Perspective | February 2017

Spiritual perspective, what does that actually mean?  It means simply that we view everything in our life with our spiritual eyes, not our physical eyes.  Seeing with our spiritual eyes, shows us why everything must unfold the way it does so that we know there is a divine purpose.  The weight of the issue is the same in the spirit world whether it is traumatic or joyous.  This difference in perspective is why most of society has trouble grasping higher level spiritual concepts.  This higher level perspective places the event on an experiential learning scale; nothing more, nothing less.

When the twin towers came down on September 11th, 2001 it was a huge shock to the entire world.  It was an act of violence against humanity.  We no longer felt safe in our own country and this event colors how we now view the world.  When you thought of all the people who lost their lives tragically that day, there was enormous grief; along with fear as you wondered if at any moment your life might be over as well.  Yet switching to a spiritual perspective, how this same event is seen takes on an entirely different view.  What if your spiritual perspective, and guidance relayed to you that all of those souls who lost their lives that day, had made a spiritual agreement to be a part of this event to help wake up the world and to help shake us up at our core spiritually, to force us to dig deeper and to remember what is really important in life?  Who would actually agree to do something like that knowing the pain their loved ones left behind would experience? 

From a high spiritual level, each player is a soul, who has agreed to play a role for our highest learning.  Yet it is difficult from a human perspective to see that even a terrorist who murders others has a higher soul agreement.  This fine balance challenges us to bring the spiritual perspective of the higher soul into the realm of our human experience and understand it from both places. 

Illness also takes on a different view when seen from a spiritual perspective.  How many times have you heard someone say, “My cancer is a gift”?  Receiving a diagnosis of a life threatening illness pushes you to look at your life and review what is truly important to you.  That is why I view all illness as a spiritual crises that pushes us to change, when we have struggled to make the changes we have long needed to before. 

Most recently, I was whining, while sitting in meditation.  I had a list of whines about the global crises in Syria, Ukraine, France, Germany, North Korea, and here in the USA.  The list went on about the hatred, racism, sexual abuse and degradation of those of a different religion or sexual orientation.  Suddenly I heard a loud spiritual voice shout, “HEY, get some perspective here!”

Then that voice said, “Oh you spiritual people are always talking about love and light, love and light!”  Then that same voice went on to say, “The light worker’s job is to raise the vibration of the planet and to do this you must stir up the darkness and transform it into the light.  You have done this, and now that you have stirred up all this old hate, racism, and human oppression, lies, and manipulations, you want to complain because you have to live in it, and blame others for it!”  Then the final message was, “Now get to work!”

This message really shook me out of my ego for sure!  I did find myself blaming others for their bigotry, and I did see myself as having a higher sense of humanity and what was right for the world.  I had forgotten to take a look at the spiritual perspective of why things are unfolding the way they are now.  I got caught in only my humanness and forgot to see events from both perspectives.  So for those light workers who have been preparing for this great time of change on our planet, make sure you read further to the Energy Tips to do the work we came to do, turn the darkest of the dark towards the light!

Energy Tips

In this segment of energy tips is a written suggestion on how you can participate in healing our current local and world struggles.  However, please use whatever tools you enjoy using as well as connecting in and adding prayers. 

When I received the message I was also shown an image.  In this image, spirit showed thousands of light workers meditating and the sky getting brighter and brighter and all light workers bathing in the light as happy as could be.  Then the build up to the election and the actual election allowed an enormous black abscess of hatred to break wide open and pour out of the earth.  The light workers were shocked, squeamish, and judging the hatred as they sat high above the black cloud.  So let us get our heads on straight again, get our hands dirty and get to work!

  1. Find a quiet place to meditate, contemplate, or pray. 
  2. Allow yourself to close your eyes and follow your breath by expanding fresh calming relaxing energy into your lungs and exhaling old stress, anxiety and worry. Do this as long as necessary to get yourself ready for the bigger work. 
  3. Imagine you are grounding to the center of the earth with an image that your own spirit shows you as just right for you. Release more stress.
  4. Now imagine yourself floating high above the black cloud into the golden light clouds. Imagine you are looking down on earth, seeing the billowing clouds of hatred.  Notice what you are feeling as you observe this cloudiness from a spiritual and human perspective.  Ask for divine intervention to assist you to release your own judgements. 
  5. Set your intention to be a healing presence for the divine. Be a clear vessel/channel for divine love, healing and light.  You can choose one or more options as a way to help.
  6. Imagine a golden beam of light radiating down through the black clouds into the earth and then set your intention to anchor the loving light deep into the earth.  Repeat this process as often as you can in different parts of the world. 
  7. Imagine a large golden ball of light and love above the black clouds and intend that this light shower down through the clouds intending to transform it into light.
  8. Imagine divine earth energy shooting up from the divine earth mother like a fountain or geyser, transforming the black cloud to a neutral form and then ground the residual down to the center of the earth to be recycled into reusable neutral energy.
  9. Pray for ascended masters, angels, spiritual guides, ancestors, or spirit animals to come into the darkness and assist it to clear while you observe.
  10. You can choose one or all of the options and see which one best suits your spiritual style. 


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