I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on May 1st, 2020. I had surgery on June 8th and began my first chemotherapy treatment July 23rd.

Starting in March, 2020, my spirit told me to clear out my 6th chakra, so that I could see something that I was missing. However, being in the middle of a global pandemic, missing something that spirit wanted me to “see” could include a whole bunch of things. Then I stepped on my glasses and broke them. I had only done this a couple of times in the past 10 years and it was NEVER good. I became a little more alarmed knowing that missing “seeing” something probably had more to do with me or my family.

In April, I casually found the lump in my right breast as I brushed some cracker crumbs off of my chest. As I explored with more of a nurses hands, mind and senses, my assessment told me it was cancer. Immediately, my first response was ….I want to pretend this just did not happen. I wanted to go back to the moment of pre cracker crumbs for just a few more days. However, I did the responsible thing, phoned my doctor and the moving sidewalk of life accelerated quickly.

My cancer, was caught very early, stage 1, with a lumpectomy. However, when they sent the tissue to pathology, the results came back showing this cancer has a 35% chance of coming back, so chemotherapy and radiation will be a part of my healing regime. However I had been a nurse for years treating people with cancer and also had been a Hospice nurse for 8 years, so my professional perspective challenged me as I tried to steer clear of going to the bottom of the despair barrel.

As a nurse healer, I have worked with clients for twenty plus years who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. I was a part of their medical team that helped keep their energy field in balance and clear the toxins from the chemotherapy out of their energy field quickly to minimize symptoms.

Most of the clients experienced a rapid healing, very few had adverse symptoms and many had gained a new spiritual perspective that allowed them to see the cancer very differently. Some clients would only agree to see me IF I did not try to talk them into seeing a western medical doctor. I always respected their choice but happy to say that after several treatments each one of them, felt more settled and did see a doctor to educate themselves on all of their options.

You see, in spiritual healing, or religious beliefs, some individuals think that if they just believe enough in the power of spirit then their cancer will be healed. Often, I would share that even as a nurse and a spiritual healer, I do not know what I would do if I were ever diagnosed with cancer. However, I knew that if my body requested chemotherapy, then I would honor my bodies request. I would create a medical team that included my opinions in the decision making. Of course all of my treatment plan would include energy healing and other healing modalities such as acupuncture.

Staying in the Moment

I have been known as a healers healer. This means that many full time healers and spiritual teachers would come to see me for their own health issues. Just because you are a healer does not mean you will never get sick. We are all human and have a body and our bodies lessons just may be different than our spiritual lessons. Once the biopsy of the lump was formally diagnosed, I spent a great deal of time with my spirit, asking many questions about how to proceed.

My spirit shared with me that this diagnosis was a large family Karmic piece that I had agreed to heal through my body. I would not be able to heal it myself through spiritual healing because going through surgery, and other treatments was essential for the family healing. Now, this does not mean that I did not do any healing. I have had others tune in psychically, and have had regular energy balancing treatments. Each layer, that was cleared, revealed the deeper aspects of the Karmic piece. After the surgery, it was interesting to observe the karmic pattern become more clearly into focus.

The energy of cancer comes in so many forms and for so many reasons. It is not anyone’s fault when they receive a cancer diagnosis but you can certainly bet it comes with many lessons. As a nurse I have always considered every single illness as a spiritual crises. We all have cancer cells in our body and our healthy immune system keeps it in check. Often a cancer diagnosis will follow some form a stressful event. The stress event will challenge your immune system and then the balance is tipped. Other times you can be doing all the right things and genetically you are simply predisposed to a higher chance of cancer. We are currently saturated with global stress so finding that tipping point was not hard.

When someone is going through cancer they often do not talk about it because it is a deeply personal experience. However, as a nurse healer, I have heard of many others being diagnosed with cancer and other serious health issues during this great time of stress on our earth.

So my own journey will be navigating chemotherapy and radiation for the next 6 months. I have sat with what to do regarding clients, students, live teaching events. I knew that I will lose all my hair and some days will feel great and other days maybe not so much. I prayed, meditated and talked with my ancestors. I made the decision to just keep placing one foot in front of the other and give myself permission to just keep moving forward and allowing life to unfold as it is meant to.

