1:1 Reading with Nancy

Nancy Rebecca is no longer scheduling private individual readings until further notice at this time.  Nancy’s individual sessions with 3 generations of clients spanning 25 years makes her decision to no longer offer private sessions a deeply heartfelt one for her. 

Psychic Mastery 1, 2 and 3 our 12-month virtual learning programs are accelerating in student enrollment signaling Nancy to shift her spiritual direction towards group learning and group readings.

In addition, we will be offering more group opportunities through webinars, educational talks, Facebook Live teachings, and YouTube videos.  If you are not already on our mailing list please sign up here to receive event announcements in your inbox.

Nancy has been teaching individuals Professional Psychic Development since 2007.  Not everyone who graduates chooses a career as a Psychic Reader preferring to incorporate their learned skills into their current jobs. 

However, we do have a list of Advanced Graduates, who have their own websites, offering Psychic Readings and Healings to help you to gain insight and wisdom into your own life. 

Click here to contact Kathy Bales (Intuitive Mind – Office Manager) and she will be happy to send you links to their websites so you can make your best decisions for yourself.  We do not make personal recommendations allowing you room to take responsibility for your own intuitive guided choices.