Your Blue Celestial Nervous System

The blue celestial nervous system is a natural organic process to prepare you for higher frequencies. Navigating the Blue Cosmic Celestial Light as your own nervous system awakens to much higher frequencies has its ups and downs. The downs can be an increase in migraines, neuropathy, loss of memory, and noticing complex time warps. The upside can be ‘feeling better overall’, finding that your mind can process new information rapidly, and rapid intuitive/psychic awakening. As a registered nurse, I had a sudden psychic awakening in 1994 that triggered an incredible ability to be “tapped in” to multiple dimensions at the same time resulting in sensory overload.  Here is the thing though, we are all going through a rapid ascension of our nervous system to prepare for the changes needed to adapt in the future. I was told by spirit about 10 years ago that the entire world would awaken suddenly to their psychic abilities (I did not believe it). This is the conversation the Blue Beings of Light are asking us to have.  Why?  As the rapidly shifting frequencies move the consciousness dynamics of humanity, our nerves may experience a system overload. Here is my blog post on the Blue Light Frequencies

Your brain, spinal column, nerves, neurons, and cranial nerves are never at rest.  Your neurological system is constantly sensing your inner and outer stimuli, even the stimulus you do not know exists.  This incredible nervous system is also intimately involved with the energy field of your aura and chakras.  Have you ever heard the term, “I could feel you coming from a mile away?”  You can have this felt sense of something is happening because those energetic feelers go beyond the physical nerves of the body. 

Your nerves have a sheath-type lining that surrounds each nerve similar to a rubber coating around an electrical line.  This sheath around the nerves helps the spark of information travel in the direction that is needed.  Such as your hand in the fire, signals the nervous system to immediately pull back your hand so that you do not get burned.  You want those signals to remain within the guard rails of the nerve linings.  If the electrical system of your nerves does not have that protective coating, your nerves would be firing all over the place, scattered, and fragmented.  This is why neuropathy feels like a hot burning fire because the electrical impulses are not contained by the outer lining (sheath).  As the frequency raises your nerves will have the capacity to carry more information through impulses. Just knowing this will help you understand when your nervous system seems incredibly active.

There are 3 states of neurological awareness.  The first one finds you in a constant state of high alert in a state of hypervigilance causing you to feel on edge.  The Second state is when you may experience a disconnect from your nervous system which is the energy of numbness.  The numbing effect can mislead you to think that you are fine, you are better than fine and your body feels fine when actually you are not fine. The third state is a total disassociative aspect that can be a result of trauma held in the body. Your spirit is not where near your physical body so you are not aware that there may be a nervous system issue. What you do not know underneath is the constant firing responses of the electrical impulses you are experiencing in your environment around you.  This can lead to a constant flow of input, without you responding to that input which can lead to fight/flight cortisol surges in response to your not responding to issues.  Can you relate to what I am saying?  As a Psychic, I can not tell you how often the client ‘thinks’ they are okay, better than okay, but their worn-thin energy field tells a different story. 

Your nervous system is designed to handle a large variety of frequencies easily.  Kind of like a mansion with 24 rooms, that you used to only have access to 6 of those rooms, and now your brain expands in consciousness so now you can access 15 rooms.  When I was in my youth and then even in Nursing School, the belief at that time is you are born with a certain number of neurons, and those early developmental stages are still growing neurons.  So if you were born into a level of poverty, with food and education insecurities it was the belief that your brain was destined to be stuck in a non-growth cycle for the rest of your life.  Are you old enough to remember this type of thinking?   Now, the current belief is your mind is incredibly adaptable.  No matter what injury or insult to your brain, it has the capacity to compensate for the losses.   