I am surrounded by a wonderful wife, family, adult children, grandchildren, great healers, sound therapist, herbalists, and my medical team. Oh, and I can not forget my two dogs that refuse to leave my side.

I will continue to be on Facebook Live on Thursdays when I feel up to it and my weekly blogs and Youtube videos. Thank you all for being on this journey with me.


100 responses to “Cancer? Really?”

  1. Nancy, has Yvonne shared the info included in the two videos I sent to her about the Healy devise?

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Yes, however, it is only in the last 3 days, that I have been able to sit in front of anything electronic …so catching up on emails now. I am happy to take a look at it. Sincerely, Nancy

  2. Just Love.
    Love Love Love
    To you and yours.

  3. Claudia Avatar

    Oh! Deep Mahalo for sharing this Nancy. So well articulated, yet I’m sure it was not easy to write…let alone digest the events since that day. I so appreciate your including your many friends and connections in this Journey. You continue to TEACH as you walk the path. Altho there are moments only you can walk. As you know many are willing to walk with YOU! We all Surround you in Love and Light. 24/7 and on all Levels!??

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you so much ….my constant support! Nancy

  4. Susan OBrien Avatar
    Susan OBrien

    Sending you huge heaps of loving energy to help you heal……I have no doubt you will heal……it is in your DNA!

    Big hugs!

  5. jody doty Avatar
    jody doty

    Bless you for sharing this healing project with us. It’s a Godsend to have the spiritual perspective. My breast cancer was 10 years ago. Things that helped me… staying in the day.. reminding myself I’m the same person I was yesterday. I just have something new to heal. I was open with my journey, invited prayers and healing. Part of the lesson is to nuture yourself and let others give to you. Mine was such that I had internal radiation (SAVI) and I had to have someone else drive me daily to treatments. I also did visualization, had reiki sessions and my friend, an artist, made my a doll with a net. The angel doll held a glob of stuff in its hand. I wrapped the netting around both of us and invited healing. When my treatments were done, I had a ceremony with my doll and cut the blob and put a new crown and necklace on her. There were other things I did that helped, but most of all I was grateful, kept my go-to humor and just got through it. Bless you my friend and your healing. Keeping you in my daily prayers and healing. Jody Doty

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Jody for sharing your own story. This treatment plan of chemotherapy is definitely not for the faint of heart. My symptoms were so extreme that I thought I was having an allergic reaction to the chemo. The nurse assured me that this was what chemo feels like. UGH! But I am much better after the first 10 days and feel better than alive again. Knowing I am surrounded by many strong women who have been through this and are still around, growing, thriving, and living life to the fullest, is inspiring. Thank you, Nancy

  6. Lisa Kelly Avatar
    Lisa Kelly

    Dear Nancy,
    You are amazing and I send all my prayers and intentions for a full and complete healing physically, emotionally and spiritually. Your honesty and intelligence to talk about your cancer journey will help so many. A cancer diagnosis is always a shock and also a reminder to pay attention to the priorities in your life…continue to take care of you and enjoy your family both 2 and 4 legged! With love and respect- Lisa

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Lisa.

  7. Jane Little Avatar
    Jane Little

    Dear Nancy, I am wishing you all the best. I went through Stage 2/3 breast cancer in 2007 with a her-2 positive diagnosis. I did chemo over a period of 1 year plus 4 weeks of radiation. I did lose all my hair with the initial chemo but it started to grow back in about 4 months later while continuing on the one type of chemo. I also had a port because my veins after a few times simply did not want to allow the chemo to enter.

    A day after my diagnosis I found a meditation in the Silva method which I listened to daily. I slept well after the first day of listening to it. It was very empowering and talked a lot about imagining healing happening. It was through cancer that I found Healing Touch which was amazing. I had as many treatments as I could and luckily in Penticton there is a wonderful Healing Touch community. The chemo only bothered me for a couple of days each time. I had treatments every 3 weeks. During chemo I meditated for a time and asked that it do what was good for me and anything not good for me to quickly dissipate.

