‘most’ people, you have literally NEVER heard of the word Kundalini before. Then you might be like others, where you have heard the term Kundalini Yoga, but just thought it was another Hindu yoga name like many other yoga terms.

Honestly, Kundalini Energy of awakening is one of the most misunderstood energies, even to those who have experienced a Kundalini Awakening towards an enlightened state. In my Psychic Mastery 2 program, the students go through an entire month learning to work with and manage the power of this energy. The students must go through the process of clearing their chakras and energy field for at least 6 months before even opening this lesson. Kundalini is not a toy or plaything as its power demands high respect (as it should).

Why would we even be talking about Kundalini if it is so powerful and only the most enlightened are attuned to it? If you tuned into the March and April Frequency forecast, you heard me talk about Kundalini rising in the earth to awaken and uplift humanity. The surge of kundalini in the earth is a force of change and in its desire to awaken everything in its path, includes you, me and all of humanity. Therefore, it will awaken you whether you even know it by its earthly name (kundalini) or not. Whether you recognize its symptoms when it comes knocking on your door, you will experience it all when it is time for you to do so.

Experiencing Kundalini the wrong way and the right way, I certainly know which way I prefer. In its misunderstood state of human consciousness, often you will end up at the doctor to help cure you of your Kundalini symptoms or otherwise seen as side affects of its awakening abilities. You might know them as ascension symptoms when on the lighter side, or mental/spiritual crises when in the extreme. But do know, every single person on the earth has kundalini symptoms of some form because Kundalini is your “LIFE FORCE”. It is the flow of energy that helps you to feel alive, loving feeling alive, and has a strong desire to live from a state of strength. When its flow is blocked and can only flow at a trickle than you can only feel a little bit alive, apathetic, cold, distant, and simply existing. As a psychic clairvoyant who sees into the human body, I have only witnessed a few people with almost nonexistent kundalini flow and the skin is pale, moist, and saggy. You see, Kundalini flow enhances and awakens everything about you. Your eyes, hair, skin, physical movements, bones, teeth, organs are all alive, bright and catch everyone’s attention. Your Aura radiates in brilliant colors, as it raises the frequency of your body to accommodate more of your spirit into this 3-D world.

Kundalini expects and expands mental focus and clarity, illuminating all imbalances and lies. Kundalini is uncompromising and can spot manipulation, lies, narcissistic behaviors from a mile away. Yet, Kundalini can also spot deep suffering shifting you quickly into a bottomless pool of compassion. You see Kundalini is a Primal Force of Energy that goes beyond understanding. It will do whatever is needed to awaken you. That is why many people are so frightened of it, because it changes lives, relationships, and human patterns of behavior all in the name of awakening you. So when spirit tells me that Kundalini energy has now moved to another level of incredible flow, it causes me to sit up and pay attention. It is time for you to have a greater conscious understanding so when you are experiencing it, you can rejoice in it rather than be frightened of it.

So back to the definition of Kundalini in Hindu Sanskrit, means “the coiled one”. It sits at the base of the spine and is called an instinctive primal force, like mother energy, of intelligence of complete maturity. Kundalini awakening is where you are pulled, compelled into a deep state of meditative presence, enlightened into a state of internal bliss. This state happens when the energy flows up the main core channel from the root up to the crown chakra, activating the full consciousness of your spirit, your soul. As it travels up the main channel, every single chakra awakens in response. Your entire system, mind, body and spirit is upgraded spiritually, energetically in an instant. These surges can happen often in your life, little bits at a time, or larger expansive flows. They can (and often do) happen randomly by accident however there are things you can do to activate it.

Kundalini Activates the Spiritual Awakening Process (Rapidly)

Most humanity can experience kundalini symptoms and would not ever know it. Like, normal everyday experiences…. Delivering a baby or dying …can only happen with Kundalini energy, expanding the chakras and the energy field to birth new life or birth through death. There is a “blissed out” type of feeling for the mother as the kundalini activates. Opening her chakras, so that spiritual light can fill the room allowing the newborn to take its first breath of illuminating light. As a Hospice nurse, I experienced the same at the bedside of those who took their last breath. Often looking up, smiling, as the kundalini surges to clear the last residual energies that hold them to the earth. The chakras open fully again to flood with light so that the spirit can ‘lift off’ effortlessly. Yes, I know some can struggle a bit more, when their fear fights the light, but eventually, everyone who passes experiences illumination.

Everyday living is filled with life inspiring Kundalini energy. Have you ever been sitting on the couch, thinking you just do not have enough energy to get anything done? Then you force yourself to get up and go wash the dishes and suddenly you are filled with a vibrancy that moves you to also wipe down the counters, and clean the refrigerator? Yes, this is Kundalini, life giving energy. It is not just for spiritual seekers! Why? Because all of life is spiritual. You are a spiritual being having human experiences. You literally can not take that first breath in life without the surge of kundalini energy.

