Behind the Smile; Spiritual Insights into Mental Health

Behind the smile, there are spiritual insights into mental health. In the past few months, humanity has been through waves of astrological and planetary influences, that can ring anyone’s mental health bell. Pluto moved back and forth from Capricorn (Top-down authority) to Aquarius (Bottom-Up Authority). We had potent full moons, lunar eclipses, Fall Equinox, an incredible Solar Eclipse, and massively strong solar flares. The aurora borealis was a light show for the world. Then suddenly a few days later I felt myself surrounded by others’ lives turning upside down. I felt like I was running back and forth with a towel draped over my arms attempting to catch all the balls in the air. Did you experience something similar in your life?

Spiritual insights seem only to take us so far when attempting to keep our head on straight. As a registered nurse and a clairvoyant who can see the human energy field, certain patterns in the aura can indicate a potential mental health crisis is on the edge. You may be hiding something behind that smile that can signal others that you are doing okay, but your energy field can’t lie. Your human energy field reveals exactly what is underneath your bright eyes but a clairvoyant can often see an energy field disruption even though you are not conscious of it yet. How? Those hidden issues show up in the energy field for up to a few years before you experience the impact on your personal life.

Masked pain, can show itself as a spiritual battleground in your auric field and can reveal how long you have been fighting with yourself. Everyone has a façade, an outer energy layer that overlays itself in front of your face and body. Most individuals may have 1 or 2 masked layers, while others can have as many as 30 layers covering up deeper pain. When you are young your beauty radiates outwardly making it easier to cover up what is going on inside of you. As you age, those outer facades (mask) remain at the frequency you first placed them. As your spiritual insights expand in consciousness your current frequency rises in vibration. This can result in the older pain mask, causing you to appear aging much quicker than you would if it was not there at all! There is an easy fix for stuck pain masks. I will provide more information in this blog post, towards the end.

Depression, anxiety, worry, fear, criticism, judgment and ego all have their own energetic imprint. Just like a fingerprint can be unique, each of those different energies can appear in their own unique patterns in your auric field. However, we are fortunate that 90% of the world can not see those energy layers hiding behind the smile. The rapid changes in frequency are shaking up those hard to see, sense, and feel places causing that old energy to rise to the surface. All those energetic cracks in the surface are starting to show their wear and tear, especially for those who are experiencing high levels of stress. Everything I am mentioning here can be easily reversed and healed. You are growing in consciousness and as you grow, your knowledge level grows. Just a little bit of attention can make a big difference. Knowing you are hiding old stories behind your smile is the first step. If you can recognize it, then you can change it. Read my blog on Tips to Breakthrough Isolation.

The world may appear to be crumbling around you.
So how do you find spiritual strength amongst those mental health struggles? It begins by knowing that all mental health struggles are truly, ‘temporary’ even if in the middle of it you feel as if you are going to feel that way for the rest of your life. I remember, being in childbirth labor, feeling as if the pain would never end. Even knowing that it would be over in a few hours, I could not override my mind’s certainty that I would feel this way forever. When I was in my mid-30s (35 years ago) I decided to visit a therapist. I was feeling pretty good, but I had a friend seeing someone so I thought it couldn’t hurt right? Well, I found out just how “not well” I was doing. Remember when I mentioned that mental instability can show up in the energy field first? When that “I am better than good” mask peeled off, there underlying it all was a deep depression. Back then, we did not have antidepressants! Can you imagine in this day and age when there are so many antidepressants to choose from, that we used to just “white knuckle” through it until the depression lifted? Now, you can add energy healing to the list.

Spiritual Resilience leads to a greater potential to thrive when your world is falling apart. Resilience is when you can bounce back from any mental upset, that crosses your path. When you have a resilient energy field, it appears like a balloon filled with air. Imagine pulling on the latex balloon and when you release it there is a ‘snap’ as it pops back into place. Your auric energy field is just like that. When you do not have a resilient auric energy field, pulling on it can cause it to stretch, but it will not bounce back into place. It kind of sags, under a heavy weight of energy. Allowing cosmic and earth energy to flow through it can correct your auric issue right away.

