Are You a Pleiadean or Sirian Star Seed?

Have your ever wondered if you are a Pleiadean or Sirian Star Seed? According to believers, Pleiadeans are one celestial being but there are many types of celestial star beings that came from other planets and live here on earth. A “Star Being” is a celestial spirit that lives in another part of the universe in a different galaxy and star system. A “Star Seed” is a human here on earth that carries within their own DNA and ancestral lineage a connection with a certain star being. In this blog posts, I will be writing about Pleiadean and Sirian Star Beings, Star Seeds, their personality and frequency traits. I also did a talk about this in a Facebook Live talk on the Blue Light Movement Page. If you are not a member of my Blue Light Movement Group and find this topic interesting and curious, then you are invited and welcome to request to join.

Pleiades and Sirius are in the same area of the sky

Did your soul really originate here on earth? Do you believe that it just might be possible that you are a Star Seed? In 2017, during a deep meditation, contemplating one of many life, real life issues, I was suddenly interrupted by an atmospheric change in the room. A high pitched frequency pierced my hearing and my eyes popped opened wide as the room filled with Tall Blue Celestial Beings, encircling me. I was not frightened at all, surprised, confused because I had never witnessed anything like this as a clairvoyant, but not afraid. When the high pitched ring calmed and my own energy field adapted, I said hello and asked if I could help them with something. Telepathically, they said, we need you to go to China in search of information about the blue light coming to the earth. Did I think I was a star being, star seed? Absolutely not because I had never heard of such a thing. However, I did go to China and you can click here to read the blog posts from the beginning.

There is a Tremendous amount of ancient and current writings that indicate earth is being supported by Star beings

Pleiadeans and Sirians are here to help humanity during this great time of change in the earth. However, according to a lot of material written, these 2 different classes of star beings have been coming to the earth since the beginning of humanity. Some writings say humans were created by star beings, other writings says, humans were already here and interbred with the star beings, creating a hybrid human. My own experience has shown me that most humans on earth have star seeds within their ancestral lines. In your ancestral line, you have your mothers line and your fathers line. Then you have your mothers parents line and your fathers parents lines. When I do an ancestral reading, using my clairvoyance, I will scan each of your 4 family lines, for information about the DNA, wisdom and knowledge you carry and draw upon that creates your personality and life learnings. What I have found is that everyone has at least 1 ancestral line that carries the star seed essence. Out of 100% of ancestor readings, about 30% will have two lines that have star seed essence that is carried from the ancestors. Only once, have I read someone’s ancestors to find they had 3 very strong lineages of star seed essence that they carry and this individual is a first nations elder from Canada.

Sirians and Pleiadeans both are known for their blue celestial light and of the Blue Ray

Pleiadeans come from the star system of the Taurus constellation, a cluster of about 800 stars, of which the Pleiades is known as the 7 sisters. A bright blue group of 7 stars. According to multiple writings, the advanced cultures Lemurians and Atlanteans, were seeded from Pleiadeans. These advanced cultures experienced a similar rapid expansion of consciousness through heightened frequencies on the earth, but through power struggles were not able to survive. Sound familiar? It is believed that the 3rd time is a charm and this time we are going to make it. Although I am certain anyone could present an argument to the contrary just based on what has happened on earth in the last several hundred years!

Pleiadeans are a highly advanced frequency from the 5th dimensional realm who believe at their core the value of unity consciousness. Pleiadeans know the knowledge that the most dominant frequency wins and that we as humans are heavily influenced by many frequencies that may not be for the highest good of humanity. Pleiadeans are committed to serve higher consciousness and use their intention to help block lower dominating frequencies such as war, hate, corruption, greed and racism to provide us the best opportunity to move our awakening process ahead. I personally call them frequency warriors, but they are so much more than that. They tell me that they are “Masters at manifesting” thought forms quickly into matter. They have a thought and it manifest into form. However, here on earth, the complex systems of beliefs and limited thinking, challenges the ability to manifest requiring a stronger emotional base. Those who have Pleiadean star seed connections, are masters at manifesting what they want, when they want. They are masters of creativity and love as these are natural states of the 5th dimensional realm. Their frequency filters some of the harsh energies on the earth to buy us time to align with our higher thought forms of being, knowing that we are pushing through the last years of dark ages, to enter the golden ages.

Pleiadean Star Seed personality traits in human form:

  1. Young souls, with old sage humanitarian qualities and carriers of ancient wisdom.
  2. Strongly empathic, sensitive, emotional, and creative. May cry often, using tears as a vehicle to wash away blocked energies.
  3. Very gentle by nature, nurturing, family oriented, great with children and animals.
  4. Often will feel and know they have a big mission here on earth.
  5. Can not tolerate violence, hurting or harming someone else at all.
  6. Want to please others even if your own needs may not be met.
  7. Very interested in Astrology, Astronomy, spirituality, metaphysics.
  8. Natural born healers, choosing fields in medicine, counseling or using all forms of creative arts, performing, as a form of healer. Must learn to not over heal.
  9. Often, of northern European heritage, Nordic, Viking, tall, and many have blue eyes.
  10. Works with high levels of feminine energy and qualities, elegant, high class.
  11. Pleiadeans have unwavering faith, very generous, kind and free spirited.
  12. Fantastic first class communicators, oracles, and teachers.
  13. Pleiadeans are here to unveil the deeper meaning of life.
  14. Drawn to anything having to do with water and have a powerfully strong connection to Whales and Dolphins.
Do You have Pleiadean or Sirian Star Seeds traits in your DNA?

