August Frequency Forecast – Lion’s Gate

August Frequency Forecast, focusing on the Potent Lion’s Gate portal is one of the biggest influencers to this month’s frequency forecast. Expansion through several dimensions is the word of the day, every day over the next several months. I have devoted 30 years to a deep-dive experiential study of the human energy field. As a registered nurse, I found the physiology of our physical body such a thing of beauty. Stop for just a moment and think about your body as a fine piece of machinery that was brilliantly designed by who? I often (as a critical care nurse) looked at the human body like someone looks at the vast expansiveness of the stars in awe and wonder. Curiosity tugged at my mind, when someone who was critically ill, who ate healthy, exercised often, slept well, and maintained a harmonious life, could die suddenly, not responding to top medical treatments. While others who only ate Cheetos and drank cokes every day for 20 years, bounced back from a critical health issue only to go home and live another 30 years. What makes the energetic difference?

When my third (psychic) eye burst open suddenly in 1994 all I could see was pure colorful lights. In some ways, I was blinded by color, and this continued on for about 6 months before the brilliance died down and I could see more as a human again. Can you imagine, talking to your spouse, as colors shifted all around as you listened? Can you imagine, driving your teenager, to their soccer game through a myriad of colors while observing the soccer game burst like fireworks of color with each kick or pass of the ball? Yes, it was certainly trippy, to pretend that all of life was normal while observing life in an abnormal way. All frequencies of colors burst through and around us all the time, yet most of us do not even know of their existence. August is showing a vast expansion of colors. Are you noticing your visuals looking brighter, crisper, and cleaner?

This August Frequency is all about blending your own energy field more with the energy field of the celestial realms. What is a celestial realm? Well, I define it as the energy that radiates to the Earth from different planets, stars, and galaxies. I am a seer and just because I can now use my psychic sight to ‘see’ other dimensions does not mean that I actually know why or what is happening. But I will do my best in this blog post to explain. My general devotional practice of studying the light of the human energy field has begun to turn towards celestial light because it is so strongly impacting the human energy field in ways it has not done before. Why is that? Have you personally noticed a higher level of interest in the stars, or astrology lately? This might just be a veiled sign that you are feeling it too.

Enhanced Galactic influences such as the ‘Galactic Core’ and the ‘Great Attractor’ are moving rapidly toward the center stage of life. Honestly, there is a big part of me that does not feel that I am personally ready for it, much less all of humanity. Let’s think of it as a play that you are in as an actor, who studies your part over and over again. Then you have the dress rehearsal and practice the full play as if there is an audience. Yet, no matter how much you practice, you never completely feel ready. Then on opening night, the curtains come up and the stage lights focus on the stage the play begins and it turns out fantastic. This is what I tell myself about the impact of these rapid expansive changes to our energy field this month. The time is here and it’s happening, and we hopefully will easily adapt.

In metaphysical terms, the Galactic Core refers to the central region of a galaxy, particularly the Milky Way galaxy, which is the galaxy that contains our solar system. It is a highly mystical and spiritual concept that holds significance in various esoteric and spiritual belief systems. Metaphysically, the Galactic Core is often considered a source of powerful cosmic energy, consciousness, and spiritual wisdom. It is believed to be a portal or gateway to higher dimensions, connecting beings on Earth with higher realms of existence. Some spiritual traditions view the Galactic Core as the center of the universe, where all knowledge, wisdom, and creation originate.

In many spiritual and New Age beliefs, the Galactic Core is associated with spiritual awakening, transformation, and ascension. It is thought to emit high-frequency energies that can accelerate personal and planetary evolution, raising the vibrational frequency of those who attune to its energy. Meditation and energy practices centered around connecting with the Galactic Core are believed to facilitate spiritual growth, inner transformation, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. Some individuals claim to have had mystical experiences and profound insights while attuning to the energy of the Galactic Core. Overall, the concept of the Galactic Core in metaphysical terms represents a cosmic center of divine energy and consciousness, a source of ancient wisdom, and a catalyst for spiritual evolution and expansion. It is an intriguing and mystical aspect of metaphysical exploration and personal spiritual development.