Why is there so much mysticism around Kundalini Energy? When your kundalini flows, it activates all of your chakras on its journey up through the pineal and the crown (7th chakra) blending with the supreme God/Divine Self. If the Kundalini rushes up the body too quickly it can ‘over activate’ the crown, sending you into an altered state of mystical bliss. Often, I have noticed this happening when your spirit has been trying to get your conscious attention for a very long time while you continue to ignore the intuitive psychic clues. Your spirit considers Kundalini awakening on a mass scale, a final attempt to really get your attention and I promise you it certainly does. Spirit seekers who long to activate their kundalini, can become frustrated and maybe a little jealous of those who have those big experiences. Yet, here is the thing…if you have been doing spiritual work for a long time, you already have been enjoying the high knowledge light of Kundalini. You just might not have recognized it. Visit another site for other symptoms.

10 Kundalini Ascension Symptoms

  1. Sudden heat flooded the body.
  2. Feeling a vibration in your body. 
  3. Muscle Spasms.  Jerking arms/legs or compelled to move your body into different poses. 
  4. Insomnia, wide awake as if you drank a pot of coffee.
  5. Vivid colorful dreams, prophetic dreams. 
  6. Time warps, Déjà vu, noticing an event seems familiar as if you have lived it before. 
  7. Painful tailbone, as kundalini is attempting to unblock itself. 
  8. Sounds, such as bells, gongs, drums, buzzing like bees. 
  9. Mental health imbalance, hearing sounds, words, voices, seeing images, feeling altered, and can not connect with the real daily world.  You may hear someone else’s thoughts. 
  10. Your choices are moved by a strong inner force, unexplainable to others. 

How do you resolve these symptoms?  Blocked energy in the chakras are what causes the symptoms. 

  1. Begin / maintain a grounded daily meditative practice. 
  2. Find a knowledgeable teacher to guide you to heal old blocks of energy. 
  3. Learn to gently open to the flow of Kundalini energy.  Kundalini helps you to heal, blocks of energy. 
  4. Kundalini activates your crown chakra, you will want to learn how to dial back how open your 7th chakra is.  When it is wide open it is hard to sleep. 
  5. Kundalini activates and opens all of your chakras.  When in a blown open state, it is hard to remember you are a human living on earth.  Again, finding a good teacher, while learning to gently dial back all of your chakras will help. 
  6. Hydration – drink plenty of water.  Kundalini is such a high vibration that you can burn off a lot of water, like a hot sun evaporates moisture. 

Kundalini is the life force of transformation contained within your body.  It pulls you so deep within yourself that you eventually have no desire to seek outside of yourself.  You no longer search for the mysticism out there because the mystical magic, holy sacredness of life is all contained within you.  Life no longer is filled with challenging suffering thoughts as you see the beauty in everything and everyone. Kundalini, speeds up the spiritual awakening process when you are ready for it. Read my blog on Rapid Ascension. On my website, under the ‘shop’ button, you can purchase the MP3 recording, of me voice guiding you through a kundalini meditation.

Remember the purpose of this blog post is to awaken you to know that Kundalini energy is surging strongly at this time of our evolution.  Therefore, you are naturally activated just by standing on the surface of the earth.  Be the seeker and the experiencer rather than the critical complainer.  You have a choice and life is so much more enjoyable from that place of deep wise curiosity that wishes for higher spiritual knowledge. 


4 responses to “Does Kundalini Activate Awakening?”

  1. Eileen Campbell Avatar
    Eileen Campbell

    Thank you for a clear explanation of what the Kundalini life force is and how it influences one’s way of being, I have felt a number of the symptoms and marvelled in them – the expansive energy that accompanied them.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      You are so welcome. Kundalini has been one of our great spiritual mysteries available to us all. Enjoy this life giving spark of the soul. Nancy

  2. Izzy G. Avatar
    Izzy G.

    Such valuable information! It seems that a kundalini raising is something that you need to adequately prepare for so that you don’t overwhelm your system, via regular energy work, meditation, etc. I was following a program for a while that recommended meditation for 4-6 hours daily, regular intermittent fasting, and eventually self-administering an enema before the big kundalini raising attempt. While I’m sure all of this works wonders, it does not seem very sustainable for most people. Do you feel like this type of commitment is necessary to undergo a full kundalini raising, or are there more subtle steps one could take to get there? (if I could hang on to the contents of my colon that would be most preferable)

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Hello Izzy, I am not sure about this recommendation either way. When I had my awakening….. I did not do anything….it just happened. I do recommend a gentle approach for most people. It sounds like you were certainly going through a detox program…. what was your experience overall? Nancy

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