Did you know the entire universe has a form of nervous system where all the planets and stars communicate with each other? This particular system of responsive electrical impulses is currently invisible to the human eyes but can be easily picked up by the intuitive senses.  Can you relate to what I am saying?  Galactic Empaths are those who may not be sensitive to your feelings but can easily tell you if one of the planets is highly active or not.  When tapping into the theory that we are all one, this means that the entire universe is one intricate system of impulses in the form of incredible shared knowledge.  What I know for a fact (after 30 years of psychic development) is that those of you who are tuned into your intuitive sensitivities with psychic accuracy will be far ahead in our rapidly expanding world. Here is an article and video from Nasa, that explains the influences of frequencies on the earth.

Star seed is a term that means you carry the DNA genetic material of Celestial beings (Ancestors) who came from the stars.  There is scientific proof that we are made of stardust so going a step further to know you just might share DNA with Star beings might not be that big of a stretch.  When you have a high level of star seeds from your ancestral lines, you just might find that the higher the frequency going on around you, the better you will feel naturally.  Everyone has some level of star seed influence, but some of your Star Code sequences still remain dormant and waiting to be activated.  Meditation can assist you to activate your human body to be able to adapt to the higher Star seed frequency.  However, there is a natural awakening happening that can also organically unfold those connections with the cosmos. 

There are potential human capacities that still exist beyond what is known to most of us at this time. Bi-location (existing in 2 places at the same time), Teleportation (moving from one location to another with a thought), or shifting from the physical realm to another dimension where you can no longer be seen with the human eye (now you see me, now you don’t).  There are many neurological child disorders currently on the rise in our world.  Remember the Indigo Children that started coming to earth back in the 1970s ( or even earlier) who have an indigo auric color?  Often the indigos were diagnosed with Attention deficit disorder but in actuality, they are far ahead of society in their ability to process a high level of data all at once.  Those with ADHD and ADD often struggle, because they have to slow their neurological brain waves down to exist in this 3rd dimensional world.  I fully expect that as the frequency of consciousness awakens, these same indigos will find themselves having a much easier time.  Autism spectrum may be different levels of struggle in our human world, because of the extremely high sensitivities to our world’s chaos.  Heck, if I really think about it, our nervous system struggles to handle the violence, corruption, and manipulation in the world.  Those with Autism, are highly evolved souls, who are waiting for us to catch up in our ability to manage our energy in healthier ways. 

In my nursing clinical days, I worked for years with patients who struggled with neurological diseases.  Parkinson’s, Guillain-Barre syndrome, ALS, Migraines, Seizures, Alzheimer’s /dementia, ADD, Autism, and many more I have found are often associated with high intelligence.  I have come to my own theory and conclusion based on my work as a nurse, hospice nurse, and clairvoyant seer/healer.  When I would do my intake assessments, I noticed a pattern of those having careers requiring high mental skills who seemed to struggle with neurological disorders.  Could it be these individuals’ capacity to bring through high-frequency knowledge becomes too much for their nervous system and their body?  What do you think?   

Our earth and solar system are undergoing a transformational awakening.  In a sense, birthing out of the old ways and into the new way of life existence.  Spirit often reminds me that 500 years ago, one human being may go through a couple of life-changing events in one lifetime.  Yet now we currently are going through many life-changing events every month.  During the COVID Pandemic, I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, my mother-in-law was hospitalized numerous times with a life-threatening heart condition, my dog had to have emergency life-saving surgery, Yvonne had to have knee surgery and we needed to completely restructure our work.  Since then, I have heard story after similar stories of stacked critical events pushing us to the brink of breaking.  Some of you have had stories even more devastating than mine.  Yet, we all came out the other side stronger, more resilient, and determined to create a better life for ourselves and our communities.  Our nervous system took huge hits, which require an ability to bring great depth to an inner calming. 

The blue light movement has talked about these changes in the form of galactic events.  The blue celestial beings of light never said, that blue light would help soothe the evolutionary process but since 2017, that seems to be the case.  When these Galactic Star Beings first visited me, they kept their messages in very simple terms.  Meditating with the blue light would dissolve all illusions and illuminate the truth.  Or they would say, the blue light will uncover what has been hidden from us and reveal the truth.  I remember not understanding at all what those messages may look like in our human world but if you scan over the last 5 years, there have been a lot of illusions that have been revealed, and hidden corruption, at the deepest levels, is still being revealed.  As the Blue Celestial Beings remind me, “We are not done yet!” 