    During my radiation treatment which took place 6 months after my diagnosis I would brush off afterwards in the change room and ask that anything not necessary for my healing be released. I had no really bad symptoms, only a rash a week or so after the rad. treatments were complete.

    I trust you will sail through treatment of every sort. I did everything the medical community advised as well as every alternative therapy I could find. I also felt I was on a spiritual healing journey as well.

    Heal well, Love, Jane Little ps we share the save birth date although I think ten years apart.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Jane for sharing your story and journey. I can not imagine all that you went through over a year. Your story is very encouraging. Yes, I too am blessed to be surrounded by a great community of healers. Our treatment table remains in the middle of my living room for daily treatments when the symptoms are strongest. Certainly one of the biggest challenges of my life and I have had some big ones. Not for the faint of heart. Your story shows just how strong you! Thank you, Nancy

  8. Schelli Avatar

    Oh, Nancy, you are a true inspiration. Thank you for sharing your alarm, your clarity, your acceptance.

    Your sharing has given me strength and perspective for helping my mom through her upcoming surgery for lung cancer.

    Love and Hugs to you, Yvonne and the whole family.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Oh my goodness Schelli. So sorry to hear that you mother is going through this. I often ask Yvonne to take time to rest……because on my rougher days…..it must be hard for her to watch and be able to do nothing. Thank you for the loves. Nancy

  9. Wowie Zowie, Girl. You look so radiant. You were so amazing to take this on for your family tribe…but it is a sacrifice I can see you sailing through with grace and eventually, wholly healed. Plus…you have the “Medicine Woman” there. lol
    I got a reprieve from lung cancer 10 years ago when most of my right lung was taken out…and I am very grateful for the xtra time to find out more about channeling the spirit for the new paradigm. I had a lot of fun writing my life story about how the spirit opened my life to the invisibles through my music adventures with lots of famous people and there are about 45 photos of my paintings…one of which you have. If you would like to read “Myself Inclined”, let me know and I will send after finding out how to retrieve it from PDF. I send many waves of sparkling energy your way and please let me know if I can lighten your load in some way. Blessings and LOVE, Annie

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Ann. I had planned that video …knowing that the next following days could be a different story and it certainly was. I had such a rough 10 days. However, I am much better this week. Yes, I do have Good Medicine Woman here and she is ever present on my own journey. It is only the last 3 days I have been able to sit in front of a computer for more than 10 minutes. All better just in time to start my second cycle next week. Thank you for sharing your own dance with cancer. Much love, Nancy

  10. Barbara Hall Avatar
    Barbara Hall

    for me right now reading this I just want to reach out and hug you and cry with you, it is an emotional roll a coaster I have been on for 8 years with very little support in the beginning having been watched for 6 years prior to a mastectomy that caused so much pain I had to sleep in a recliner for 6 months as I could not lie down flat ! The doctors never discussed cancer , for me it was DCIS and I referred to it as Carcinoma which sounded less scary ?
    The scars are horrendous and I felt so ugly for a very long time, hoping someday I would find love again, and this past November I finally did, someone who loves me as I am and told me to never be embarrassed or ashamed of my body .
    I hope you are healing and will be ok.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you for sharing your story Barbara. When I had my surgery, they discussed all the ways I can have complications. There is never any really good choice. They all come with side effects and complications to include potential death. I have two types and one of them is the DCIS. I can not imagine feeling so bad that sleeping in a recliner for 6 months was your only option. I love that you found a great love last November. I am so happy for you. Spirit knew to bring you just the right soul. My healing was rough, but this week good. Thank you, Nancy

  11. Thank you for sharing your story. Each day I send you healing love and light.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Susan.

  12. Thank you for sharing your diagnosis and refusing to perpetuate the myth that healers are immune to health issues. Cancer is a journey many of us take to various degrees either directly or indirectly. Thankfully treatment and prevention are greatly improved and energy healing supports both. May your journey be gentle. You are surrounded by love on many levels.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Wanda.