Sirius Celestial Star Beings, come from the star constellation of Orion and two stars known as Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius star beings are strongly linked to many ancient cultures from around the world. It is said that right now on our earth it is considered one of the most important stars to focus on and our evolution here on earth. One of the more well known is the Egyptian culture with connections to Osiris, Isis and Horus. The sign of Sirius in Egyptian hieroglyph is the star and triangle. It is also associated with ancient pyramids found all over the world. Click here to read more about the connection between the Egyptians and Sirius. In West Africa are the Dogon Tribe whose written and oral history describe the journey their ancient ancestors made from Sirius coming to earth in the form of dolphins. (The Ancient Secret Flower of the Flower of Life, volume 1 & 2, written by Drunvalo Melchizedek is a great reference if you wish to know more.) click here, to order the books.

The Sirian Culture is considered to provide the prototype for how our cultural evolution on earth will evolve. The Sirians are high frequency star beings of the 6th dimensional realm. Sirians are known to be the guardians of high level ancient knowledge and universal intelligence. They are masters at mathematics, sciences, and quantum physics. They share with me that they have stored this high level of knowledge in the crystalline grid inside the earth. Each time we infuse the crystals at the core of the earth, we enable the release of knowledge to be available to humanity. Sirians are activating this knowledge expecting us to make new discoveries, inventions, and new ways of seeing how we can move energy with our thoughts. The Blue light beings who visited me in 2017 are Sirians. The blue light frequency that started infusing the earth in 2019 is of the Sirians known as coming from the blue ray.

Sirian Star Seed personality traits in human form:

  1. Sirians come from what is known as the water planet, to earth as Dolphins, Whales and merpeople.
  2. Sirians are believed to be the awakeners of humans, and from the 6D realm.
  3. Brilliant minds in mathematics, sciences and quantum physics. Love structure, invention, and improving current patterns to make them better.
  4. Sirians, are the peace keepers as well as guardians of the world and our galaxy. Their soul purpose is to watch over and guide us through the troubling times towards our evolution.
  5. Sirians are very open minded, prefer spiritual simple lives, are open minded, neutral and are more distant from their emotions.
  6. Sirians recognize their soul groups and are extremely loyal to their friends.
  7. Sirians have a fun sense of humor and let that silly fun nature out once they get to know you better.
  8. Known as the diamonds of spiritual beings, because of their clarity, purpose and focused direction.
  9. Calm, well adjusted, do not let their feathers get ruffled easily, and easily maintain a higher sense of spiritual perspective to life. Very little can take them down even if their life is falling down around them.
  10. Drawn to all knowledge of Ancient civilizations, myths and legends.
  11. Visionaries, day dreamers, easily can see the bigger picture.
  12. Every year, the Sirian Portal Opens on August 8th, known as the Lions Gate. Sirians are also known as Lyrans, and associated with Sehkmet the Lion Goddess.
  13. Sirians prefer personal freedom over power, possessions and money.
  14. Sirians do not express emotions and can be hesitant to open up to others.
  15. Sirians are invested in saving animals and the planets ecosystems.

Pleiadeans and Sirians are from neighboring star systems and have been working together for the ultimate upliftment of this great time of change on the earth. These two star being groups have been through this evolutionary process with us here on earth many times. Reading the personality traits and qualities of both groups may find you being able to relate to each one. This is because you are highly likely a hybrid of the two.

If you had told me even 5 years ago that I would be entertaining the idea of even writing about galactic star beings I would have laughed at the lack of plausibility of this. Yet here I am and here we are and I suspect our future will find us exploring all kinds of topics we would have not thought possible before. What a magical world we live in and I am comforted knowing I am in great company!


5 responses to “Are You a Pleiadean or Sirian Star Seed?”

  1. I love looking through a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you Christene. Yes, we are growing in our way to understand Star beings as they begin to become more present on the earth and awakening the DNA inside of us.

  2. Maria Carr Avatar
    Maria Carr

    So in 2001, when 4 blue being stitched up an enegetic leak from my c-section scar… so they must of been sirians as i felt i knew them.? Interesing article.

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Sirians and Pleidians have very different energies, personalities and purposes. Yet, they also came together to support each other and also blend their DNA …. But yes, I do see Sirians as more of the blue beings and they are making such a strong presence in Ireland right now. Since you are from Ireland, I imagine you would have a close connection with them.

  3. Thank you for this post, The clearest I read on the subject up to now.
    It was somehow a relief to read about the possibility of being a hybrid. I relate to most of the traits of the sirian starseed but I am open in expressing my emotions and I cry easily to remove blockages, which relates more a sirian starseed trait.

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