Hunters Camp South Africa Blue Light Series 2.8

The Blue Celestial light and its impending arrival on November 19th was never away from my conscious thoughts. With inner spiritual senses were on high alert waiting for any sign or symbol that would indicate our direction as we headed towards November 19th.

My research before leaving Tacoma Washington, led me to believe that I would find all those answers at Adam’s Calendar in South Africa. Adam’s Calendar is an ancient Megalithic Stone Structure found to be at least 200,000 years old. It was written about in the Ancient Sumerian Stone Tablets yet, not well known in the world. I had read that the vibrational frequency was quite high when standing in the stones and that is the place I thought I would be go to find the answers of the Blue Light.

I had allowed myself 5 full days to make the 14 hour round trip drive to Adam’s Calendar, as well additional days to explore the area around this ancient site. I had my heart fully set on visiting this special area, yet, my friends were very much against it. The area is too dangerous, there are too many gangs in the surrounding towns and tourist are highly targeted.

I took my friends advice into meditation and spoke to my ancestors about it. My ancestors said that if I chose to go, they would protect me and keep me safe, however, the energy of the danger would over shadow any sacred experience I had hoped to have. So, I sat with this change of intention and felt into what should unfold in those days I had set, for such an experience. Visions of several games reserves came to mind and my spirit bubbled with some excitement, so I stood up to go make my plans.

My friend Corniel, right away knew of a game reserve camp within a 2 hours drive and moved to make a few phone calls to see if there was any availability on short notice. Right away he got a call back confirming availability and at a low rate of 650 rand a night ($45.00). We began to make our plans. My friend Donna, my brother Mike and my sister in law Kathy would make our group of 4.

I would only find out after our arrival there just how synchronicity played a role in this plan that was linked to the Blue Light.

Our rough ride into the Hunters Camp, South Africa

Les Shaw, was the leader of the Anti Poacher teams that kept the animals safe from poachers. The electricity in the camp was only on for 2 hours each evening, enough to charge our cell phones and camera batteries. The Anti poachers dressed all in black, with automatic rifles and bullet proof vests. We had to follow Les into the camp past a check point of more guns. We began to wonder just where we had landed.

This area was extremely remote and housed only 5 stone igloo shaped cabins. We later found out the cabins were built this way so the elephants could not knock them down when they scratched their bums on them.

The Hunters Camp is the place where we had located the 2 rivers that had turned into 1, that I blogged about in the previous post.

Once we arrived, harried by the drive, we quickly unloaded our bags and parked the van under a canopy so the elephants would not try and push it over. All this talk of elephants in the camp raised our level of excitement and sense of adventure.

As rough as the exterior of the cabins looked, the insides were very beautiful. I am including several photos here of the inside of the cabins and a video to show a walk around the camp.

The earth energy here was incredible. With my clairvoyant sight, I can always see the energy that radiates from people, animals, trees, etc. I can see, how vibrant and untouched the earth is based on how high I see the earth energy. In some places the earth energy may only be 2 inches high from the soil, and in most places it averages about 3 feet high but in the Hunters Camp, the energy was at least 150 feet high. The earth was so potent here, that just sitting in the energy alone transforms you.

I will include several photos and another video to give you a greater sense of this incredible hidden gem of untouched land.

Although we were only here a few nights, we filled a large container with the river water here. Right where the two rivers become one and would later carry it along our journey over the next 10 days until November 19th, 2019, where we would use it in our ceremony.

I would also learn, that we were not only in the place called the Hunters Camp, but we would be having a Hunters full Moon and Orions belt is the belt of the Star Constellation known as the Hunter. The Orion star system contains the stars of Sirius that is connected to the Blue Celestial Light. These stars are known as the Blue Giants.

My spiritual instincts where on high alert and although I never really had time to explore more about the Hunter, I knew, it was significant for our trip. Although I never made it to Adam’s Calendar, the ancient ones would point us towards the Hunter.


2 responses to “Hunters Camp South Africa Blue Light Series 2.8”

  1. Arcane Avatar

    I did not know if Adam’s calendar. I am aware of Stonehenge .. in Britain, Australia and USA but not aware of this stone circle in South Africa.
    Very interesting. Thank you

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Yes, Arcane, you can find a lot of videos on it, through youtube. I lived in South Africa plus I have traveled there many times in the past twenty years and only recently learned of it. I wish that someone would study it more. Thank you. Nancy

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