  13. Judy Plank Avatar
    Judy Plank

    Thank you for sharing this, Nancy. I know that you will feel all of the light and love than so many will be sending you. Your rich teachings have enriched our lives, many of us whom you’ve never met. Your genuine,wonderful heart, a gift ! And You are so loved! Surrounding you in prayer,

  14. Lee desta Avatar
    Lee desta

    I. Love. You. Dearly. Blessings light love. Anything you need. Whenever you need it.

  15. Thank you, Nancy, for you clear honest perspective and your transparency in sharing your story. I am grateful. Sending you so much love.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Kim. I have been watching your daily vlogs on your family having COVID19 and all the symptoms you describe was what I was going through. We are both blessed to live in such a supportive community.

  16. Diana Watson Avatar
    Diana Watson

    Thank you for sharing this message. Thank you so much.

    I have no idea why, but I just needed to read what you wrote here. Life has been extraordinarily tough this year and last. Just moving forward as able, always.

  17. That is not easy or welcome news. I’m confident that you’ll come through this experience with the grace and insight you bring to all things. Many of us, including me, would love to support you as you have supported us — please ask.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Toska.

  18. Inge Yeend Avatar
    Inge Yeend

    Wow, Nancy, don’t know what to say. Love the way you talk about this and I know everything will go according to Divine Plan. You are an amazing Human Being and this world needs you and loves you. Sending healing, peace, strength and benevolent outcome. Blessings and gratitude, beautiful Nancy. PS. Thanks for sharing….Hugs.

  19. Thank you for sharing. Will be sending distance healing to you, along with all the others. Hugs.

  20. Patricia Aherne O'Farrell Avatar
    Patricia Aherne O’Farrell

    My dear friend Nancy. Here’s a gentle hug in warm embrace.
    I will sit now in meditation to bathe you in the light of love and healing.
    Thank you for sharing this new journey with us all, and for all that you do for us always.
    Lots of love, xxx patrisha

  21. Patricia Aherne O'Farrell Avatar
    Patricia Aherne O’Farrell

    My dear friend Nancy. Here is a gentle hug in warm embrace.
    I will sit now in meditation to bathe you in the Light of love and healing.
    Thank you for sharing this new journey with us all, and for all that you do for us always.
    Lots of love, xx patrisha

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you so much Patricia. I can use all the love, light and healing to remember, to keep my head up. Much love, Nancy

  22. Patti Reifel Avatar
    Patti Reifel

    Oh Nancy I am so shocked to hear of your diagnosis! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!! Your attitude is great and very transparent which will help others!
    I am also a breast cancer survivor and was diagnosed on Oct 1, 2008. Mine was caught early, I had two lumpectomies and 38 days of radiation, but no chemo. I don’t know if I ever shared that part of my history with you.
    I am sending lots of love and healing energy to you and you go through your journey.
    Much love,
    Patti Reifel

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Wow Patti, no, I did not know that about your history. I am finding many who have walked this path of learning. Thank you for sharing your love. Nancy

  23. Tiffney Lewis Avatar
    Tiffney Lewis

    As always thank you for sharing your personal self with us. I too am being challenged with skin cancer again. I’m trying to heal it myself and frequently get it to recede but I have an appointment with Russ next weekend. Thank you for reminding me to keep asking my spirit for guidance and love. I hope you only experience as much discomfort as needed for the experience and healing to be completed.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Wow, I had no idea you struggled with skin cancer. I could not do this without my relationship to spirit. It is just too hard.

  24. Thanks for sharing your humanity, Nancy. I’ll keep you in my meditations knowing that there is lots of energy geared towards your healing.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Monty.

  25. Sending you love, light and gratitude for the precious gift of your life.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Melissa.

  26. Denese bohanna Avatar
    Denese bohanna

    Thank you for sharing. I am sorry to hear of your cancer, but I know your journey will help many of us friends and students. I traveled the breast cancer journey 7 years ago. I learned to share more openly and to be on the receiving end of things. I fortunately didn’t need chemo and was fine with lumpectomy and radiation. I came out the other side with a much clearer picture of life priorities and spirit’s central role in my life.my prayers and headlining ,energy are with you and your family.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Denese for sharing your story. Many of us have walked this path of learning…..not for the faint of heart. Much love, Nancy

  27. Thank you for sharing this with us. You are such an ascended teacher that it is almost reassuring to know that you’re human and that we all may have karmic issues that arise in this lifetime. I know you will heal and that will be encouraging to all of us yet again. All my love

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Vicki.

