Avatars of the Plant Kingdom, Trees

Avatars of the Plant Kingdom especially trees is a symbolic representation of tree wisdom. An Avatar is a manifestation of a deity or a soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher. In this blog, we explore these divine teachers of the Tree Kingdom. Deities who choose to come through as a tree.

Australia, home of Aboriginal Elder Uncle Bob Randall, and Elder Keeper of the sacred area of Uluru, guided our group of healers, as we walked this incredible land 22 years ago. I was just a “baby healer” then, not really certain of this other world, my new clairvoyant sight had opened me to. I had saved every penny I could find in the couch cushions, cashed in a small retirement account, so I could travel 6 weeks through Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii. It was going to be an experience to work with the ancient indigenous healers and I knew I would never get another opportunity like this. To be up close, and personal, sharing in their ancient wisdom of the unseen world.


Elder, Uncle Bob, taught me many things and most of those had to do with love and the love of his culture and land. His smile filled every space he stepped into. He delighted in story telling, knowing deeply he was awakening us to the “first peoples” deep connection with mother earth. As we walked he shared about dream time, how younger children go out on their first vision quest, living off the land at 6 years old. Uncle bob would dig up the worms and feed them to us, sharing real life experiences to go along with his stories.

However, one story he told has stayed with me all these years. See these trees he asked? Captivated, we all looked over to see where he was pointing. There was a large tree base, white bark, with 5 single tree trunks sharing one root system. He explained that the trees were his family, his ancestors who came from the stars. He went further to share, that when the light beings touched down onto the earth, is where the tree grew. You can tell, he said, just how ancient the star being is by how many trunks come out of one base! To the aboriginal people, a tree was not simply a tree, it was a sacred deity, a sacred being, to be honored, respected and revered.

We walked everywhere with Uncle Bob and each time, we witnessed the trees with multiple trunks, we smiled, curiously, as we attempted to wrap our minds around the truths that his culture embodied in their bones. Since that time, every where I go in the world, I take special notice of the tree clusters, tipping my hat in acknowledgement of the ancient wisdom they hold. Here in the Pacific Northwest, the evergreen state, named for all the trees we share the land with, it feels like a treasure hunt when walking through the forest.

You see, this topic came to me through the Blue Celestial Beings of light. If you are not familiar with my story of the blue celestial beings, please follow this link here to read the first chapter of the story. Each blog following will guide you through a summary of my journey to understand this high knowledge of ascended beings. Titled the Blue Awakening, read here.

The first surge of blue celestial light came on 11-19-2019. A group of us traveled to South Africa, and held ceremony there in the prophesized date. There is to be another blue light surge in 2021 and 2023. Here is that link to my blog; https://www.intuitivemind.org/2019/12/the-blue-light-anchors-into-the-earth-11-19-2019-3-1/

The predicted date of the blue light surge is projected to infuse the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan, just outside of Mexico City on 11-19-2021. The Blue Star beings asked that I create a monthly topic that would stabilize not only our human energy field, but also we were asked to repair the missing capstone at the top of the Sun Pyramid. This topic of the trees, is one of the topics the star beings felt strongly about. Therefore, I hope this gives you some basic context to the rest of the blog.

Avatars, is how the star beings reference the trees here on earth. Trees are the keepers and caretakers of consciousness. So when I asked, why is it so important that I write about, Avatars, of the plant kingdom, trees, I had a lot of questions.

Why now and what do trees have to do with star beings? The Blue celestial beings responded telepathically that earth, and everything on it, was created from star dust. Star dust particles came to this planet, whether by natural descending through our atmosphere, or purposefully infused by other galaxies. We can not possibly know, but we are star dust, we are golden as Joni Mitchell sang in her 1970 Woodstock song.

The cycle of time has changed as well, according to the Mayan Calendar. The Mayans were incredible astronomers, mathematicians, and cosmologist. They were the most advanced culture that we knew of at the time. So, when asking why now? The answer is, because it is time! The 26,000 year Mayan calendar predicts that we are currently just coming out of the dark ages and entering the golden ages again. Here is a ling that may better clarify this. https://www.derekoneill.com/what-is-the-golden-age/

We have also moved into the age of Aquarius, which is lighter frequency, as an air sign. Air signs in astrology, allow us to feel more light hearted, light minded in consciousness. Over the next few years, we will be rapidly ascending in our awakening journey, allowing many new thought discoveries, not possible before. This is why, the blue celestial beings asked that I write about; Avatars of the plant kingdom, trees.

Trees are the wisdom and knowledge keepers of consciousness. They store trillions upon trillions of information, shared amongst their many root systems. Although, there are trees that are considered more special than others, by humans. The celestial realms consider all trees as wisdom keepers, significant in awakening us towards enlightenment. All trees have a deity, a spirit aligned with tree structure.

