Drakensberg Mountains, Blue Light Series 2.9

The Drakensberg Mountains are a long range of mountains located in South Africa. Throughout this entire range is filled with thousands of caves where the Sans Tribe once resided and the current day Bushman are said to be descendants of. The Sans were a Shamanic Tribe known for their peaceful ways. The area we take our groups to, is known to have a portal, where the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is quite thin.

Makhosi Cedric J Hood has developed his mountain property here as his own sacred home that he shares with spiritual groups to include our groups who wish to visit to deepen their own spiritual practice and self healing. We share similar experiences with the consciousness of Shiva, that did not come in the form of a book, but of a visitation and visions. Our experiences were separate, in different parts of the world, yet happened for each of us about 15 years ago, long before any knowledge of the Blue Light.

Shiva is not known as a spiritual being, although there are many images depicted of Shiva but more as consciousness as a creator and then also as a destroyer of what is no longer needed so that the energy of creation can form what is needed for our present moments. I do not see Shiva consciousness as different than the creator, but simply another name for the same consciousness of the divine. I could be wrong in the limitations of my mind, yet, the this is the way in which I categorize Shiva to make sense for me.

Makhosi Cedric John Hood, guiding our ceremony

It was when the Blue Celestial Beings began to visit me, that I began to make the connections between the Egyptian Gods, Shiva, the pyramids, Orion Star Constellation, the Hunter whose belt is made up of the Orion stars and Sirius. Often when I ask the Blue Celestial Beings for details on these synchronicity connections, their response back to me is always; “Do not be distracted by such things.” Therefore, if you are curious and wish to explore more about these connections then I encourage you to do so. There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet that will help you to connect those dots.

Our Spiritual Tour Group in Ceremony

Makhosi CJ began receiving messages from the Abalozi (zulu for Star Beings) years ago as well. He has been guided over the years to build a stone circle, a Stupa, a Shiva Lingam and a statue of Shiva, all of which are connected to the Abalozi and the high sacred consciousness of Shiva. We found it appropriate to be in this area around the time of the Blue Column of Light that would infuse the earth on November 19th, 2019 in Xian China, in the northern hemisphere. We would be guided to support the arrival of the Blue Light in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Portal in the Drakensberg Mountains, with Shiva

Although we would assume the Blue Light would come in like lightening, we would later learn that the deeper aspects of its power was through earth and nature. I meditated often at the site of these sacred monuments to Shiva, gaining great insight as to the purpose of the Blue Light. I would later integrate the information into the ceremony with our group.

Shiva and the Milky Way
Stones leading up to the Shiva Lingam and Shiva Statue

Limited access to the internet prevented me from sharing in the moment each of our ceremonies with the group around the Blue Light consciousness but wanted to share several post ceremony images here so that you can feel the energy for yourself.

The photos were taken by my brother Mike Bales, who stayed up most of the night to get these incredible shots of Shiva against the night sky. His photos have a copy right but if you wish to purchase any of these or others that he has you can visit his sight at: https://fineartamerica.com/art/mike+bales


10 responses to “Drakensberg Mountains, Blue Light Series 2.9”

  1. Inge Yeend Avatar
    Inge Yeend

    Amazing and thank you Nancy for everything yo are doing to help us understand and be part of this great shift here on mama Gaia.

  2. How do I get to this place

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      It is in South Africa…..are you asking about the Shiva Statue? Nancy

  3. ivan Naicker Avatar
    ivan Naicker

    please send me your contact details , I want to see the Shiva statue in Drakensberg.

  4. ivan Naicker Avatar
    ivan Naicker

    Please send me you contact details.
    I want to see the Shiva statue in the Drakensberg .
    Which part of Drakensberg is it.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      It is in Monks Cowl area, and actually, if you look up, Dragon Rock Reptile Center in South Africa, it is on that property. Many people are making a pilgrimage to see it, so I am not surprised that you are drawn to it. Nancy

  5. Hi Nancy

    Trust you are well…
    I would like to come to the berg to offer homage to Lord Shiva. I am blown away and drawn to visit him. Please let me know
    @ when I can and what am I suppose to bring with to honor the great one.
    @ Is there a cost
    @ do you offer accommodation as well… If so the cost
    @is there any specific attire to enter the sacred grounds
    @ how long do you allow us to linger on your sacred grounds

    Congrats and well done on your awesome sacred grounds. Look forward to visiting… Cannot wait


    Well done and congrats on having him so near to you always.

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      Hello Nadini,

      Please contact https://www.facebook.com/dragonrockreptilecentre, through this FB page. The Shiva statue and Lingam is located on the same property 30 minutes outside of Winterton South Africa. There is no cost to visit the property. I am located in the United States but the owners of the property have shared with me that often the Shiva statue has visitors and they welcome it. Please phone them to ask your questions. Sincerely, Nancy

  6. Raveena BRIJMOHAN Avatar
    Raveena BRIJMOHAN

    wow this is beautiful i just love lord shiva and i hope to visit this sight soon i am not very far from here i live in estcourt a small town
    not far from winterton

    thank you soooooo much for this

    om namah shivaya

    1. Intuitive Mind Avatar
      Intuitive Mind

      I have been to Escourt Many times. The Blue Shiva is in Monks Cowel. Hopefully you can see it in person, soon.

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