Category: Dynamics of Energy Health!

  • Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy

    Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy

    ‘Unlocking Cosmic Prophecy’ is an inner intuitive dormant quality that seems to be awakening all of humanity. This writing hopes to ignite curiosity about what prophecy truly is and how would you recognize if you have had a prophetic moment. The Frequency Forecast predicts new frequencies are coming through that just may be activating this…

  • August Frequency Forecast – Lion’s Gate

    August Frequency Forecast – Lion’s Gate

    August Frequency Forecast, focusing on the Potent Lion’s Gate portal is one of the biggest influencers to this month’s frequency forecast. Expansion through several dimensions is the word of the day, every day over the next several months.

  • Ignite Your Inner Root

    Ignite Your Inner Root

    When your root chakra is blocked and unable to be in the flow of life you can feel like a vulnerable kitten afraid of its shadow or any movement at all. If you were exposed to unhealthy situations in childhood (some cases traumatic) the root chakra learns to remain on high alert, vigilant in scanning…

  • Frequency Forecast for July

    Frequency Forecast for July

    The frequency Forecast for July on the one hand is bulging with potent expansion and on the other hand, it is a gentle rising like riding an escalator up to the next floor (gentle and easy). So get ready for an exhilarating journey into the depths of your being as we dive into the July…

  • United We Stand

    United We Stand

    United we stand takes you through a transformative journey of unity consciousness in our evolving and awakening world. In a time where old structures and beliefs crumble, the prospect of forging a new world order can feel overwhelming. It is during such moments that we realize the power of coming together, for when we are…