  28. Saralynn Scott Avatar
    Saralynn Scott

    Dearest Nancy Rebecca
    Marilyn Ladin and I (Saralynn Scott) from Houston Texas are sending you all our love and prayers for a speedy and complete healing. You will be in our daily Healing Blessing. How very clearly we remember when Mar was going through her treatments (2007) and you saved her life so she could continue to live.
    We love you and miss you so much.
    May we make an appointment with you?
    Sending you and your whole family – dogs too – all our love.
    Sar & Mar

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you so much Saralynn and Marilyn. Yes, remembering Marilyn, and her great attitude, contributed greatly to her healing. I am working about 40 % of my regular schedule. Yes, you can phone our office; 253-225-4420. I am currently seeing 4 private clients a week. That is a nice balance while I heal.

  29. Martha Stafford Avatar
    Martha Stafford

    Thank you so much for sharing so openly.

  30. Light and love for your healing journey. Thank you for sharing. Peace.

  31. Val and Mickey Avatar
    Val and Mickey

    We are keeping you near to our hearts and thoughts. We know you have all the most talented people on your healing team, but every team still needs fans! Fans may not be able to step up to the mound and pitch a no-hitter, or even throw one strike, but true fans are loyal and we never stop believing that the team has one more home run, one more miraculous double play, one more clutch left-field catch in reach at any moment, when needed most. We’ll be in the stands, cheering, knowing without fear or doubt that your team — our team– will win. Sending love.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you both so much for the love, support and encouragement.

  32. Hello Nancy Rebecca,
    I am sending you healing light and good wishes as you navigate the next few months. I have no experience other than an aunt and friends who have gone through the same process. (All successfully).
    I have learned a lot from your videos and blog just since finding you this spring. I so appreciate your teachings and want to offer my gratitude as well.
    Blessings from Seattle.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Maura.

  33. With you all the way Nancy!
    Thank you for sharing your journey.

  34. Mary Leonard Avatar
    Mary Leonard

    I’m so thankful that you shared all this. I feel peace for you and I. And I include myself, unknown to you, because when one shares we all greatly feel your story. You sound so grounded and I felt a blessing from that as well. Your story is like a prescription for what to do in the event of cataclysmic events in my life. I shall save this entry and use it for my own journey to wellness when needed. I see a giant hand holding your shoulder. Spirit has your back and is holding you firm.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Mary.

  35. ❤️

  36. Dale Anais duCoeur Avatar
    Dale Anais duCoeur

    Dear Nancy,
    My prayers are certainly with you. I see that you are surrounded by love from all over this Earth and beyond.
    If there is anything I can do, or even just to talk or listen, just let me know.
    Much love,

  37. Josey Slater Avatar
    Josey Slater

    I haven’t look at your blogs for a while, life being so busy with just adjusting to the constant change, that new platforms, processes, rarely get in. But today I looked. Thank you so much for your generous sharing of your experience and process with breast cancer. It is not something I’ve had to face in this body in my 66 years. Witnessing friends make hard choices raises so many different kinds of questions. Your sharing is taken in with a sense of easing and opening. Much love to you and yours on the continuing journey.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Josey!

  38. Jan Wenger Avatar
    Jan Wenger

    Thank you for including me. As Jan the human and as Jan the healer, I am 100% supporting you and Yvonne and all the rest of your family, daily. Hugs, Jan

  39. Laura Green Avatar
    Laura Green

    Hi Nancy,
    So sorry to hear about this, thank you for sharing. I love your honesty and that you are including your students, fellow healers and friends in your journey of healing. This is a huge challenge for you but I am sure that all of the teachings you have received from your ancestors and those you have given will come to you when you need them over the next months. We are all blessed to have you in our lives …. with your permission, I will check in remotely once in a while and clear anything that comes up….Much love to you and to Yvonne who, I’m sure, is carrying this with a heavy heart as well. Hugs,


    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Laura.