In metaphysical terms, the Great Attractor refers to a mysterious and powerful cosmic phenomenon located in the direction of the Hydra-Centaurus Supercluster, a region of the universe that lies beyond our Milky Way galaxy. It is an intriguing concept that has captured the curiosity of astronomers, cosmologists, and those with an interest in esoteric and spiritual subjects. The Great Attractor is essentially an enigmatic gravitational anomaly that exerts a significant gravitational pull on nearby galaxies, including our own Milky Way. Its precise nature and composition remain a subject of ongoing research and exploration in the field of astronomy. This may be why we feel a stronger galactic celestial pull than ever before.

The Great Attractor has also been associated with various spiritual and esoteric interpretations. Some metaphysical perspectives view it as a focal point of powerful cosmic energies, a beacon of heightened consciousness, or a portal to higher dimensions. It is believed to hold transformative energies that can influence the evolution of souls and planetary consciousness. Within spiritual and New Age circles, the Great Attractor is sometimes seen as a symbol of divine attraction, drawing souls toward a higher purpose or spiritual destiny. It is considered a catalyst for spiritual awakening and expansion, signifying the interconnectedness of all life within the vast cosmic web.

The Lions Gate Portal opens on August 8th, 2023. The Lions Gate Portal, also known as the Lionsgate Activation, is an astrological and spiritual event that occurs each year around the beginning of August, specifically on August 8th. It is believed to be a powerful cosmic alignment and an energetic gateway that opens between the Earth and the star Sirius, which is known as the “Dog Star” and is the brightest star in our night sky. The name “Lions Gate” is derived from the alignment of the Earth, the Sun, and Sirius, which occurs in the zodiac sign of Leo, represented by the lion. This alignment is said to create a heightened flow of energy between the spiritual realms and the Earth, making it a potent time for spiritual growth, insights, and activations. The Lions Gate Portal is associated with various metaphysical beliefs and practices. It is considered a time of accelerated spiritual awakening and soul growth. Many people may experience heightened intuition, psychic abilities, and a deeper connection with their spiritual guides. Does this excite you or unsettle you? When there is an accelerated pattern of energy, I refer to it as a quickening. This quickening feeling can feel exciting or be confused with anxiety but ultimately it is a sign that some transformation shift is happening inside of us.

Accessing Higher Knowledge: During this time, energetic alignment is said to allow easier access to higher knowledge and spiritual insights. It’s a time to seek answers and guidance from a higher consciousness. Whether you feel that you can meditate or not, this potent time in August is about creating some quiet moments to self-reflect. Send out your intentions about what you desire to see unfold in your life, and then let that intention go out to the celestial galactic realms.

Release and Renewal: The Lions Gate Portal is believed to support the release of old patterns, beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve our highest good. It offers an opportunity for renewal and transformation. Transformation can be experienced as challenging or easy and as my teachers have shared with me constantly, “The choice of how you work through things is up to you”. Or often my teacher would say, “Change can happen slowly over years or quickly in a moment, it just depends on how you personally work with yourself”. In my work of the study of the human energy field, I have learned that one of the main culprits to slowing you down is overthinking, and analysis paralysis. The quicker you can stop the cycle of overthinking an issue the quicker you can move on.

Manifestation and Intentions: The heightened energy during this Frequency Forecast is conducive to setting intentions and manifesting desires. It’s a time to focus on positive affirmations and goals. In the beginning of my sudden sight opening, I did not really know that we were being so influenced by the galactic. I do know that from 1990 to 2020, the celestial influences were there, but lightly. Now, rather than a drip coming out of the portal hose, your own personal energy field is being flooded with galactic knowledge like a full-on firehose. Therefore, use this time to write down your dreams, desires, and hope-filled outcomes to get more spiritual bang for your spiritual buck.

