Warriors for Love | February 2018

In my meditation back in October of 2017, I was told it was now time for me to begin my warrior training. I have a very strong meditation practice and just as strong of a head that can slow my spiritual journey to a crawl. I contemplated the word warrior as I thought of myself, and in that inner search I could not find one morsel of warrior inside of me. The thought came, “I am a lover, not a fighter!” I felt the resistance, so common to most of us, rise up to ask for a different word than warrior. I was looking for a word that would best fit my head, so my heart could receive it. My soul, and ancestors challenged back at me that warrior is the word that is needed and my inner work will assist me to see it with clarity.

So here we are in February and yep, I am still at it, cultivating my inner landscape that continues to tell me a warrior is one who fights battles, goes to war, and starts wars. Aligning that word with love just did not weave into a seamless flow through my soul. So, I began my research, which led me to angels so that I might find a union between warrior and love.

First sphere, level of the Angelic Realm

Seraphim are six winged Angels who are regarded as the highest angelic class and they are caretakers of God’s throne. They are known to shout, “Holy, holy, holy is the lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” When researching images of Seraphim, they are not painted as beautiful beings. When I have seen them, they always tend to travel in groups.

These angelic beings have four faces; man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They are known to have 4 wings that are covered with eyes. Cherubim are guardians of the path to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden as well as guardians of the throne of God. They are often confused with Putti’s which are the infant like beings seen in figurative art.

The name of these celestial beings come from the Greek word, “thronos” which means elders. They appear in some writings as a wheel within a wheel, covered in eyes similar to cherubim. They are considered to be living symbols of God’s (the divine’s) justice and authority and one of their symbols is a throne. Others see them as a group of elders, who listen to the will of the Divine and present to God the prayers of the people.

Second sphere, level of Angelic Realm

Dominions is a Greek word that means Lordships. The Dominions or Lordships as celestial beings have the primary duty to regulate the tasks of the lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans. The Dominions are believed to look like divinely beautiful humans with a pair of feathered wings, much like the angels we are most familiar with. They are said to be distinguished by the orbs of lights on their scepters and swords.

The Virtues
This category of Angels are those through which signs and miracles are made in the world! The term Virtues is linked to the attribute, “MIGHT”, which combines virtue and power. Just naming of the holy Virtues signify a certain powerful and unshakable virility that wells forth in their Godlike energies; not for a moment weak or feeble for any reception of the divine illuminations granted to them. Never failing in their divine life through weakness, but ascending unwaveringly to the super essential virtue which is the source of virtue.

The Powers
The Powers primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies to ensure that the entire cosmos remains in order. These are warrior angels who oppose evil spirits, especially an evil that uses matter in the universe. These celestial beings are seen as soldiers wearing full armor, helmet, with defensive and offensive weapons such as shields, spears and chains. The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history. Their highest duty is to oversee the distribution of power among mankind!

Third sphere, level of Angelic Realm

The Principalities
Principalities also known as the Rulers are the angels that guide and protect nations, groups of people and institutions. The Principalities preside over the bands of angels and charge them with fulfilling their divine ministry. The Principalities/Rulers are known to wear a crown and carry a scepter. Their primary duty is to carry out the orders given to them by the upper sphere of angels and bequeath those blessings to the realm of earth. They are said to inspire the arts and sciences.

These celestial beings title of Archangel is derived from the Greek archein, to mean first in rank and power. The seven Archangels are written to be Michael, Raphael, Raguel, Zerachiel, Gabriel, Uriel, and Remiel. However, there are many ancient texts that give the seven different names. The seven Archangels are said to be the guardians of nations and countries and are concerned with issues and events including politics, military matters, commerce and trade.

Messengers, or the lowest order of the angels, are the most recognized. These angels are sent as messengers to humanity. Personal guardian angels are in this category and are not separate but within the order of all angels. It is a common belief and written in many ancient texts that an angel is assigned to every human being here on earth.

In this research we can begin to see that there are many levels of celestial beings in the Angelic realm, just as there are many levels of consciousness that call to our souls at a human level. Move to the exercise in the energy tips section to illuminate which realm of angels speaks most to you!

Energetic Health Tips for February

In our newsletter this month we highlighted the realms of the angels. It is a deep reminder that we are not alone, we are not abandoned in this Time of Great Madness. On so many realms we are being watched over, supported and loved. In this segment, lets meditate on each one. This may require many meditations, so choose the category you desire to know more about for this exercise.

1. Create a sacred space where you won’t be disturbed and light a candle if you choose to symbolically represent the divine light.

2. Have your journal close by, make yourself comfortable.

3. Ground yourself deeply to the center of the earth. Allow yourself to breathe a fresh breath of air in (inspired) and exhale out all old outdated energies that do not currently serve you.

4. As you read through the three spheres of angels, which level, which celestial beings seemed to call to your heart the most?

5. Ask for their divine presence to make themselves known to you. If you feel that the power of their being is too strong for you then ask them to move back a bit until you are more comfortable. Allow yourself to know them in your heart.

6. Feel their presence, where do you feel it the most. What message does this feeling say to you?

7. Communicate with them. If you only hear silence, what message is in that silence? If you hear words, what message is in those words? If you only hear sound, what message is in that sound?

8. What do you see? With your eyes closed, ask your third eye to open and show you a vision of them. In that vision, what message do you see, what are they showing you?

9. After you have completed your introduction and communication, thank them for taking the time to present themselves to you. Allow yourself to feel, know, hear and see them leave. Then feel into the room with their presence gone.

10. Journal about your experience, how are you changed by it?

11. Provide time this month to visit with each category of the angelic/celestial beings. Cultivate these relationships. We are going to really need them in the weeks, months and years to come.


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