  40. Nancy,
    I celebrate your beautiful, gifted life. Even before your diagnosis, I’ve gleaned much hope from you as do so many. I wish I had more to offer you, but as a post polio person with unpredictable chronic pain, I applaud your decision to take things one step at a time. It’s what allows whispers and quiet wonders/blessings to unfold.
    I’m in your rooting section!
    ? ? Jackie

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Jackie….I definitely need a rooting section….this can be rough at times. Yes, a moment at a time has been valuable. Nancy

  41. Best wishes with this healing journey. May you receive everything you need to heal for your highest good, if you are willing to accept it, in a way and at a pace that works for you. 🙂

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Brenda. What a perfect intention! Nancy

  42. Cherie Kolbo Avatar
    Cherie Kolbo

    Nancy, I was shocked to hear about the cancer. You will come through this! I don’t remember if I told you about Russell’s cancer. He was told by his first oncologist that he had 6 months to live so he changed oncologist. Went through chemo and radiation and it came back. We improved his diet and did all the things he knows to do. Just got his recent Pet test results and was excited to learn that there was no evidence of it anywhere. You are in my prayers everyday. I pray that you are healed and that there is only perfection and, of coarse, that You are loved! Russell got Yevone’s email, Tried to call but didn’t get anybody. What is the best number to call? Look forward to our session in August. Love you and sending healing frequency, Cherie

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you for your love and support Cherie. You have come through many health issues stronger on the other side, so I will remember your journey as part of my inspiration. I did talk with Russell. Thank you. On my harder days, I turn off my phone. But we did connect now. Much love, Nancy

  43. Helen Bonnett Avatar
    Helen Bonnett

    Heard about this Situation this morning from Jan Wenger on our weekly Zoom healing session.
    Have just finished reading your email.
    Wanted you to know what was flashing through my mind as I was reading——-
    Our trip to South Africa and our tour of Table Mountain with a very long line-up for entry.
    Do you remember what you did???????
    You quickly and humbly sat in a wheelchair and allowed yourself to be wheeled about so that the rest Of us would get the benefit of going to the front of the line and not having to wait in the heat.
    I am almost, almost overwhelmed with the strength of the Energy that is moving through me as I am typing this..
    Believe me,Believe me, you will be receiving Life Changing, Life Changing information from and through this current situation of
    “Sitting in the Wheelchair “
    You Nancy and you Yvonne have so influenced my life experience. ThereAre no words that can express.
    So I will just say —-Thank You and I Am with you, I know that we All are Always together in Everything, Everywhere, All the Time.
    Love you lots ?❤️? Helen

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Hello Helen, Yes, I do remember that wheelchair. It was a crazy fun trip for sure. This cancer journey is another crazy trip for sure……and at times I remind the ancestors……now, I did not agree to take on all of my families karma…remember? Just this one shared piece! I have had a couple of really good days now, so I am enjoying the comments. Much love, Nancy

  44. Helen Bonnett Avatar
    Helen Bonnett

    I have also worked with someone who DID NOT lose hair

  45. Shirley Goos Avatar
    Shirley Goos

    Dear Nancy,
    Ouch! I felt that one you are conveying. Just know I will put you on my daily list of energy recipients. Who could be more equipped to meet this challenge than you with your nursing and spiritual backgrounds.
    Fondly remember our classes together when you would come to Nanaimo to share your wisdom. Just know I have continued the journey and currently involved in Awakening Dynamics with Brent Phillips. I so appreciate the availability of online material for expansion and growth but will always treasure you and your teachings. You occupy a very special place on my heart.
    Will continue to follow your blogs as you journey through this detour.
    Much love to you,

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Ah, how wonderful to hear from you Shirley. A bit of a rough ride, no matter how well equipped, but yes, I do have many tools in my healing tool box…..and many friends who are great healers. Thank you for your note. Much love, Nancy

  46. Judy Plank Avatar
    Judy Plank

    Thank you for sharing this, Nancy. You are such a light in this world! And you are cherished by many of us whom you’ve never met. So much love and light coming back to you now, for healing support!
    Bathe in it, dear one.
    Love and prayers,