Heart Opening: The energy of the Lions Gate is said to open and activate the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness. Remember the Lion’s Gate influence is in the astrological sign of Leo, which is all about powerful passionate, compassionate love. Humanity, (you and me) have huge blocks in the hearts chakra that has been formed over many lifetimes. Every year at this time your heart chakra is given the opportunity to heal those blocks to letting love in. I encourage you to be purposeful in choosing to open your heart during this time to heal the wounds.

Connection with Sirius Star Beings: Some believe that during this portal, beings from Sirius, such as the Sirian Star seeds, bring forth wisdom and knowledge to assist humanity’s spiritual evolution. The blue beings of light first visited me in 2017 to reveal their intentions to assist the earth and all that live here, supportive healing and upliftment during this great time of change. My relationship with them has been one of quiet reverence, only sharing their messages with those on my private Facebook page, called the Blue Light Movement. However, I have also written many blog posts about the Sirians’ visiting me and with illuminating descriptions of all the ways they bring their light through. Some of their strongest blue celestial star activations come through during the Lion’s Gate portal.

It’s important to note that the Lions Gate Portal is a spiritual and metaphysical concept, and its significance may vary among different belief systems and spiritual practices. Some people may feel strong energetic shifts during this time, while others may not notice any significant changes. Whether you personally resonate with the Lions Gate or not, it can serve as a reminder of the importance of being open to spiritual growth, self-awareness, and embracing the cosmic connections that exist within our universe.

How is our Auric Field being influenced by these enormous galactic influences during the August Frequency Forecast to include the next several months? A funnel-shaped aura, that is wider at the top and narrower at the bottom of your auric field. Meditating on the flow of your aura to return it to a balanced state can ease any tension you might experience.

Those who have the gift of prophecy, (whether you know it or not) may find themselves knowing impending changes, yet not sure what is ahead. Those of you who question the validity of prophetic abilities may find even you, have a sense about upcoming changes and events.

Many spirits are choosing to cross over at this time to lighten by leaving the burdens of the earthly plane and are choosing to help in the different dimensions of the spirit world.

Mass shifts in relationships whether to either improve them or complete their cycles and move on from them. Remember, everyone is changing in regard to what is no longer tolerated or what is desired in a relationship. What Spirit has said, and I have noticed is these spiritual shifts in relationships are happening so quickly that it can be shocking to your physical body.

The sign of the fish is coming up, which has a strong spiritual connection between the air and the oceans. Spirit is saying as the whales, dolphins breathe air, and fish move oxygen through their gills while remaining in the water is significant in August. There is an enhanced fluidity to life’s flow moving you this month from one place to another, leaving you wondering how you got here. Here is my blog post on Whales and the Blue Light. Veda Austin has an amazing website about the sacredness of water.

In some ways, it might feel like you have been flipped upside down in frequencies.
As I write this, honestly, I cannot even begin to describe what this may feel like. The only hint that spirit gives me is the 7th chakra is like the root chakra and the root chakra is like the crown chakra. You can expect this odd feeling that something is off (or on) for the next several years.

This August frequency forecast is more about “allowing” what is happening to happen, while you remain in a pure state of discovery. If you find yourself Jealous, be jealous, angry, be angry, stuck then accept feeling stuck but do not live in those places, simply embrace those places. When looking at the frequency of the August Forecast, it is super high, and I do not see a drop at all in frequency. Some of you may experience battles between your body and your spirit while your body wants to slow down and your spirit is saying faster, faster with glee. This is the first time spirit is asking that I address the dividing line between two different states of consciousness. Low level and high level. Spirit came through strongly to state that both sides are working for each other even if on the outside it does not look that way. Those who are capable of wading through high states will bring that in for humanity, while those in the low states have offered to move through the sludge so those in the high states do not have to. Each side should be in a state of gratitude for each other but that is not going to happen in our current state of growth but it can be a state we can expect in the future.