The solar (X-class) flares provided a large wallop to our earth’s atmosphere that began a cascade of energy. The flares were so potent, that the potential to take down power grids, cell towers, and internet signals was a real threat. I did a little research to see what studies have been done on the human energy field and after reading a few articles that declared no humans are affected by solar flares, I was just done. How is it possible that solar flares do not harm people at all? Yet, at the same time, it can take down the world’s power grids. My intuitive psychic senses told me to throw out those articles and toss away the key. My higher self, wished for me to know, that yes, solar flares can cause some real mental health shake-ups.

Living in a constant state of survival has you standing on Shakey Ground.
During stress, how do you navigate back into a place of thriving and happy again? Suddenly, I was inspired to write this article, as several people, I know, found themselves challenged to sort out their mental health disruptions while energetic turmoil was flipping them upside down. Many YouTube comments asked how to support loved ones who are hanging on by a mental health thread. This is when the big ‘AHA’ light bulb went on as I realized many others were tapped out and could not find their mental health footing. This blog post does not provide those answers but certainly begins the conversation. I learned this past week about a national crisis or suicide phone number “988” that immediately gets you in contact with a mental health counselor. They helped me to best help someone I care about. It is available 24/7, to ask questions or reach for support. Here is the 988 Website.

How do you know when your inner storm is brewing under the surface attempting to get your attention?
You might find yourself wondering what you are doing wrong when your relationships, job, and health are falling apart. Taking a self-assessment of basic self-care things can help you to know if you just might be over an energetic edge. Are you getting at least 6 hours of sleep each night? Are you able to eat, take a shower, get out of the house, and go to work? If not then those are strong indicators that your energy field is losing energy and is struggling to support you. Maybe you are doing well, but your loved ones around you are struggling. Take an inventory of how your loved ones are tracking their own self-care, sleep, and ability to engage in conversation as well as work. A friend of mine was struggling last week and I noticed her aura was inside of her body. She had made her world so small that she was attempting to hide inside of herself. I helped her aura to bounce back, but within a few minutes, she had pulled herself back into that deep dark place. She could not hold a solid grounding, nor a resilient auric shape outside of her body. I was able to recognize, her need to get professional help. Our abilities as healers can be limited when someone has been in that state for a few weeks or months before it is recognized. It will not take years to correct it, but it just might take a healthcare team approach to assist your friend to find wholeness again.

Rapid spiritual development can cause a mental health breakdown.
This can happen when you or a friend experience a spiritual shift that has you exhilarated, and you want so much more. So, you take several courses at the same time, or if meditating 30 minutes a day is good then 3 hours is better. Maybe you are fasting, detoxing, over-exercising, meditating, reading spiritual books, and trying all kinds of different spiritual development programs. Your body requires time for you to rest, integrate, and rejuvenate. I have been working with students for so long now that I can tell the signs that a mental breakdown is imminent. If you find yourself spinning rapidly through changes, slowing it all down is like pulling the reigns to slow a runaway horse. You must take steps to balance yourself back into wholeness.

What do you do when you are doing fantastic, but your friends are not?
Kindly let them know you have noticed something is different about them. Let them know your intuitive impressions are telling you that they may need some support. Ask them if, they would be open to asking them a few questions. I would begin by asking them if they have noticed a change in themselves and when they know it started. Then ask about their sleep, appetite, and stress. Offer to sit and listen as they share about their stress. You need to ground yourself to the center of the earth, while they share. Let me also suggest, listen as much as you can without giving advice. You may sit for a few hours while your friend vents their frustrations. Offer them, a drink of water, or suggest a bit to eat. Eating and drinking can help your friend settle more into their stressed body. Allow your intuition to guide you every step of the way. Maybe your intuition tells you to help them find a therapist. Offer to call the crisis line while you sit there with them. Remember, being a friend does not require you to be perfect. A friend can simply be a caring presence.

In my most recent YouTube video, I do talk about the energetic patterns that can show up in the energy field when you are stressed, depressed, anxious, or worried. Take a listen, to know when you or a loved one may need additional support. We as a community are stronger together.


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