  47. Judy Plank Avatar
    Judy Plank

    Thank you for sharing this, Nancy. You are such a light in this world! And you are cherished by many of us whom you’ve never met. So much love and light coming back to you now, for healing support!
    Bathe in it, dear one.
    Love and prayers,

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      A Sincere Thank you Judy for the lovely note. Nancy

  48. Mary Ann Mutter Avatar
    Mary Ann Mutter

    Best wishes on your journey, Nancy. I know as I have gone through all of my cancer treatments my son continually reminded me to take one day at a time, which certainly has kept me from being overwhelmed. You are an inspiration for all of us. From Mary Ann and Jim

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Mary Ann and Jim. I so appreciate your note. Nancy

  49. Sandra Davies Avatar
    Sandra Davies

    God bless and may all the help you need come forward for you at this time.
    May you travel this journey with wisdom and grace, one day ,one step at a time.
    Peace be with you and your care givers.
    Blessings, Sandra

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      In sincere gratitude, Nancy

  50. Kathleen Fay Fay Frances Avatar
    Kathleen Fay Fay Frances

    I support your approach ~ POWER ON

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Kathleen. Much love, Nancy

  51. Masako Ryan Avatar
    Masako Ryan

    Dear Nancy,

    I am so sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. But first, thank you for sharing what you have been going through. I know you will take care of yourself spiritually, energetically, and physically with what you have in abundance. You good have family & friends, good medical team and healing net work surrounding you. You have been in a best place in the world.
    You are in my prayers and thoughts. Love and Light, Masako (Langley, BC Canada)

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Masako. I so appreciate the prayers. Sincerely, Nancy

  52. Marcia Gikk Avatar
    Marcia Gikk

    Continued healing & blessings, Nancy! We will uplift you in prayer on Kim’s Prayer Group tonight at 9pm EDT/6pm PDT.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Sincerely Marcia and to your group. With gratitude, Nancy

  53. zulma santiago Avatar
    zulma santiago

    Keeping you in myy thouhts and prayers. Sending you sacred energy from my back yard.

    Much love,

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Beautiful to hear from you Zulma. Thank you for the healing prayers. Love, Nancy

  54. I had a transformative dental appointment the other day. Thanks in part to this blog. Among other things I am really challenged by all the anesthetic I get for my periodontal teeth cleaning. Some of it went down my throat and made me gag so much that I wasn’t sure if I could get through the dental cleaning so I started doing qigong which helped a lot. While I was doing qigong I realized that my resistance to the anesthetic was was effecting it’s ability to do its job and possibly causing it to linger in my body longer after treatment. I thought of you and the things you wrote about chemotherapy. When I heard you were going through chemo I was not happy for you. I have a ton of resistance to mainstream medicine. Reading your blog helped me shift my perspective which lead to a very different experience. I left the office in a great mood! I value the results of my dental cleaning but loath the process. Now I can see the process as an opportunity for growth and discovery. So a big thanks to you for your spiritual guidance!

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      I enjoyed your story Carla. Thank you for taking the time to share it. Love, Nancy

  55. Katrina Muser Avatar
    Katrina Muser

    Oh Nancy, what a shock. I’ve never met you, but your maternal energy is close to my heart. You’ve helped me along on my path, and you’ve become a lighthouse when I find myself in ther dark at times. Thank you so much. Sending you support, and a big hug.
    With love, Katrina

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Katrina. Nancy

    2. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Katrina.

  56. F Marylee Skelly Avatar
    F Marylee Skelly

    Nancy,I’m holding you in my heart and picturing you covered in a reboso (shall ) of Love and healing. Thank you for sharing your experience so we can all learn and take part in some way in your healing.
    I love you Nancy

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you Marylee. Love, Nancy

    2. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Thank you so much Marylee.

  57. Danielle Freeburg Avatar
    Danielle Freeburg

    Dear Nancy, I am just reading this for the first time. Sending you love and showering you with golden, healing light as you navigate this road. Hugs!

  58. Thank you for sharing. My prayers for you.

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