Water, A Sacred Altruistic Intelligence!

Water is one of the most sacred elements that we have on this earth. Water is incredibly important to the survival of all living things on the earth, in the earth, in the air and in our own body. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and the heart are 73% water, the lungs are 83% water, your skin is made up of 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% water and even your bones are made up of 31% water! You, as a human being MUST drink water for you to survive. For your human physical body to function, you need about 3 quarts of water per day so that your cells can process nutrition and dispose of waste products. You need water to regulate your body temperature, flush out waste products through your kidneys, your brain and spinal cord is surrounded by water to buffer against shock, and you need the fluid in your joints so they can move easily. Imagine, just the water you need to make tears for your eyes, and saliva for your mouth. Water is magical in all the ways is keeps us physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy!

Water is vital when it comes to maintaining a high functioning human energy field as well. You have an aura that is an energetic membrane the surrounds your entire human body. Yet, all living things also have an auric field. Imagine, blowing a soap bubble, releasing it into the air, mesmerized as it floats on the currents of invisible energy. As it spins and rolls along, there is a rainbow of liquid color, that moves and changes shape. Your auric field is just like that. It is in a constant state of movement, changing shape as it responds to the vibrations and frequencies of the energies around you. The more hydrated you are, meaning the more water you drink, the more resilient, light, bright and responsive your auric field is. Your chakras, energy centers are also more responsive to being well hydrated. The chakras open, close, respond and react to the energy in your environment. If you are low on water, they are less responsive, stuck, sluggish with a dingy aura because they can not “blow off” stuck energy as easily.

Water is a fantastic conductor of electricity and necessary for the functioning of your human body. However not just any water can conduct energy, because water must have salt in it for electricity to be able to travel and flow through the liquid. Your human body also needs salt (sodium) to be able to be a high conductor of electricity. Think about your nervous system of the brain and the spinal column as well as all the nerves that make up your entire electrical system like fine hairs that spark impulses to move your body. You may be well hydrated with pure water, but if you are low on sodium, you would experience severe muscle cramps. Adding a pinch of salt to your drinking water can be helpful when it is hot and you need a larger amount of water just so your nervous system can function in the way it is intended to.

Water, and being hydrated is a top priority for me when I am doing psychic readings. Remember water, and salt, create a saline type of fluid can be a high conductor of electricity. As an intuitive psychic, I rely on high level precision through intuitive impulses that flow through my auric field to my chakras as the way of reading the intuitive messages from my client’s energy field. In fact, the more hydrated my clients are the easier they are to be “read” and the more hydrated I am, the easier it is for me to pick up those intuitive insights. You might call this one of my trade secrets as a psychic, which is hydration. My clients will tell you that I keep several bottles of water next to my chair, to make sure hydration is easy for me. If you wish to truly have access to your intuition and to be able to rely on intuitive/psychic accuracy, then hydration should be at the top of your list. As a psychic reader, I can also become dehydrated very easily because when I am doing a reading, there is a high conduction of electrical impulses going on in my energy field and my fluid tank can run dry faster than when I am not doing readings.

Water is Life! These same truths can be applied to animals, trees, insects, birds, plants, sea creatures, and microorganisms. Not only do all of living things need water to conduct energy but water also moves life from one place to another. Water even moves up into the sky and back down to the earth as rain. Water becomes ice and snow and then snow, and ice become water again. Water moves down the mountains when the snow and ice melts and moves through rivers, streams, and creeks into the oceans. Ocean water, moves up to the sky, transforms and moves back to the earth. You can breathe air filled with humidity, exhale it back into the air, that gets picked up, to the sky and the wind can carry that same molecule of water around the world and rain that same droplet down in Africa, that humidifies the air that someone in Africa inhales. Water is the great conductor but also the great connector.

Let’s take water to a whole other level, a huge outer space level that stretches to the far corners of the universe level!
The Blue Celestial beings of light asked that I talk about just how incredible water is here on earth as well as in the entire solar system and beyond. Water, they say, is so incredibly sacred as the great communicator of universal wisdom and knowledge. Click Here to read more about how water is found by NASA researchers in vast far away places in outer space. Water molecules are found to exist in the Orion Nebula and these water molecules are in a constant state of formation. The Orion’s nebula is so vast that it creates enough water every single day to fill our earth’s oceans 60 times the amount on earth. That is a lot of water. According to NASA, this water, combined with other raw materials is the base that creates new planets and star systems.

Water molecules travel from the furthest reaches of the universe to our solar system. Then moves into our earth and back down through our eco system, turning to rain, soaking our planet, infusing our oceans, rivers and ground water systems for us to drink, to become a part of our human energy system. The Blue Celestial Beings of light showed me images of this movement of water swirling invisible throughout our entire galaxy and beyond carrying other worldly messages from one planetary system to another. They went further to explain that each drop of water is filled with trillions of bits of data that is shared with all the corners of the universe and to many high level ascended beings of light, they know just how highly valued this sacred knowledge is and treat it with such great reverence. In our most unconscious state, we breath in and we breath out, breath in, breath out, and never ever stop to absorb just how incredible this exchange of knowledge is in every single breath that we take.

To say water is sacred to the Blue Celestial Star Beings is an understatement. According to the Blues, as I call them; “Water is the great communicator, expressing the highest knowledge from the supreme divine wisdom keepers, and humans are the celestial messengers who were created to spread the divine messages across the earth and solar system. Humans have forgotten this knowledge and it is time to remember.” Breath in and Breath out! Going back to Orion’s nebula, Orion’s belt, and the planetary systems that include Sirias A and B, are known to be the home planets of the Sirias’, Pleiadeans, and Lemurians as well as many other ascended light beings. They went further to explain that indigenous cultures remember their ancestors from the stars, they remember that water is so incredibly sacred and as wisdom keepers of the water have fought long and hard to preserve this ancient wisdom. Others have not been ready before now to interpret this high level of universal knowledge and bring through the messages. We are waking up into higher states of consciousness that enable us to understand and respect water differently.

Are you a messenger here on earth intended to communicate the data shared through water? The Blues have shared some of the ways you may know you are one of waters divine messengers:

  1. When you drink a glass of water, do you express gratitude first?
  2. When you go to bathe or shower, do you thank the water for cleansing your body?
  3. When brushing your teeth, do you turn the water off until you are ready to rinse?
  4. When flushing your toilet, do you only flush when necessary?
  5. When washing dishes, do you use minimal water, and turn the tap off when rinsing or use a tub of rinse water?
  6. Do you save your used water and water your garden with it?
  7. When standing before an ocean, river, or stream do you offer a blessing of gratitude?
  8. When choosing to swim in water, do you ask the water for permission?
  9. Do you pray into water asking that the prayers be carried through its consciousness to other places or to other people?

Water is of the highest state of consciousness with knowledge we may never realize fully in our lifetime. The Blues prayer for you after reading this, is each time you fill a glass of water, that you make that soul to soul connection, and drink in the knowledge to blend with your knowledge and share the messages with others.


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