Those in the lower states of consciousness are turning over some deep dark energetic karma and that Karma may not even belong to them. It’s rough going and rough to express, and does not feel good at all. We are witnessing some really nasty behaviors as evil …old karmic evil is being dissolved by the light. Spirit reminds me that we all are working incredibly hard to heal and clear the atrocities that happened on the planet and are still happening, hoping to soon reveal a different outcome for future generations to come. These past several years have shown us that we can problem-solve quickly under the weight of dramatic and chaotic rapid shifts of BS. There truly is an inner resilience now that we did not see so much of before. You know all the healthy ways you find to cope with life, just do that, amplify it and focus hard on what you really truly want life to be for yourself and others. We’ve got this!


18 responses to “August Frequency Forecast – Lion’s Gate”

  1. Thank you Nancy, this is very illuminating. I have felt many shifts lately within myself and around me. You are right it is not a great time as the negative energy is strong and being alone seems somehow more safe these days.

    You are ready and helping the rest of us get ready.

    Sending Love
    Roberta Joehle

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      It felt important to write this today and get it out there. Thank you so much for taking the time to write a note. I appreciate knowing you gained the knowledge. Yes, it is rough out there and we need to keep taking care of our safe places.

  2. Thank you Nancy!!! For over 20 years I have felt a strong Sirian connection in my bones! I’m so grateful for you to line everything up and offer some deeper insights!!! I’m saying “Yes” to the opportunities present at this great time of change!!! Thrilled and delighted to be a part of it all!!! Big Blue Hugs!!!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Big Blue Hugs to you too. In the blue river of life.

  3. Yvonne L Kilcup Avatar
    Yvonne L Kilcup

    I enjoyed reading more about the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor-concepts that I have been only momentarily able to grasp the meaning of; each time I contemplate them I am able to take in a bit more, what an amazing universe we live in! Thanks for taking the time to illuminate what these energies mean to you energetically and to do what you do so well; bring it home to the now of what is happening in our physical and energetic world. Gratitude : )

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Yvonne. The understanding will come in layers, but what I can feel most, is just how significant both those topics and their influences will become over the next few years.

  4. Barbara Avatar

    Thank you Nancy for the explanation! On my walk this morning, at the end of my connecting/sharing Source to Earth’s Centre, I also activated my Blue Light channel to both earth’s crust and core, offering it if desired today. I understood back that yes, will will always help where/when needed. Was surprised/pleased to see that today is Sirius/Blue Light Portal.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      There is so much more to come, and I so appreciate knowing that you along with many others are so tapped in.

  5. Marylee Skelly Avatar
    Marylee Skelly

    Thank you Nancy for your explanation. I’m grasping only the tip of the iceberg of information. But I feel the certainty of the enormous reality below the surface where I am one with all. Thank you for your gifts of teaching and inspiring. I look forward to exploring all the layers
    With love

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you for your words. We are all in this together aren’t we.

  6. Such incredible wisdom you share Nancy! I am digesting all these bits along with the energetic enormity of all the things going on. It is intensely incredible and a very fascinating time for all sentient beings. Generally an over thinker trying to find the “answer”. I am sensing and feeling the shifts that are necessary at this time without knowing what comes next and being completely ok with it!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Kammie for you comment. We can grow, one step and one bite at a time, and it all arrives at those perfect moments when we need them.

  7. Mary Molinaro Avatar
    Mary Molinaro

    Thank you Nancy for this fascinating and illuminating blog. You are a great teacher and and I just love learning from you. Thank you for all you do and for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. In gratitude Mary Molinaro

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Mary, I appreciate you too.

  8. Jackie B Avatar
    Jackie B

    Exciting times! Although the body is finding all kinds of ways to procrastinate, the spirit will prevail. I recognize my “creative avoidance” in my quest to meditate now so….
    I’m on to you, Body!! We’re doing this and you’re gonna love it! (you just don’t know it yet)

    Thank you for the guidance, Nancy. It’s getting easier to be curious instead of reacting. You’re explanations help so much.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      I love that…I am on to you body, lol.

  9. For me Your blogs are full of Wisdom knowledge. I love how you express truths clearly and easy to understand! So very Grateful!!! Yay!! Way to go Nancy!!!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you so much Angie.

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