Gratitude is the key to unlocking this information that has been dormant to the western minded humanity. Indigenous peoples have never forgotten the ancient tree wisdom, waiting until we had the consciousness to know it ourselves. The great teachers, writers, oracles, philosophers, and prophets knew to stand under a sacred tree or in a circle grove of trees, to have access and unlock the deeper wisdom and share it with others. Those who listened where tapped into the same tree consciousness, allowing the knowledge to stick to their bones. Meaning the listener can take in the information at a deeper level.

When we are unconscious, we believe everyone and everything is unconscious as well. In 1964, a geologist by the name of Donal Currey cut down a tree in Nevada, so he could study it. When he counted the rings of the tree is when he had this sinking feeling that he had done something horribly wrong. As it turned out, this tree, now named, Prometheus, was the oldest living tree in the world. This tree had 5,000 years of recorded consciousness in its DNA. It also had recorded consciousness, of solar flares, moon cycles, floods, and droughts. This ancient avatar was a record keeper and suddenly it was simply gone. Methuselah is the name of another Bristlecone Pine and its location remains a secret as a precaution to preserve it for future generations.

All trees carry an aspect of consciousness, and as humans we can benefit by sitting under the canopy of all varieties of trees. Allow me to share a little tree wisdom with you.

Sequoia – This majestic avatar, holds the deepest ancient wisdom and is known as the great creator and destroyer. When I asked the Sequoia if I could have access to its ancient wisdom, it responded firmly with; What is your desire and intended purpose that would allow you to think you can have access to this ancient knowledge? This avatar repeatedly asked me the same question until I could settle on an answer that was truly from the heart and then the sequoia consciousness would engage with me.

Cedar – Broadcaster of knowledge. This avatar, broadcast ancient knowledge and wisdom as humans are able to hear the information.

Redwoods – Also broadcasters of knowledge along its root systems. I found its signal is very weak. When exploring this, was told that many people visit the redwoods to heal their problems, but do not express gratitude. Flooding the tree with sincere gratitude unlocks its wisdom. This is true for all trees.

Mountain Ash/ Rowan – This avatar, assist us with knowing our life path and purpose. Trees know their purpose, and embody that purpose. Mountain Ash specifically assist with this.

Oak – This avatar brings heaven and earth into the heart of humanity. Very healing, and cleansing.

Maple/ Cotton woods – I have found these tree avatars to be very healing with comforting energies.

Alders – Avatars of divination powers especially for diagnosing health issues.

Apple – Avatars of nourishment, and focus. Druids made wands out of several woods, but it is said that the apple tree was one of the favorites for wands.

Yew – A master Avatar, so respected for its ability to carry and guard high level ancient knowledge, that the stories say, even if wood was scares, no one would cut down the yew tree. It is the wisdom keeper of immortality, divinity, death, resurrection and the guardian of the underworld. Druids were known to plant a Yew tree on sacred spots. A very toxic tree, known to heal cancer.

Again, these are just a few trees mentioned. I encourage you to create a journal, writing down the different trees you sit with and the knowledge shared between you.

I was curious if there were trees in the world that were considered the most sacred of all? I found that each country, each culture, has a tree that is sacred to them and there is not one tree that is more special than another.

Middle East – The Spina Christi tree, with thorns that made up Christ’s crown. However, it is also mentioned in the Koran as a sacred tree.

Asia – Pine/Cypress/Fir, known for their ability to weather the storms while remaining true to your authentic self.

Russia – The White Birch, revered for renewal and purification

Siberia – Tuuru Tree, believed to be the wood that was used for the Shamans drum. Ancient teachings about the shaman is born into the top canopy of a tree and remains until the shaman awakened enough to travel down to the trunk and roots.

South America – The Ceiba Tree, similar to Siberian folklore, where the canopy is the upper world, the trunk the middle world (here on earth now) and the roots is the underworld.

Northern Native American – Cedar Tree, Mother earth, father sky

The Blue Light Celestial Star Beings have great reverence for ALL trees as these great avatars of the plant kingdom have stood steadfast in holding onto ancient consciousness that goes beyond our earth, to the stars and beyond. We are waking, slowly to a new awareness of just how conscious our planet earth is. We are waking to what we are capable of has highly evolved human beings.

It is time to download these ancient teachings, one tree avatar at a time!


2 responses to “Avatars of the Plant Kingdom, Trees”

  1. Laurel Freeland Avatar
    Laurel Freeland

    my heart is opening just reading about trees here.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      I have not thought of them in awhile, thank you for the reminder. Nancy

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