There is deep knowledge held within the galactic core, that is ready to be shared with us at the highest levels.  We are living in a time of preparation of our nervous system to handle the higher frequency knowledge and DNA star seed activations.  We are in the midst of a tipping point, of being ready.  I am told by the Blues, that our nervous system which includes the brain, spinal column, cranial nerves, neurons, and peripheral nerves is instrumental in supporting these great changes.  When you feel overstimulated, take steps to create a calming environment, as well as surround yourself with others who express an inner calmness. 


6 responses to “Your Blue Celestial Nervous System”

  1. Maryhelen Avatar

    Thank you. ???❤️
    I can see, feel and hear the shifts because my personal body has shifted with better more vivid clear eye sight-(noticing the energetic fields in the air especially around nature, plants and trees.) There is a heightened hearing, inside and outside, that coincide the feeling of what I am hearing. Honestly, as aware as I used to think I was, it is nothing compared to what is happening now and all that once might have seemed crazy or even delusional is NOT that. It’s exciting and REAL… almost like a real life Da Vinci code that makes me love even more of the wandering with wonder. YOU are amazing with all your complimentary knowledge which is helping to wake up heart-minded potentials and intuitive abilities. It is comforting to know and feel finally not so alone with this. I am looking forward to the day when the whole world that is awakened will NOT be the minority and that the potential of highest good is seen more clearly through our heart-minds that are harmoniously working together.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Maryhelen for taking the time to respond to this blog post. It was only 10 years ago, I felt like I would burst from all the knowledge gained over 30 years without an outlet to share it with others. I then started writing and finding that there are many people who can relate to the information. I so appreciate your description because I know many others will be able to relate to what you are saying. Sincerely, Nancy

  2. I will never forget the day the Blue Light Beings came through me on Mentoring Monday with a message for the group. The message was simple: The Blue Light Beings have come to earth to help us heal, but we need to ask for assistance if we want it. The Beings also mentioned that we may want to tune into the Blue Light event in November, 2023 for further assistance

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Donna. The other day they came through to say, we answer to the same supreme wisdom that you do. Nancy

  3. Sandra Owén:nakon Deer Avatar
    Sandra Owén:nakon Deer

    Hello Rebecca, my name is Sandra Deer. I am a Kanien’kehá:ka/a person of the Mohawk nation of the Six Nations Confederacy or sometime we’re known as the Iroquois by the French. I’ve been tuned in to your videos through the one and only, Pam Gregory. I have been spreading your videos to my woman chats since. Many years ago I saw a blue being standing over my body which was lying on the floor at my bedside, and I watched from my bed, the being was shaped like Gumby, I will never forget the legs and arms as they were shaped like that. The being leaned over my body and began to sprinkle blue dust or sprinkles, that’s how I saw it, similar to snowflakes I guess, but it sprinkled all that blue and while I think, all over me and it all began to absorb into my body. I wish I can recall the year it happened. And I’ve had the energy of love touch my hand once as I was about to wake up from my sleep, just like when you are waking, but still kind of asleep. I felt true love touch my hand and spread throughout my body. I recall, for many years I’ve been asking “what is love really, and what does it feel like”. And the song, “I want to know what love” by many artists, is the song that I would sing and ask creator as I was singing it.
    Anyhow, I don’t want to keep writing, I know you have so much to respond to. I just hope that you get my message, and I just really wanted you to know that many of us Indigenous or Native women do follow you and know that you speak truth according to our prophecies as well. Nia:wen/thank you so much
    Sandra Owén:nakon Deer

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Hello Sandra,
      I so appreciate finally finding time to check in on my blog site. Since the Blue Light Surge, so much has happened and continues to happen, in good ways (though a little overwhelming). It means so much to me to know you are out there, in the blue blessed light, uplifting others too. Please keep in touch. Sincerely, Nancy Rebecca

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